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Unknown025 last won the day on October 31

Unknown025 had the most liked content!


About Unknown025

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  1. I'll escalate your request so an administrator can handle that for you.
  2. Is your VPS #115? It looks to be working fine as far as I can tell, but an administrator would be able to give a more specific answer. What steps have you tried so far?
  3. Your account does not appear to be suspended at this time. Are you able to login at https://heliohost.org/login?
  4. Domain added. You'll need to create an A record to Johnny's IP address or switch to HelioHost's nameservers for the changes to take effect.
  5. Your account was suspended as you had created more than one account, which is against our terms of service.
  6. IP address unblocked.
  7. Your account has been deleted, and an invite link to create a new account has been sent to your email.
  8. I have added the domain to your account. An administrator will have to configure email for you, so I have escalated your thread so they can look into that for you.
  9. Account unsuspended. It may take up to two hours to begin working again.
  10. I've escalated your request, Wolstech will be able to assist you with this.
  11. Domain added.
  12. You were suspended for using over 10000 CPU and using a disposable email address, both of which are against our terms of service. You'll need to provide a real email address and a plan to reduce your server load before your account will be unsuspended.
  13. Domain added. You'll need to create an A record to Johnny's IP address or switch to HelioHost's nameservers for the changes to take effect.
  14. Okay, account unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to begin working again.
  15. You were suspended for creating multiple accounts, which is against our terms of service. Which account do you wish to keep?
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