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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Causing high server load. Passenger NodeApp: /home/genzaj/public_html/wagwoordYour node app is using too many resources. Please fix this quickly, or remove it if you're unable to do so. Unsuspended.
  2. It failed. I'll try again later when the load comes down... [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ]: Account “psn9999”: Account Restore Failed: “Account failure: Failed to create the account: (XID krwe9a) The system failed to connect to the “MySQL” database “mysql” because of an error: CR_SERVER_LOST (Lost connection to MySQL server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 110) at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/Create.pm line 1240. ” (1 skipped item) [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ]: Progress: 100% (2021-02-09 20:03:16 +0000) [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ]: Child Complete [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ][A:psn9999 ]: Account [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ][A:psn9999 ]: Failed to create the account: (XID krwe9a) The system failed to connect to the “MySQL” database “mysql” because of an error: CR_SERVER_LOST (Lost connection to MySQL server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 110) at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/Create.pm line 1240. [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ][A:psn9999 ]: Progress: 20% (2021-02-09 20:03:12 +0000) [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ][A:psn9999 ]: Progress: 100% (2021-02-09 20:03:13 +0000) [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ][A:psn9999 ]: Failed: Account Restore Failed: “Account failure: Failed to create the account: (XID krwe9a) The system failed to connect to the “MySQL” database “mysql” because of an error: CR_SERVER_LOST (Lost connection to MySQL server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 110) at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/Create.pm line 1240. [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ][A:psn9999 ]: ” [ 99272][RESTORE:1 ][A:psn9999 ]: Skipped item (“AccountRestoration::_run_restore_system_module”, line 474): The “Account” restore module failed because of an error: Failed to create the account: (XID krwe9a) The system failed to connect to the “MySQL” database “mysql” because of an error: CR_SERVER_LOST (Lost connection to MySQL server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 110) at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/Create.pm line 1240.
  3. Tommy is being slow...it's still running at 14% done, I'll check it in an hour or so.
  4. That's load-related most likely. Johnny is usually too slow for it to work right because of his load. Try installing something manually and see if it works. With the load Johnny has, I question whether we should even have Softaculous on that server. It rarely works except for small scripts.
  5. Yes. Try changing your cPanel password. That usually fixes issues with phpmyadmin not logging in.
  6. Have you tried changing your cpanel password?
  7. That's probably a good thing actually... Wordpress almost always gets users suspended for load due to how badly its written, and is also the leading cause of hacked accounts and accidental bans. Just about any other program is better.
  8. The message in that email is actually incorrect. The account was disabled because the server you're on is being rebuilt. The account will be restored automatically when that process is complete (usually takes a week or so). In the meantime, if you want your account sooner, you can either sign up again at midnight on one of the other servers, or you can donate and I'll restore the account on Tommy.
  9. It looks like it failed. I responded in your other topic and escalated that one as well.
  10. That's ... weird. Your account's domain and email are blank in the admin tools, and the account doesn't exist in WHM at all. The transfer appears to have failed. Let's have Krydos look at it...
  11. For others who find this, whenever you switch servers (which involves deleting and restoring your account, even when done by donation, you just don't see it) or do anything else that involves creating a new domain, it can take up to 24 hours before the SSL works on the domain. It's usually much faster, but not always. AutoSSL has to run and then Apache has to restart before the certificates will be valid.
  12. It's because the server is evacuating itself for a rebuild. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/42387-ricky-to-be-upgraded/?p=183545&do=findComment&comment=183545 Servers usually undergo a rebuild once every 2 or 3 years. Your account is going to be offline while the server is out for rebuild (last time around it was 8 days), and should automatically unarchive itself when the rebuild finishes.
  13. Yep, those notices and the forced inactive state is because the server is in the middle of evacuating itself for a rebuild. Considering you're a donor, why are you on Ricky? You're welcome to a Tommy account.
  14. The rebuild has begun and all Ricky accounts are being marked inactive in preparation for archiving and rebuild. Users may receive an email advising them that their account has gone inactive. There is no need to renew your account. If you do, it will go inactive again within an hour. The accounts will soon be archived so the old Ricky server can be decommissioned and the new one can be built.
  15. At the moment, not really. Normally Ricky is a relatively easy to get option, but it's closed due to rebuild at the moment. Tommy does give away free accounts too, but they're in such high demand that they fill in seconds every day. You literally have to get to the server select screen then mash F5 repeatedly right at midnight UTC and hope you see the button. It's basically a lottery. Many people have to try for a few days before they get one. Of course, you can also donate a dollar. Donors get a link to create a tommy account without the hassle as their thank you gift.
  16. Just be aware that the server you're on is getting rebuilt and as a result, your account will be archived again tomorrow...
  17. You don't need an extra account for that. You can use an add on domain to set up a second site on the same account that has entirely different content from the main domain. Also, please keep in mind that creating a second account will get you suspended.
  18. You can create the user names and passwords for MySQL in cpanel under the MySQL databases page. Host name is localhost (assuming the program accessing the database is running on our server).
  19. This account cannot be unarchived on its original server at the moment because it is on Ricky, which is pending a rebuild. Please pick from one of the following: Sign up again on Johnny or Tommy at midnight. If you wish, we can also email the archive of your old account to the email address on file.Donate. I'll move the account to Tommy and unarchive it for you there. Please post the transaction ID of the donation if you choose to do this.Wait. We can unarchive it on Ricky after the rebuild is complete.
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