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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. 50 recipients per day (note that this is recipients, not emails! A single message with 10 people on it counts as 10, not 1).
  2. Johnny doesn't support asp.net. You need a Lily account for that. Lily is an addon account that attaches to your existing Johnny account and supports asp.net. Lily is not a replacement for a cpanel account, you actually need both for it to work. Do you want me set up a Lily account for you?
  3. We have to wait until midnight UTC for the mail counter to reset before we can unsuspend this.
  4. Moving to Tommy without deleting your account and winning the registration lottery requires that you be a donor. Have you donated? If so, what is the transaction ID of the donation so we can find it?
  5. wolstech


    Krydos can get this for you. As for logging to file not working, tomcat runs as a different user IIRC, so you probably need to grant write permissions to "other" (e.g. 756 or 757) for the folder the log will be saved in.
  6. That account is not suspended. If you see an inactive or suspended page please clear your cache.
  7. Received PM: You're most welcome Let us know if you need anything else.
  8. Received PM about this issue. Hostinger blocked Tommy's shared IP. I can't even ping the server from Tommy, let alone get a DB connection to work. Johnny isn't blocked though and works fine. Hostinger's support needs to unblock to fix this.
  9. Link to error is dead (404 not found), can you post a screen shot?
  10. Unblocked. It was for failed SFTP logins. Please keep in mind that the SFTP only accepts your cpanel username and password (SFTP does NOT accept email addresses or the "additional FTP accounts" you make in cPanel). It may take up to 15 minutes to be effective.
  11. The bihourly background process is stuck. 854 minutes and counting since last restart and load is <8...it should be every 2 hours or so at least. There's also two registrations for Tommy still queued... Escalating to Krydos.
  12. Unblocked IP. And yes, it's 50 recipients/copies per day, not 50 emails. It doesn't matter if you send 1 email with 10 recipients or 10 emails with 1 recipient each, both are seen as 10 for the purposes of the counter. This used to not be the case, but we changed the behavior about a year and a half ago when phishers figured out it was only counting emails, not recipients, and started sending their phishing as 49 emails x 120 addresses per email to evade suspension. They were sending 5000 phishing emails a day out of our servers and getting us blacklisted everywhere. Since you figured it out, I'll mark it solved. Please let me know if you need anything else
  13. As much as we love to hate on WP around here, I have to admit that number is extremely impressive. And yes, when the content on it is set up correctly (and it's tested outside of registration hours since Tommy does often slow down around midnight UTC), a Tommy account can in fact be faster than some paid hosts.
  14. Unsuspended. I'll escalate this to Krydos to see if he knows anything about what is sending these emails or has any other advice on this.
  15. You've been moved to Tommy. It may take an hour or two for your domains to start working again. Thank you for the donation
  16. It's because you're suspended for sending too many emails. We have to wait until midnight UTC for the mail counter to reset, then we can unsuspend it. Isn't this the second time in a few weeks you've had this happen? If so, we can raise your mail limit to keep this from happening. If you would like to do this, please provide examples of emails you're sending and information about where the email addresses being mailed come from. Please keep in mind that we do not allow sending of commercial emails/advertisements.
  17. Weird...you're already on Tommy from the looks of it. Someone else must have moved you and forgotten to post. Nonetheless, thank you for the donation
  18. The username is just stockcoi for cPanel. If you lost the password, you can reset that here: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  19. Krydos has to do this, so I'll pass this to him. In the meantime, the most common cause of deployment failure is invalid database credentials, so I would start by making sure you didn't leave test credentials in there.
  20. Unblocked. It may take up to 15 minutes to be effective. It was for failed SFTP logins. Please make sure you use only your cpanel username and password (email addresses and the "additional FTP accounts" you make in cpanel are not supported). As for forum passwords, you reset those here: https://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=lostpass
  21. It's because you have a flask app installed. The .htaccess that goes with that redirects all requests, so you can't access the cgi-bin folder. Renaming the .htaccess lets the server find the file, though the app.py is not a valid Python file or a valid python web app, so it just produces a 500 error instead.
  22. He's on Johnny, so what he calls an issue is actually normal. The uptime on that server is garbage, and that's by design. Johnny server is meant for experimentation and playing around. Johnny is for people that just want to briefly try something or see the features we have, and who don't care about their site actually being available consistently. We allow users to use a lot more resources, and we have more than double the number of users on Johnny vs. tommy. If he moved to tommy, his site would actually be reliable because we tightly control resource use and limit the number of new accounts to prevent overloading the server with users.
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