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  1. Past hour
  2. Subdomain added. it can take up to 2 hours to work. For the PHP errors, it would be best if you disable the error reporting yourself by adding this line to the top of your PHP scripts. For programs you didn't write, you can often just add it to the top of the program's config file to turn it off. error_reporting(0); Turning it off on our side doesn't make much sense as you won't be able to troubleshoot anything...you'll just get a plain white page or a 500 error instead. Doing it as above means you can turn it back on if needed.
  3. Today
  4. Yesterday
  5. Please add a subdomain : testseries.ikv.co.in Please change setting for my all websites: no error_reporting for this. E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED I am getting warnings for php depreciation. my username is : ivatsa
  6. Added. it may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  7. You are suspended for crashing Johnny. Your account was running something that filled up the /tmp volume with several gigs of image files and caused email and PHP to go down for 8 hours, which caused an outage for over 2000 other websites. Can you explain what you were doing? And what will you do to prevent it from happening again if we give you a second chance?
  8. Hey, please reenable this setting on the new tommy. thanks :)
  9. Dear HelioHost Support Team, I hope you can assist me in restoring my account. Recently, I received a message stating that my account has been suspended due to “Your account has been suspended. Please review the terms of service.” I would like to clarify that I have not violated any terms of service, and I am perplexed by this account suspension. I have carefully reviewed the terms of service and believe that my actions are in compliance with these terms. If there has been any misunderstanding or if further information is required, please let me know, and I am willing to cooperate fully and provide any necessary information. a. HelioHost username: swaloy b. the server account is on: Johnny c. HelioHost main domain: aapi.helioho.st Thank you for your attention to my request, and I look forward to your response and assistance in quickly restoring my account. Best regards,
  10. Why doesn't Helio offer an eMail hosting package for end users. Not business oriented, simple stuffs to begin with. My needs are pretty simple. I have my own domain, super low volume of sending/receiving and I need a place to host it. A couple of GB storage would be more than enough. Nothing complicated, the 2024 standards: SMTP IPs with reputation that won't suck (ie not used for shared hosting etc), DKIM, SPF and obviously 2FA / App passwords. Anti-Spam I'm perfectly aware that you offer a decent VPS but setting up, maintaining, and keeping secure an eMail server requires effort and time I don't have. Food for thought @Krydos?
  11. Oh my sincere apologies!! So I just have to wait until tomorrow, right?
  12. While building my first Flask project, I noticed my error_log displayed errors almost in real time after requesting WSGI control. However, my newer project located in ujcis.helioho.st/alutagram doesn't show errors from the /alutagram project at all. Do I need to request WSGI control specifically for the new project (httpdocs/alutagram) for errors originating from the project to reflect in the log/error_log file? P.S: I don't mind if errors are turned off for the first project (ujcis) since I'm no longer actively developing that project. Thanks!
  13. You're suspended for high load because whatever you tried to run was so absurdly heavy on resources that it used up your entire day's allocation of CPU and RAM in the span of about an hour. In fact, it was so heavy that you managed to go almost 13% beyond your quota before the system had a chance to even finish suspending you.
  14. I Want To Add New Subdomain to my account accounts.orcagroup.top
  15. REQUEST ADD DOMAIN Username: licensafeIP Server: (from heliohost): licensafe.heliohost.us New Domain: nusantararom.org Thanks you.
  16. Luckily I managed a way to donate. I am giving the transaction ID after the donation . Do not close the topic.
  17. Thanks. I currently do not have Payoneer. I'm looking for cryptocurrency donation. May be this will be the easiest method. I'll create a topic once I can be able to donate.
  18. I just want to know the reason for the suspension my website wasn't even online.
  19. That domain is not valid because it contains spaces, has no TLD, and should not contain symbols except hyphens (periods are reserved to separate out the parts of a domain, and other symbols are not supported). Also, domains are not case sensitive, so are generally written in all lowercase. Would krzysztof-lewkowicz.helioho.st work for you?
  20. hi , i would like to add domain name : Krzysztof Lewkowicz , can you please add this domain for me ? if its required ,can be dot between name and surname.
  21. Last week
  22. Not at the moment no. We might be able to get Payoneer working if that's an option for you as we've used them in the past, but we'd have to get that set back up if you are able to donate that way...
  23. You're suspended for having 2 accounts. Users are only allowed to have one account. Which one do you want to keep?
  24. Hi there, I'm learning sql for the first time and I have been trying to import a database from MySql Workbench to a database I created on helioho.st. I'm not sure what went wrong or why I got suspended?
  25. Krydos

    Tommy SFTP

    During the recent upgrade of the Tommy server we identified a bug partway through the move that caused SFTP to not work correctly after the account was on the new server. We fixed the bug in the move process, but several hundred accounts were moved prior to the fix. If your account was moved early in the migration, SFTP probably hasn't been working for you for the last week or so. We're happy to announce that all of the accounts on Tommy should now have functional SFTP again. If you're still having issues please let us know so we can take a closer look at your particular account.
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