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Krydos last won the day on October 6

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  1. WSGI control access has been enabled on the domain alutagram.helioho.st. To restart your Flask app and load new code changes in simply edit /home/ujcis.helioho.st/alutagram.helioho.st/flask.wsgi. Adding a blank line, removing a blank line, adding a space, or removing a space are examples of editing the file. As long as the last modified timestamp changes it will clear the server cache. Let us know if you run into any issues.
  2. After the changes, and letting MariaDB run overnight you were using 900 MB of swap, as expected. I increased your memory another 1 GB, and we'll let it run for a while again. The performance is already looking a lot better, and giving MariaDB more memory to work with is definitely reducing the disk I/O. The other good news is even though you were using some swap this morning, your load was about 0.90 which is under the 1.00 that I was targeting.
  3. You can have up to 10 domains on your 1 account for free. Would you like us to add another free domain, and see if putting the second project on its own domain fixes the logs?
  4. I ran the tuner and made some adjustments. MariaDB will likely use more memory now, so if your free memory drops too low the load may spike high and things may seem slower than before. That is our indication to add more memory to the server. One of the changes I made should make it easier to analyze the performance, but the database needs to run without a restart for at least 24 hours before we can run the tuner again. If your site gets too slow within those 24 hours please let us know and I can add some more memory.
  5. I took another look at your VPS, and the memory looks pretty good. The load is still a little higher than I would like though. It's bouncing around between 2.5 and 3.0. Like I said a few weeks ago it would be best if it was below 1.0. I think the largest bottleneck right now is the disk I/O. Since your database is so large MariaDB can't load very much of it into memory at a time so it has to constantly read and write from the hard drive. If you want I could run a database tuner on your VPS to see if we can squeeze a little more performance out of the database settings. Most likely, since your database is so large, the tuner will tell us that it needs more cache space, which would require increasing the memory on the VPS again. We've already got you on the fastest hard drives we own, but memory is thousands of times faster than even the fastest hard drives, so the more data MariaDB can hold in memory the less slow reading and writing to the hard drive would occur. I have converted your VPS to a 6 month plan and applied the 10% discount. You can set up a subscription with this link https://heliohost.org/vps/pay/?code=8Lk5SWqTry3oGpcr but if you do want to run the tuner, and most likely increase the memory again, it might be better to hold off on setting up the subscription for a day or two because increasing the memory will change the price for the subscription.
  6. Does the logs for the second project work if you delete the first project?
  7. You used 116% of your daily memory allowance in 81 minutes. If you hadn't gotten automatically suspended you would have used about 2062 GB of memory over 24 hours at that rate, when the limit is 100 GB per 24 hours. That's more than 20 times what you're allowed to use on the $1 plan. If your website wasn't even online yet I can't imagine the load is going to get smaller with more visitors. Perhaps you should look a VPS for this website instead? https://heliohost.org/vps/
  8. Krydos

    Tommy SFTP

    During the recent upgrade of the Tommy server we identified a bug partway through the move that caused SFTP to not work correctly after the account was on the new server. We fixed the bug in the move process, but several hundred accounts were moved prior to the fix. If your account was moved early in the migration, SFTP probably hasn't been working for you for the last week or so. We're happy to announce that all of the accounts on Tommy should now have functional SFTP again. If you're still having issues please let us know so we can take a closer look at your particular account.
  9. If you're going to run commands designed to be run on a VPS you should get a VPS to run them on https://heliohost.org/vps/ If you want to use Node.js on the free shared hosting you should follow the guide that we wrote to use Node.js on the free shared hosting https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js
  10. It looks like you started these two processes npm run start node index.js and they were running up until 2 hours ago. When you start processes that never exit they ... never exit. If you want to run a Node.js website we strongly recommend following the guide that we wrote https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js It uses Passenger which means if you don't get any page hits for 5-10 minutes your Node.js processes are killed and when someone views your website again they are started again. Unless you are getting constant visitors to your website every few minutes it will save you massive amounts of memory usage. If you follow some random Node.js guide on the internet they will most likely tell you to run a command like the above that never exits, and you will most likely end up suspended. If you didn't run the above commands then you should change your password because someone else has access to your account.
  11. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=pyepezc1_pabloDB dbname=pyepezc1_EnsayoDB password=<set in Plesk> host= port=5432 username=pyepezc1_pablo dbname=pyepezc1_album password=<set in Plesk>
  12. It was fixed for everyone who was moved after you. You haven't been moved again since the fix.
  13. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=peterlasvera_admin dbname=peterlasvera_dacen password=<set in Plesk> We do plan on adding remote PostgreSQL copying when moving between servers in the future so you won't have to request it again.
  14. Is there a better way for us to contact you for important stuff like this since you ignored our emails, news posts on your dashboard, news posts on our main website, news posts on this forum, our RSS feed, Facebook posts, Twitter posts, Discord pings, etc. etc.? We've been trying to let everyone know for nearly a month now that the old server was being retired, and you still managed to not notice until it was actually powered off. Anyways, luckily for you the old server hadn't been fully deleted yet, so I was able to create a backup and placed your database in .sql format in your home directory.
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