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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Your username is actually pilots. Unarchived.
  2. That explains it...the domain search doesn't work on archived accounts, and he had his username wrong. Unarchived.
  3. The file name is index.html... Example.com and example.com/index.html will show the same thing. The server automatically uses the index file when you visit the domain without a path after it.
  4. It's a one time bonus. That immunity is best thought of as "no logins needed for X months from the date of your donation", though many incorrectly assume it's "you have to log in every X months going forward". After the bonus period is up, it goes back to once a month. Unsuspended.
  5. The standard unblock tool failed on your IP because the block was issued as permanent. I've manually removed it. Give it another few minuets and it should work.
  6. No it's not. It's intentionally disabled for security reasons. If you need this, you'll need to buy a VPS instead. With that, you have full root access and can run whatever you wish, in any configuration you wish.
  7. Updated and unblocked. Give it about 15 minutes and it should start working for you.
  8. Well, admitting to phishing is a step in the right direction I suppose... Considering that, are you able to comply with all of the following? I need a valid email address for your account (we don't allow temp emails).Your account will have its email sending ability disabled.Your website must not make any mention of, or use the likeness of, any social media company or financial institution (including but not limited to facebook, twitter, instagram, paypal, wells fargo, chase, etc.). Mentioning or designing anything that mentions, looks like, or pretends to be one of these will get you banned for phishing.Your account will receive additional monitoring to ensure you do not phish.If you're able to do that, please post a real email address and I'll update your account and unblock you since your current account is empty.
  9. That IP address cannot be unblocked because it was involved in repeated phishing activity.
  10. Users are only allowed to have one account, but you created 4. Which one do you want to keep?
  11. Unsuspended. The reason this happened was because your domain name was very similar to that of two accounts that were being used to send spam.
  12. It was suspended because we need more information. What do you plan to use this account for?
  13. You don't learn do you? Creating a new account serves no purpose since it will be banned as well... I just banned icom for multiple TOS violations: Ban Evasion (your previous ban is permanent, you're not allowed to have an account here), temporary email (prohibited by TOS), and phishing again (illegal, "New WinRAR ZIP archive.zip" contained a fake facebook site as well as a backdoor, which is malware, when I viewed its contents).
  14. Users are only allowed to have one account. You have at least 6. Which one do you want to keep? All others will be permanently suspended.
  15. Please clear your cache and try again. The domain amazinggracecrafts.co.za is working properly for me. I see a Hello World WP install at http://amazinggracecrafts.co.za/wp/ Also, we usually recommend people stay away from Wordpress. It's the leading cause of load suspensions, hacked accounts, and accidental bans here at HelioHost. WP is garbage code internally, and as a result is both extremely inefficient and horribly insecure. Literally any other CMS is better.
  16. Your other two accounts don't suggest mobile app development...they were attempted facebook phishing. One of them even has the same exact domain but with a .cf instead of a .ga. HelioHost does not condone phishing, and permanently bans any user who engages in phishing activity. You'll need to find another web host.
  17. The domain furrbook.heliohost.us has been parked on the subdomain furrbook.a2zclub.heliohost.org and should start working on the next hour or so. You appear to actually own furrbook.com too, so both domains will show the same content.
  18. Unblocked. Make sure you only use your cpanel username and password when logging into SFTP. The additional accounts you make in cpanel only work with plain ftp on port 21.
  19. This account is suspended because it's extremely similar to several others that were involved in phishing activity. Can you explain?
  20. You can have both of those domains on one account if you want. If you want to do that, create a subdomain and tell me what it is. I'll attach the furrbook.heliohost.us to that subdomain and you can use the one account to host both sites. It is not possible to have a second account for this reason.
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