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  1. While I was using HestiaCP on my VPS I found out it lacks support to IPv6. In fact, this is on their "to do" since 2020 so it seems it will take a while. Considering that IPv6 support is one of Internet's best practice, what are other free control panel options to use? Some I found while researching were these: CyberPanel: https://cyberpanel.net/ CloudPanel: https://www.cloudpanel.io/ KeyHelp: https://www.keyhelp.de/en/ ISPConfig: https://www.ispconfig.org/ Control-WebPanel (CWP): https://control-webpanel.com/ SPanel (free for the next couple of months since "licensing is in beta (?)"): https://www.spanel.io/ Virtualmin: https://www.virtualmin.com/ Webmin: https://www.webmin.com/ OVIPanel: https://www.ovipanel.in/ aaPanel: https://www.aapanel.com/ Froxlor: https://froxlor.org/ Cloudron (free for two apps): https://cloudron.io/ Ajenti: https://ajenti.org/ Sentora: http://www.sentora.org/ Through a fast analysis from their websites CyberPanel, CloudPanel, KeyHelp, ISPConfig, Control-WebPanel (if you're into RHEL/CentOS based distros), Sentora (supporting Ubuntu 20.04 right now) and SPanel (despite it isn't really free) seems to be the most promising ones. Does anyone have any experience with any of those? Right now I have access just to my HelioHost's VPS so I'm unable to destroy/create my machine and thus it wouldn't be easy to test them, that's why I'm looking for people who had already used and could vouch for one of them.
  2. I need to move my server account, previously it was on tommy server, but after upgrading to plesk my account was moved to johnny server
  3. I have a question? What is the difference between Johnny and Ricky? Does Ricky cost money? Which one is worth it and what is the tradeoff?
  4. robertzo

    Server Load

    How can I tell if my account is slowing down the load by 20%. Same with the 20% CPU or memory. I want to know so I can see if my account would get suspended.
  5. Hi, I just made a donation via PayPal. The transaction code is the following: 8BN162830H8391155 Could my account now be moved to your best server Tommy? Thanks :-)
  6. I have a question. When I send emails using my gmail account to my cpanel account it always says "Recipient server did not accept our requests"?. Gmail said to contact the customer support team of your recipient's email provider.
  7. Hi there, This is in response to the "Would you be interested in a new server?" you sent out a few weeks ago. I chose "no" because I've just migrated over to a VPS, but I want to say, this idea made me very excited! My two-years-ago self would have been delighted at the opportunity to run things like Ghost and Grav without worrying about load, and with much less maintenance and cost than a VPS! To be honest, most of my reluctance to run heavy scripts was not for fear of being suspended, but just that fact that I'd be adding so much load to the server without giving anything back for it—so this micro-payment style model would help me carry on without feeling so guilty. Not useful for me now because of the VPS, but it's certainly an awesome feature which I think some of my friends would be interested in if they get to that stage. While I'm here, let me sign off with: thanks for all the thought and effort you put into your services—we're all lucky to have a webhost like yours!
  8. Hi I would like to kindly request moving of my account from johnny to tommy server. * Username of the account : paul9 * Transaction ID: 3U327510V1230954M via PayPal Thanks!
  9. Hi, Reviewing some of the posts it appears that you already support Node Js on some of your servers. I even try to follow some links within the community regarding the subject but it wasnt very clear if you support or not. I have a project alocated in the Johnny server but i really need Node Js to fulfill the needs so my question is: - Does any of the servers supports Node Js, MySQL and email at this moment? Best Regards Tom
  10. Hi may I kindly request to move my account from johnny to tommy server. Thank you! Transaction ID: 6YD61479XW929922A
  11. Hi, there. I'd like to know if it's possible to use a chat system here (PHP, JS, Websocket). I have a chat system made in php and integrated with a socket by using JS, and in localhost, everytime I want to use it, I have to start the server first using the command below in terminal: php.exe websocket_server.php Is there any way of doing this here? If so, what are the procedures? How do I do this here? Thank you!
