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  1. Today
  2. The IP address you have set in Cloudflare is incorrect and hasn't been in use for months. Please review your DNS settings in CF and verify that they match the IPs shown in Plesk.
  3. The easiest way to block these is to use Deny statements in .htaccess. Also, those 66.249. addresses with 38k and 5k hits is actually Googlebot of all things...
  4. my website - https://sunshineinstitution.eu.org is not accessible it shows timed out username- mannapijush1 server- Tommy
  5. Good morning, According to Google Analytics, I had maximum 21-28 visitors per day, mostly from Switzerland, Russia and Ukraine. I agree that these IP addresses look suspicious. Please explain how I can block them. Is there an option on Heliohost? Thank you. Anna
  6. Yesterday
  7. hi... firstly, i dont know if this is the correct place to post this question.. i supossed so because is related to some hh feature i have a php script that writes some info with php custom_log() with a log type 3 "custom file" file like: error_log($msg, $severity, 3, $custom_file) (i guess file_put_contents() works in same manner internally) so... for keep things clean, i want the file to be located in <hh_home>/logs/mylog.log .... but nothing is written to the file! .. i just added the file to "add custom log" in webhosting section but still the same... i have another included file read like $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../includes/myInclude.php that works flawlessly, maybe because /logs folder is special?, or have different owner/permissions? am i doing something wrong?? .. please help me somebody who knows
  8. Your VPS has been rebuilt and Hestia has been installed. You should be able to login to Hestia at https://vps29.heliohost.us:8083/ using the username admin and the password you use for SSH. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  9. I would like to rebuild vps29 with Ubuntu 22.04 plus Hestia Control Panel. The $1 donation with Paypal Transaction ID is 0NF78565U10007721 Thank you.
  10. Last week
  11. That happens a lot when their IP address is changing frequently. The solution is very often to use a VPN or a different Internet connection…
  12. The 'another user with the same username is already logged in' happens to me when I login at the same time from another browser, or when I am logging in a few times and then closing my browser instead of logging out before I login again. Can you try clearing your cache please (https://wiki.helionet.org/misc/clear-your-cache) and using one of the two approved ways of logging in, at either https://heliohost.org/ or https://heliohost.org/login/ and then going into Plesk, to see if the same thing happens? I know that logins are not counted for folks who use the https://johnny.heliohost.org/login_up.php link to sign in, so if you try one of the approved ways to login and the problem continues, we'll be able to narrow down the issue. Could you also let us know how you are connecting (mobile data or WiFi) and which browser(s) you have used to try to login?
  13. You were already on Tommy. i had went ahead and deleted your account and resent an invite. Krydos or wolstech can verify the transaction and take action on what you want to do with said transaction.
  14. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  15. Paypal Transaction ID: 24464745TA728480A Username is whd
  16. yes my username is "i" i changed the password but everytime i login it kicks me out after seconds, the problem is "johnny.heliohost.org" wont let me stay login and do any action ofcorse sometime it says another user in in the account. you can see in the picture please advice
  17. OK, so we will not reset your account then if you're fine with the way it is now. 🙂 If you change your mind, or if we can help with anything else, please create a new topic and we'll be happy to help!
  18. Thank team, I can remove it myself. I will careful with WordPress usages.
  19. Ok. I never used Nginx as proxy to Apache, so I wasn't sure. That said, I'll do my best to make good use of the resources. Thanks again.
  20. @baongoc159 We do a backup as part of the account reset process anyway, but since Krydos has showed you the folder where the wordpress-backups are specifically, I thought maybe you might want to do something directly with that folder before the reset happens? Please let us know when you are ready for the reset, I didn't want to start it yet in case you're in the middle of organizing some files/folders. 🙂
  21. Here's your disk space breakdown right now. Backups 39.21 MB Emails 0 MB Files 548.13 MB Trash 0 MB Logs 4.33 MB PSQL 0 MB MySQL 12.97 MB Total 604.64 MB 273M ./httpdocs 12K ./.composer 0 ./.pki 20K ./.ssh 0 ./.trash 15M ./.wp-cli 0 ./.wp-toolkit 0 ./dBot 241M ./wordpress-backups 12K ./private 20M ./git 24K ./.nodenv 4.0K ./.phpenv 52K ./.rbenv 8.0K ./.npm 0 ./tmp
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