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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. For web sockets, there are topics on this if you search "sockets" on the forum, but they're mostly users who tried doing it using Java, and it didn't work. I don't know if anyone has ever tried doing it with Python. Might be worth trying. As for cgi-bin not running code, do you have a link to a script that won't run so we can figure this out? Once we have a link to a broken script and I can take a look I'll pass this to Krydos for you. He's the expert on the Python stuff around here and will probably also have input on the web sockets (I don't know much about either of these topics beyond how to get a script running, I mostly do PHP work...)
  2. They probably just haven't been worked, considering there are far more important things to worry about (like Ricky). Also, FYI, in one of your open requests this part is no longer accurate. The free Tommy sign up is available again and has been for several weeks. It's still far easier to donate than to get the free one though. The number of accounts per day varies, so we don't publish exact numbers as to how many are offered per server per day, but it's usually somewhere around 1-5 accounts per day for Tommy. Tommy is one of our fastest and most stable servers, with its hardware being amongst the newest between our servers. Tommy has a high uptime of 100% and it cannot drop to anything lower than 99% uptime. Because of its stability and speed, it is recommended to anyone that needs a fast an stable production server. The only problem is that since Ricky closed \(for maintenance\) a lot of people decided to move to Tommy lowering its uptime to under 99% which is unacceptable. So they had to close the free signups. The only way to get into Tommy is to make a small donation of at least $1 and you will get a high quality Tommy server. The win-acme tutorial looks nice That ZeroSSL page was long overdue for an overhaul. (For the curious until the PR is merged: https://robertzou1234.gitbook.io/robert-zou/management/johnny-ssl)
  3. You've been moved to Tommy. Escalating to Krydos for the dedicated IP.
  4. Are you on cellular internet or a hotspot of some kind? Mobile internet service can change your IP regularly, as often as on every request. The usual solution to this is to use non-mobile internet, or to use a VPN or proxy so you always have one IP.
  5. Profanity removed and user banned. All he had to do was log in at https://heliohost.org/login/ and click "Go to cPanel" once a month (before 30 days passes) and this wouldn't have happened...instead, he threatens legal action against us (for what? Our service costs nothing, has no SLA, and quite hilariously is offered with no guarantee that it even works at all, though it obviously does for the 15000 other users here) and potentially defame us. Posting a legitimate negative review is one thing, making false claims and using excessive profanity is another...this user was dissatisfied but also made no effort to work with us on this issue, and instead chose profanity and legal threats when a free, as-is, no guarantees product didn't work due to directions not being followed. And to others who find this, I'll answer the question he posed on the previous page along with his lawyer threat: Yes you can pay us to not get suspended for inactivity if you really can't be bothered to do it.
  6. Sent. Thank you for the donation
  7. No. A VPS stays active as long as you pay for it. Since you prepaid for 12 months, just make sure you renew it before the end of month 12 if you still need it. As for the shared hosting, if you no longer need the shared hosting account, you can either delete it if desired, or just abandon it and it will eventually archive.
  8. It might be, hard to say since I don't know how that code is used in the context of your software. It appears that $file is a path to an image file, probably submitted via a form, based on the context though, IMagick processes it, the cURL stuff uploads the IMagick result to a third party image host, then it unlinks the source file. IMagick should be putting stuff in your home folder's tmp now too, so that shouldn't be an issue.
  9. So, Lily is an addon to a cPanel account, not a replacement for one. You keep the cPanel account, and actually end up with two accounts. Neither Lily nor Johnny support Node, so you have to move to Tommy if you want that. The Lily account gives you ASP.NET support, and that can be attached to any cPanel account on any server. I can set up the Lily account using your Johnny account, but you won't get Node support if I do. Also, the DNS for Lily domains likes to break if we move the associated cPanel account after setting up Lily, so it would be better to move to Tommy first if you also want Node. Do you want me to set up a Lily account attached to your Johnny account, or would you rather move to Tommy first (moving to Tommy requires you to either donate or try your luck at the very-difficult-to-get free one that's given away each day at midnight UTC)?