  12. Hello Heliohost, I cant get Tommy server. I woke early (in India it is 5:00am) (GMT:5:30) and waited for Tommy server. I keep on refreshing the page. At last the checkbox came. I clicked next but again it came the first page for comparing. After doing this, no way the checkbox went away.I tried this for more than 1 week. No way. So Please help me with this. Its a cheating. Every Time it shows 23 hours & 60 minutes to reopen even though I clicked next. So please help me with this. I need an urgent website. So please I beg You. With regards, Mubarak Bilal
  13. Hi, I want to forward my one subdomain to another server. Because of the storage limit I have, I like to have my blog.mydomain.com subdomain to forward to another server. That particular server needs NS update. They only provided name servers. So I'm in need of updating subdomain's NS. Is it possible? if yes, how can I do it in DND Zone? Thanks.
  14. Hi, I'm getting the Internal Server Error all the time. I'm using Tommy server and username is edvicon. Please help me. Why am I getting this all the time? I've attached a screenshot.
  15. Hi, I've a server move request to be made. And I've made a card donation via PayPal. Receipt Number: 2840-6337-2879-2209 (I paid using PayPal direct card payment. Not using PayPal account. So I received a receipt number.) Date of the Transaction: 30/03/2020 Username: edvicon Please transfer to a more stable server. My website is down. So please process the request as soon as you can. Thank you.
  16. Hi, there. I've heard that in order to switch from one server to another, I have first to delete my account, then open a new account. Well, I've tried to do it, but a message shows saying that the account couldn't be found. Is there any possibility of any of you make this change for me? I'm on Johnny and I'd just like to switch to Tommy. No matter, if I lose all my files, because I have copy both of the database and scripts, so no matter. I just want to make this process more practical, since I don't have much time to wait or do it. I'd very much appreciate your help. Thank you!
  17. I'm on Johnny. The website (https://orangeadex.heliohost.org) is loading almost like forever. What's happening? Sometimes it's working, sometimes it's not. This is trying my patience. I need to end a project in less than 7 days. What to do? Thank you.
  18. Hello everyone, First of all, thanks for this amazing service that you provide for free. I truly appreciate it. I wonder if it would be possible to deploy and run an ASP.NET Core web app on HelioHost. I've read that, for this, HelioHost provides the server "Lily", which is for Microsoft-related technologies such as this which I've already mentioned. The thing is that I'd also need some database because my app will need one. Preferably, I'd need PostgreSQL but if this isn't possible, SQL Server is my second option. I've already asked if I could have access to Johnny (to have a running PostgreSQL database there) and Lily (for my web app) but I've been told this isn't actually possible due to HelioHost's policy. Apart from this, I'd like to keep this web app accessible from a custom domain, let's say: www.my-incredible-app.com. Would this be possible with HelioHost (and Lily)? Thank you guys in advance! Edit - PD: my project will consist of Python scripts logging information to this database the web app will use, so remote access from for example my home IP (and not only from a web app hosted in HelioHost) will be needed. Still possible? :-)
  19. Do you have any idea of how long it's going to take to re-establish Ricky server?
  20. Now I definitely can't access the Ricky server and my website any more. It's like the website is gone and doesn't exist any longer. I just won't ask: what's going on?, because I know you'll answer: Oh, we're facing a high load in server. Just wait.
  21. I can't access the files directory, that is, the cpanel. This message shows in Google Chrome: And when I try access via FTP, this message shows in Dreamweaver: I wonder if this is the definite end of Ricky server....
  22. Is there any way of changing the server time zone? I want data to be recorded within my local time zone. And by the way, you use UTC, right?
  23. Good night, i'm a question: Is Johnny Server down? I'm not login to the server in the 7-7:30 PM (Bogotá time), this login shows a 500 error. (Attached image) Thank you.
  24. I'm constantly facing this problem at Ricky server: Internal Server Error 500 This is when I access my DB from time to time. Why is that the case? Some bad operation of mine? Or is it a problem of yours?
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