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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yeah, eu.org is another one that's not supported for the same reason. The full list of known bad domains is: any .pp.ua, .eu.org, or .br (country TLS for Brazil), any domain purchased through cloudflare, and any domain purchased through OVH. Pretty much everything else works (though a few things like afraid.org's freeDNS have extra steps involved). I'll get the domain moved over to that subdomain in the morning when I'm at a computer next (should be about 9 hours from now).
  2. If you need it as an addon, create a subdomain of your main domain that will hold that domain, then let me know. I can remove the alias and re-park it on the sub. (An addon is just that internally, an alias parked on a subdomain).
  3. This one is kind of weird. This account didn't actually phish, but the same person created another account that did phish (was caught with a phishing site and a database containing Instagram passwords) and is also banned. Also, that app is a glorified spambot. Finally, our terms of service expressly prohibit users from providing social media marketing services.
  4. These are a known problem domain. Their systems don't follow industry standards. Usually the registrar is supposed to set up, then the host verifies the domain is pointed to them and sets up the domain on the hosting account. These noncompliant ones expect the opposite (host must set up first, but host refuses to set up since its waiting for the domain to set up, meanwhile the domain is waiting for the host to set up...you get the idea), and refuse to advertise name servers that aren't set up for the domain. The only way a user can add these themselves is as a main domain, an admin has to manually add them if you want them as an alias or addon (when we add on our end, the system skips the name server check and just adds it). The system successfully parked (aliased) the domain “anachoreta.pp.ua” on top of the domain “anachor.heliohost.us”. There you go Odds are the registrar will update the records shortly and publish the NS for us now. Please remove the cloudflare records. We are unable to provide support for users using CF since we cannot see or control the DNS records with CF enabled.
  5. Clear the cookies. This forum was written well before the chromium version of Edge was invented, so it's not designed to run in that browser. That said, it has its fair share of weird bugs in plain chrome too. As for your original question, if you previously donated and no longer have an account, yes you can get a replacement invite. Please post the transaction info for the original donation and we can resend it. Also, keep in mind that you need to delete your account (if you currently have one that's active, archived or suspended accounts can be ignored) before you can get a replacement invite, as users are limited to one active account at a time.
  6. That will work, but only Krydos can process these. Escalating.
  7. Did you donate through paypal itself, or did you use something like the gofundme? I can't find that transaction, so its either too new (shouldn't really be a thing, paypal is good about posting things on the activity log pretty quickly), it was sent through a third party like gofundme, or it was sent to the wrong account.
  8. wolstech

    [Solved] servers

    http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ will show the availability on the registration lines. The sign ups open at midnight UTC each day and last until full. Tommy fills in seconds and is very difficult to get for free without several days of tries and luck. Johnny is open for a few hours each day, but that server is meant for experimenting and has poor up time in comparison to tommy. Ricky never opens (closed indefinitely due to an ongoing rebuild project.) You can just try to sign up. They'll say they're full on the server selection screen if they're not available. .
  9. You've been moved to tommy and quota has been increased. Thank you for the donation
  10. Both of these are completely normal. Bots poke at websites for all sorts of things, with all sorts of user agents. And yes, some are probably looking for a login page to abuse. Assuming your software is up to date, not full of security holes if you wrote it yourself, and you're not using Wordpress (which is easily compromised), you're probably fine.
  11. It should be done late this afternoon or this evening (Eastern time). I just have to get to a computer where I can do it (we're an all-volunteer staff, I'm at work at the moment on mobile...).
  12. Tommy itself runs linux and as such does not have ASP.NET support, but it supports an expansion account on our Windows server Lily, which piggybacks off of Tommy and supports ASP.NET. Users have to ask for ASP.NET support because of this, but we can add it to your tommy account at no cost It'll be a little while before I can get to this, I'll send a PM once I set it up for you.
  13. You can donate for more space if needed. It's $5 per 1000MB for disk space with a max of 5000MB for any one person (beyond that, you're into VPS territory...). If you donated previously and didn't receive the space, provide the transaction ID and we can add it As for the paid server, I'm not sure when that will happen. It's on the back burner because of Ricky's rebuild (which is way behind schedule at the moment due to various issues), and the need to purchase and install hardware (we have the money, but we have to wait for our founder Ashoat to be in the bay area where the data center is to actually buy/install it, it's across the country from him). I'd be guessing a year+ for the paid service at the moment.
  14. There is no user interface for Lily, so you won't see anything. That's normal. You have to build the software on your own computer and upload the files onto Lily using the separate FTP information provided in the PM (this is different from the FTP for your Johnny account, the johnny is irrelevant for Lily users aside from DNS and logging in for inactivity reasons). Make sure you put the files in public_html on Lily. Do not put the application into a subfolder either. The index file for your app must go directly in public_html.
  15. Unblocked. It can take 15 minutes to be effective. SMTP AUTH logins is a non-web mail client (e.g. a phone) trying to send email with the wrong password. Odds are you changed your password and forgot to update it somewhere.
  16. Unblocked. It was for failed cPanel logins. If you use https://heliohost.org/login/ this won't happen to you. It may take up to 15 minutes to be effective.
  17. What is the database name, database user, and IP address (or it we can allow any IP) that needs access?
  18. You'll need to remove Cloudflare entirely, get the account working with our name servers, then set CF up again and let it copy the working zone data. As a reminder, we don't recommend CF because of the many problems that it is known to cause with our services, and cannot provide support for domains that are using CF because we are unable to see the DNS records. Also, please keep in mind that our terms of service do not allow hacking activity/tools/scripts of any kind (legal or not). Accounts that engage in such are subject to a permanent ban without refund. You can host blogs here discussing it and such, but actual exploits and tools are not welcome. That said, since you donated, I've moved you to Tommy and am going to give you 24 hours to clean all of the hacking tools out of your account. Specifically, I want the folders below removed, and confirmation that this material will not be hosted here in the future: root@tommy [/home/hkr0x0a/www]# ls -la total 104 [snip] drwxrwxr-x. 12 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a 263 Jun 12 2020 New directory <--**Delete entire folder** drwxr-x---. 8 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a 252 Mar 14 2020 pandaonair.com <--(Remove the "tools" folder inside, rest can stay) drwxrwxr-x. 2 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a 38 May 8 15:28 pocs <--**Delete entire folder** drwxrwxr-x. 3 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a 18 Jul 21 2020 synack <--**Delete entire folder** [snip] drwxr-xr-x. 2 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a 236 May 8 15:28 yahoo <--**Delete entire folder** Please clean up the above and let me know when it's done. Thank you for the donation
  19. That was because your mail client was trying to check the mail of a suspended account. Unblocked. (It may take 15 minutes to be effective).
  20. Please check your PMs.
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