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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

  1. We're still working on getting access to the Johnny hard drive, and we're still hopeful that we can get everyone's data off of there. It's just going to take some more time. We haven't given up yet. Some good news though, is we're getting closer to releasing the Morty server. We should be able to get the first beta testers moved over in the next week.
    5 points
  2. The extremely time consuming raid rebuild process has finished and Sparkie is back online. All of the VPS on Sparkie seem to have booted up just fine, but Johnny is another story. The widespread filesystem corruption that occurred right before we took him offline cannot be undone, and even though the hardware is operating normally now, Johnny will never be the same again. The databases all seem to be ok, but Apache won't boot up do to thousands of errors in the configuration. The next step will be to try to make backups of everyone's accounts.
    4 points
  3. The scheduled maintenance has finished and Johnny is back online.
    3 points
  4. The InnoDB repair script finished last night, and Johnny should be back to normal now. If you're still having problems with your database, or trouble logging in to your Johnny account let us know so we can take a look.
    2 points
  5. For SVG, you could create a path for each segment of the circle. You'd have to find the start and end coordinates of each segment, and then you'd use elliptical arc path segments: <path d="M START_X,START_Y A RADIUS RADIUS 0 0 0 END_X,END_Y" stroke="blue" /> The example above assumes that the arc is drawn clockwise and is smaller than 180 degrees; the second and third zeroes may have to be changed to ones if either of those assumptions changes for a given arc. MDN has further details on the A path command.
    2 points
  6. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
    1 point
  7. Yup my personnal website is back. Thanks KazVee for checking. Its possible as you say because Tommy reboot a short while ago. What i notice on the heliohost server monitor website: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ that it seem, there is "no info" stats (checking the colors meaning). Maybe there is some reboot on many servers? I'm glad that my free personnal website is still with you, but some times i forget to login; because there is many things i have to do. You are great peoples that i appreciate soo much, maybe its not necessary for you that i give my thanks; but for me its always important to let you know. There is in life soo many peoples i hear, that dont appreciate others and i find it sad. Also like i say by (joking) its always important to be nice to every ones, we never know if some one of you gonna win a very big amount of money on some lottery. Hihihihihihi So once again many thanks to all of you for everythings.
    1 point
  8. Verified and sent. Keep in mind that the Tommy server is very slow right now due to being extremely overloaded with people jumping ship from Johnny, but at least he's online.
    1 point
  9. I also added the email address from this forum account to your VPS account so you can request support from either.
    1 point
  10. Yes, the server is still down, that's what the red text of "Johnny is currently offline for repairs" in your screenshot means. The problems with Johnny are still being worked on. There's no estimated time for repair but you can check this thread which gives some details about the latest repairs that are being done. Once the server is back up, there'll be an update posted in the News section too, so you can keep an eye there too for updates.
    1 point
  11. Neither account can be unsuspended because they're on the broken Johnny server and no backup exists in the system to move them to Tommy. User needs to sign up on Tommy and create only one account this time around... Marking solved.
    1 point
  12. We're going to be rebooting Sparkie soon to hopefully speed up the raid array rebuild for Johnny. Our main website will remain online, but you won't be able to do some functions like logging in, or resetting a password. The forum will be completely unaffected, and will continue operating as usual. Tommy users will be unable to login through heliohost.org, but will still be able to login directly at tommy2.heliohost.org. Some of our VPS customers located on Sparkie will be rebooted as well. We're still hopeful that we will be able to get Johnny back online and running soon.
    1 point
  13. Johnny is currently offline while some issues with the hard drive are being investigated. An update will be posted when Johnny is back online again. You can keep an eye on the News section for more updates as they are available.
    1 point
  14. Johnny is currently down for maintenance due to what we believe is a hard disk issue.
    1 point
  15. Johnny is currently offline while we are investigating hard drive issues. an update will be posted when johnny is back online again.
    1 point
  16. All clear ! Thanks a lot to the team, you guys are great.
    1 point
  17. Due to some corruption in the InnoDB engine on Johnny's MariaDB database we have put it into read-only mode to repair the affected databases. In the meantime if you use InnoDB engine you may receive errors about being in read-only mode or repair-mode when trying to write or change data. This is expected and we will make another news post once the databases are fixed, and normal read/write mode is restored. At this time we have no reason to believe any data is lost. Users on Tommy are not affected, and users on Johnny using MyISAM engine are not affected either. As long as your software supports MyISAM we strongly recommend it to help in situations like this because InnoDB has a tendency to crash very easily.
    1 point
  18. To avoid potentially notifying actual abusive users (e.g. phishers, copyright infringement, etc.), we intentionally don't send emails when accounts get suspended (the lone exception to this being inactivity suspensions, which we do send reminders for) Anyway, your suspension is because you ran out of disk space because your Apache logs for timerestart.ga had ballooned to over 1GB. I deleted the logs for you, unsuspended you, and configured log rotation so your logs won't exceed 50MB. If you wish to keep more logs, you can do that in Plesk under Logs->Manage Logs->Log Rotation.
    1 point
  19. Yep it was for having more than one account. i unsuspended the account djnevilmorgan. it may take a few minutes to start working.
    1 point
  20. Your domain has been changed back to ninjasr.heliohost.org. It may take up to 2 hours to work.
    1 point
  21. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=prkd_prkd dbname=prkd_VetNet password=<set in Plesk>
    1 point
  22. Please check your email for a link to finish resetting your account. If you need anything from your old account, the content can be downloaded from https://heliohost.org/backup/
    1 point
  23. Since devhamza already got itself suspended for load anyway, I've gone ahead and just unsuspended hamzaatfh and disabled node on it for you so it won't get suspended again. Unsuspended, it may take a little while to work again.
    1 point
  24. The Plesk account you already have is shared Linux web hosting. If you want a real domain instead of one of our subdomains, you can just buy a domain from a registrar (we recommend namecheap), set the name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, then let us know what domain you bought, we can add it to your account. You'll obviously have to pay the registrar for the domain, but HelioHost doesn't charge anything to change or add a domain. We do not recommend using .top, .xyz, or any of those other weird TLDs, they tend to have an extremely poor reputation due to their widespread use for malware, spam and phishing. I'd stick to a .com or similar if buying a domain. That said, we can host them if you wish, just be aware that you likely will have issues with email deliverability. If you want more space, it costs $5 for an additional 1000MB. Since you already have an account with us, $10 will bring your account up to 3000MB. This is a one-time fee, not a subscription. We do not price services in any currency aside from USD, though paypal may be able to do that conversion for you. If you want to buy the space, just send us the required payment, then let us know and we can add the space. The max space per person is 6000MB. Also, since you already have an account with us, anything you do will need to be added onto the existing account. Users cannot have more than one account per the terms of service.
    1 point
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