  10. It's not working, it's just placed where it will never execute so there's no chance for it to run and produce an error. A return statement ends the function and sends the program back to whatever called it. Putting unlink after return means the function ends and returns before it ever gets to the unlink statement.
  11. Database connections are not secure in and of themselves. Many (most) such connections are clear text, so you can just sniff traffic to get the password. Besides, even with TLS, odds are good you would be able to extract the password without decompiling the code by setting up a man-in-the-middle proxy on yourself and logging the traffic through the proxy while you start the program.
  12. There's no way for users to directly access /tmp because its shared by everybody and would be a security risk. Your code can remove the files you own though if you know the names. It's usually excessive use of Imagick (which is known for leaving huge temp files behind) or forms accepting uploads that aren't moved or deleted after upload. If your code is going to put files in /tmp, you either need to move them to somewhere inside your home folder if they are to be kept permanently, or delete them with unlink() if no longer needed. You should do this as soon as possible in your code after creating/using the file, as PHP will not clean up after itself, especially in cases where the script handling the upload times out or otherwise fails. Krydos can give more information on this subject, so I'll escalate this to him to see if he has any input.
  13. The transaction ID is all I needed. I found it. Quota has been increased. Thank you for the donation!
  14. It’s suspended for filling /tmp, which causes the server to stop working properly. This is usually due to software that is either poorly written, broken, or is otherwise failing to clean up after itself. PHP’s Imagick also causes this quite a bit. You’ll need to go through your code and figure out what’s causing this. Unsuspended.
  15. Are you logging in through https://heliohost.org/login/ ? This is the ONLY approved link that counts, and you must do it more often than once every 30 days (the accounts expire on day 30). If try to use unapproved links like "cpanel.yourdomain.heliohost.us", a bookmark that points to any cPanel page, or any link ending in .html, you will experience the issue you're seeing. Also, you must have cookies and javascript enabled as well. Also, threatening to defame us or sue us will result in a permanent ban. Please don't do that again.
  16. Account apesin has been suspended and niniola has been moved to Tommy.
  17. Users are only allowed to have one account. From our terms of service: We haven't given that permission to anybody in years since there's no good reason for it for 99.99% of users. You can host more than one domain on a single account, and you can buy disk space if you run out. The only thing that used to be approved was a Johnny + Ricky account because of Java support or Python versions, and that was before the days where accounts could be moved. Since it's still archived, you're fine right now. If you want that one moved and restored though, the account apesin will need to be suspended or deleted first. If you would prefer that account instead, I can suspend apesin and move this one for you.
  18. This account has been moved to Tommy. Thank you for the donation
  19. I'll unarchive this as soon as another user's account that's moving from Ricky finishes doing its thing... Also, do you have the donation transaction ID? The $5 can get you an extra 1000MB of space once I unarchive you.
  20. You can allow from any IP by simply adding % (a single percent sign) as an allowed IP address. For what it's worth though, any application that is running on end user computers and using direct DB access is a security disaster waiting to happen. Allowing clients to connect directly to the DB server means there has to be a username and password hiding somewhere in the client application that can be extracted and subsequently used to dump your database. The proper way to build this is to code an API that runs on the server, and give each client a unique API key. The API code running on the server ensures that the key can only access the data it's supposed to, and a key can be revoked if its compromised without breaking every single installed client (it'd only break the clients using that key).
  21. That's pretty typical of phishers honestly, assuming they bother to even ask (most of them don't waste their time since they know full well what they were doing isn't allowed, and just don't care). On rare occasion we'll get into an argument with one who doesn't understand that phishing is illegal or we'll get one who admits to phishing. We see a crapload of phishing on a weekly basis, mostly because we're one of the few hosts that proactively checks for and removes it (many other hosts don't actively go looking for phishing, and instead remove it reactively, typically when someone sends in an abuse report to point it out).
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