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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. That domain is not hosted with us. https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=oleola.com&rec=NS The name servers need to be ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org in order for the domain to function.
  2. Spinning HDDs. We don't provide any official guarantees, but I can say that the uptime is much better than the shared hosting assuming you configure your server correctly, since the only thing that really affects a VPS's uptime is network connection failure or the OS crashing. The only outages you'd experience are scheduled maintenance (which is announced) or problems with our upstream provider Hurricane Electric having network or power issues. VPSes come empty with a bare operating system, you have to install everything yourself to run whatever you wish to host. For the OS, you want to pick Linux (Ubuntu most likely) unless you have a license for Windows Server. We don't provide the license for the Windows option, it comes with a 120 day trial version, after which you have to purchase a license for Windows Server Standard, which is nearly $800 from most reputable sellers (you cannot use the Essentials edition as it has license restrictions that cannot be met using a cloud VPS).
  3. I don't see any account for you. Do keep in mind when you delete your account that it is not instant and can take an hour or more. The account will think it's inactive until it fully deletes.
  4. No. You can replace the content though by creating a subdomain with the same name.
  5. Unblocked. It may take up to 15 minutes to be effective.
  6. It was for sending too many emails. The limit is 50 per day. Unsuspended. (If this resuspends itself in a few minutes, we'll need to wait until midnight UTC to unsuspend you, as this means the mail counter hasn't reset yet).
  7. Depends what you want to change it to. If you want to use your own domain, use this: http://heliohost.org/scripts/domain.php The domain you pick needs to be registered and have its name servers set to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org in order to function. If you want to use a free .heliohost.us domain, post the domain you want here and I'll set it up. The script won't work for the free subdomains.
  8. For those who find this, IP blocks can take up to 15 minutes to clear once we unblock them.
  9. The wiki has moved to Github / Gitbook and no longer uses accounts like this. See this document for contribution information: https://github.com/HelioNetworks/heliohost-wiki/blob/master/misc/contributing.md
  10. Domain changed. It may take a few hours to start working.
  11. This has been moved to Tommy. I've also doubled the space and pushed your next login out to June 18. When you the other $10 comes in, let us know and we can add extra space and another 2 months for you.
  12. That's why I can't see it. I can only see the regular paypal donations. Krydos is the one who usually handles the GFM. Since you have the screenshot of the receipt, I'll move you now instead of making you wait for him.
  13. It's not showing in Paypal, so was this through the gofundme by chance (I can't see the GFM donations). If so, Krydos has to be the one to verify this since he's the only one who has access to see the GFM donations.
  14. I have to add it for you manually. It doesn't let you do it yourself any longer because we no longer offer the .heliohost.org to new users (the free domains for all new users are now .heliohost.us). Give it a few hours and the queued page should go away: http://mariopilot.heliohost.org/
  15. No, this is not supported. The main domain (and only the main domain) can sort of work if you do it this way, however email, DNS, web disk, extra FTP accounts, and a few other things won't work correctly. Alias and addon domains won't work at all because you won't be able to add them (these will come back with an error saying you must use our name servers). If you use such a configuration, we will not provide any support for your account unless the name servers are changed to ours, since a large majority of domain issues we run into are caused by users trying to do this.
  16. Anything that doesn't end in .heliohost.org or .heliohost.us is not free and has to be purchased from a registrar. http://heliohost.org/partners/namecheap/mariopilot.org
  17. I have no idea when this is going to be done. I started it around 4:30 and an hour and a half later it's not even 25% done...
  18. The best way to use wordpress, is to not use WordPress. It’s the leading cause of hacked accounts, load suspensions, performance issues, and accidental bans here. Find different software.
  19. Load levels vary, and the numbers are also relative to the hardware the server is running on. It's completely possible for a server with a load of 5 on old hardware to be slower than a server with 10 load on newer hardware. Also, 100% uptime is completely possible depending on the time being represented. The numbers you see reflect up time over I believe the past 7 days. A server that was up every single time it was tested over a 7 day period was in fact up 100% of the time. The longer the measurement period is, the less likely it is to be 100%. Ricky's uptime is 100% because it has no users on it to cause load and downtime. The server isn't completely built and not fully functional which is why it's empty, but is running to the point where the monitor can receive responses from it.
  20. WHM is for root admins only. Trying to log into that will always get you blocked. Unblocked.
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