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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The main domain script won't work to set the free subdomains. Also, the free subdomains end in .heliohost.us, we no longer offer the .heliohost.org domains for new users. Your domain has been changed to lubaum.heliohost.us and should start working in the next hour or so. Also, in the future, please open your own topic for assistance.
  2. Our versions of cPanel do not support PHP 8.0, so we are unable to support this at this time. It's logically equivalent to this except for the case sensitivity: function str_contains($haystack,$needle) { return !empty(stristr($haystack,$needle)); } EDIT: Not case sensitive like str_contains, but is a boolean return function that checks for presence of a string like it. In all prior versions of PHP, the stristr() method is the standard. Anyone who's used PHP for any length of time likely will know and use that method unless they really need it to be case-sensitive (which in my experience is usually not desired).
  3. The account devd does not exist.
  4. You have an email client somewhere that's checking mail with an incorrect password...many times someone forgot they set up mail on their phone, and this happens when they later change the password. Unblocked again (give it 15 minutes).
  5. Something is wrong on their end. Our system can't see the name servers: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=itskara.cyou&rec=NS Neither can Google (enter your domain and click NS, it comes back SERVFAIL): https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/dig/ A correct domain will look like: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=heliohost.org&rec=NS You might want to try changing your main domain to that domain and see if it works instead. There's a few weird registrars that are "backwards" (they expect hosts to set up DNS first, when the industry standard is for the registrar to go first). Setting this domain as your main domain will force the registrar to set up if this is the case, after which you change the main domain back and add the alias/addon.
  6. You didn't wait long enough. It usually takes ~15 minutes for it to take effect, and during severe high load, I've seen an hour or longer for an unblock to process. Nonetheless, I manually unblocked you on the server side so it should work now.
  7. Try now. Also, in the future, unblocks don't take effect immediately. They can take up to 15 minutes normally, and in severe cases (usually high load), I've seen them take an hour or longer.
  8. Domain parked. Your old account is djj by the way, not flexo.
  9. Unblocked. The domain change script will give a bad password error if the server is overloaded when you try to change your domain. If that happens and you know the password is right, try again later or ask us to change it for you. Also, please keep in mind the script cannot be used to change your domain to a .heliohost.us subdomain (we have to do that for you).
  10. Donation verified. What is your account's username so I can move it to Tommy?
  11. The 20 character one was too long (max length is 18 if I remember right). Also, passwords cannot contain spaces or quotes.
  12. We do not recommend it...it's infamous for causing all sorts of weird issues with our service (it can break Auto SSL and is known to cause email problems among other things). That said, it does mostly work if you get your site working then let it copy the zone records. Finally, please keep in mind that we will not provide any support for domains that are using cloudflare. If you ask for support with these domains, you'll be asked to remove Cloudflare before we will provide assistance.
  13. Krydos is the only one who can fix this and he hasn't been online since Thursday. You'll need to wait until he sees this to have it fixed.
  14. Unblocked again. I'm not seeing anyone else with imap blocks other than what appear to be abuse, so you probably have a phone or something that has mail set up that you forgot about.
  15. The Flask rewrite rules are interfering with it. Those rules take all requests except requests to media, admin_media, or flask.wsgi and force them through flask. Assuming the cgi-bin folder you're using is in the same folder as the flask app, you need to add an exception for cgi-bin under the RewriteBase line: RewriteRule ^(cgi-bin/.*)$ - [L]
  16. Krydos is the only one who can set that second VPS up for you. He hasn't been on recently. When he sees this he'll set it up. I moved the Johnny account you have to Tommy since there was a $1 donation (this is typically why $1 donations are made). Do you want this account moved back to Johnny?
  17. Krydos has to do the VPS. Moving the Johnny account now
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