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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Krydos is the one who really knows about Django. He'll probably be able to figure this out instantly, whereas I'd have to stumble through it (I'm a PHP guy). Your line endings were still dos, and the sys.path.append in the dispatch.wsgi was pointed to the wrong place, but I fixed both of them and it still won't run. The error logs aren't very helpful, they just show it failing on line 10, which is the get_wsgi_application() call. [Tue Mar 30 15:28:24.586816 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 6430] [client] File "/home/takame/public_html/lifecounter/dispatch.wsgi", line 10, in <module>, referer: http://takame.heliohost.org/ [Tue Mar 30 15:28:24.583458 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 6430] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=6430): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/home/takame/public_html/lifecounter/dispatch.wsgi'., referer: http://takame.heliohost.org/ [Tue Mar 30 15:28:24.583375 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 6430] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=6430): Failed to exec Python script file '/home/takame/public_html/lifecounter/dispatch.wsgi'., referer: http://takame.heliohost.org/
  2. Did you make the files on Windows? If so, you probably need to convert the line-endings to unix style (Notepad++ can produce/convert files to use unix line endings). Python stuff does not like files with Windows/DOS line endings.
  3. We are unable to move Ricky accounts to Johnny for free. If we did, everyone else on Ricky would want to do that as well just so their site isn't down. Johnny doesn't have the capacity for all of those accounts. Restoring it on Johnny also means it wouldn't move back on its own when Ricky is back up. Since you've already created a new one anyway, please use that for now.
  4. You were using an unsupported configuration involving an A record to Ricky's shared IP. The shared IP is different for Tommy, and this improper configuration is also why you see two different things for the plain domain and www. The name servers are the supported way of pointing a domain here.
  5. You need to change your name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org at your registrar. As of now, that domain is not hosted with us: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=felixfasel.com&rec=NS
  6. You MUST use https://heliohost.org/login/ or https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ (with nothing after the / ) or the logins won't count. Our experience has been that a lot of people will either start typing "tommy" and select from browser history, or they use a bookmark, that points to one of the pages ending in .html that's inside of cPanel. These will not count and should not be used to log in.
  7. Moving this to questions for better visibility. I think it is, but I'm not terribly familiar with the Java capabilities, so someone else should be able to say for sure.
  8. Once you add it to your account in cpanel, the server can tell which content belongs to which domain based on the apache configuration. When you add the site in cpanel, a virtual host is created in the apache configuration for it, which specifies its document root among other things. The server just looks at the domain in the request headers to determine where it should be looking for content. This works for pretty much everything these days with the exception of SSL connections on Windows XP and older, which don't work due to a combination of our servers no longer having TLS 1.1 support and the OSes and browsers lacking support for Server Name Indication and newer TLS versions.
  9. @Jenova: The script doesn't work when the new domain is one of the free subdomains. The admin tools will change, but the server itself ignores the change request. In a few hours, the sync process will run and the admin tools will change back to the real domain. Domain changed.
  10. That account is on Ricky, which is unavailable due to a rebuild in progress. As a result, the account cannot be restored at this time. If you're a donor it can be moved to tommy, otherwise you need to either sign up in Johnny when registration opens, or wait until the rebuild is finished.
  11. Normally I can't do the GFM, but since you posted the full receipt screen shot I can see what you paid. Sent. Please make sure that these accounts stay entirely separate (e.g. don't share between the two accounts), as doing so will get you suspended for having more than one account.
  12. It says your last login is 2020-02-20. You must log in at least once every 30 days to keep your account active, preferably using https://heliohost.org/login/ to do so, as other links may cause your logins to not count. Unsuspended.
  13. That domain is not operating anymore and appears to already be deleted. If you want to host it elsewhere, change your name servers at your registrar.
  14. That's...odd. Tommy isn't showing any real load issues for the past 24 hours. When Tommy does slow down though, the SSL handshake is usually the first thing that starts hanging I've noticed. I have a few older apps running on Tommy and I've been noticing slower times the past day or so as well. Lets have Krydos look at it to see if he notices something I don't.
  15. Not suspended, but it was throwing a 500 error due to an invalid .htaccess file. I renamed that and the site is now working.
  16. Unarchived. It should start working in an hour or two.
  17. Correct. Passenger does not support Angular. Our support for this sort of thing is dependent on whether cPanel adds support for it. I can't find anything indicating that they plan to do so. At the moment, you'd need to buy a VPS: https://heliohost.org/vps/ or find a host that offers SSH access in cPanel (which we do not because of its security implications).
  18. This is caused by an incompatible ISP that changes your public IP too much (more often than not, it happens to users who access us through cellular data). The solution to this is to use a proxy or vpn so your IP doesn't change.
  19. That wallet has never received or sent anything: https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/38Rtn7CsveukJyGbiaBX313v6xjzdEvFX5 Was this sent as a lightning transaction or a swap of some kind? There should be a "transaction hash" or "transaction ID" associated with your payment, that will go directly to the payment in question on any block explorer you use, regardless of how or where it was sent. If you can't find it, I can escalate this to Krydos since he's the one who has access to the wallet to see if he can see money from you.
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