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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It resuspended itself...we’ll need to wait for the mail counter to reset at midnight UTC to unsuspend this.
  2. It's the DOS protection. When we get attacked, the server does this to keep itself online. The alternative is that the server simply be down instead. The behavior you're experiencing is how the server absorbs the botnet that's currently lobbing thousands of requests at Tommy. Also, you're not even blocked at the moment.
  3. Bingo. Sending too many emails. The limit is 50/day. I'd recommend you use the VPS for that since you have one.
  4. Tommy 2021-01-16 20:41:43 DOS 32 connections It's not you, Tommy is being attacked again, and the firewall swept you up alongside everything else when it was recovering the server (you can see the downtime starting just after 1100 UTC: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/). When the DOS guard is active getting blocked is much easier than normal, so it's possible that things like bulk file uploads that normally work fine can earn you an accidental block. Unblocked
  5. Unblocked. Make sure you only use your cpanel username (not your email!) and password to log into SFTP. Also, the "additional accounts" you can make in cpanel for FTP only work with plain FTP on port 21.
  6. Tommy 2021-01-16 17:32:18 DOS 40 connections It's not you, Tommy is being attacked again, and the firewall swept you up alongside everything else when it was recovering the server (you can see the downtime starting just after 1100 UTC: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/). When the DOS guard is active getting blocked is much easier than normal, so it's possible that things like bulk file uploads that normally work fine can earn you an accidental block. Unblocked
  7. Indeed you did. Tommy 2021-01-16 17:52:10 DOS 41 connections Unblocked. If it happens again, we'll give it until tomorrow then try again.
  8. DOS 32 connections. It's not you, Tommy is being attacked again, and the firewall swept you up alongside everything else when it was recovering the server (the attack and downtime that triggered the DOS guard started just after 1100 UTC: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/). Unblocked
  9. DOS 77 Connections. It's not you, Tommy is being attacked again, and the firewall swept you up alongside everything else when it was recovering the server (you can see the downtime starting just after 1100 UTC: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/). When the DOS guard is active getting blocked is much easier than normal, so it's possible that things like bulk file uploads that normally work fine can earn you an accidental block. Unblocked
  10. You should be able to log in now. The domains will take a few hours to start working again, and AutoSSL can take up to 24 hours to get a non-expired certificate for you.
  11. That message is an entirely different issue that has nothing to do with an IP block. Your account archived itself (basically backed itself up and deleted itself) because you didn't log in. Accounts that aren't logged into for 30 days go inactive, and a little while after that, archive themselves if you don't renew them. We do this to prevent abandoned accounts from overrunning our servers. Archived accounts exist only as a single file on a disk containing the contents and settings that make up your account. I'll restore it shortly for you.
  12. Please keep in mind that for most requests, response time is 24-48 hours, and in some cases, longer.
  13. See my response here: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/42239-solved-gmp-extension-installation/?view=getnewpost
  14. That's because your account isn't actually using PHP 7.2: https://hajglobal.heliohost.org/info.php You should be able to change it here: https://ricky.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/multiphp_manager/index.html but I can't get that page to load (it's blank, not sure if that's because I was logged into your account as root or if there's something wrong with the account). For what it's worth, the script you're installing probably won't run well on Ricky anyway due to speed. Also, considering it's paid, do you have proof of license? We don't allow nulled/pirated software, and most people who buy a $99 script don't use free hosting to run it (though I have seen 2 cases where users did actually run properly-licensed paid software here, it's rare and I'd expect a Tommy account or VPS to host it).
  15. Done. Please let us know if you need anything else.
  16. I'll unsuspend it so you can make backups. I've put a deny from all in your home folder's .htaccess to prevent the website from working, but it appears you've pointed the domain elsewhere anyway. Please let me know once you've backed up your data and I can resuspend it.
  17. I did, but I don't believe that user considering what I found. The owner (or at least what I presume to be the owner, same username as the hosting account with fewer Ys) can be seen issuing bans for this sort of abuse in the warnings/bans tables of the database, so I can't say no effort was made or that he was welcoming the material in question. I suspect this is some combination of inadequate moderation, a pissed off user seeking revenge, and perhaps lack of effective means to prevent ban evasion. That said, if OP is unwilling or unable to fix this issue, he won't be welcome here.
  18. I think I may be willing to give this site another chance. Looking through its database suggests that efforts are/were being made to remove or prevent the sort of abuse that got reported here, but that such effort was either simply not effective, not performed quickly enough, or not performed thoroughly. For example, I see the warnings table showing users being warned for "directed hatred and ignorance towards a protected group" and "saying n word", among other things. The ban list shows obviously racist users being banned as recently as 1/10 as well. If I unsuspend this, you'll need to agree to remove all racist and hateful content with 24 hours of unsuspension, and disable posting to your site until you can figure out how to keep this sort of content from returning (perhaps require approvals for new accounts, add more mods or even new software perhaps?). If we receive another complaint after that time, you'll be asked to find another host. Are you OK with this? If so, let me know when you're ready to clean the mess up and we'll unsuspend you.
  19. I'll dig through the site when I get a moment and see what I think of the claims (I have two different users claiming the other is the one posting this crap, go figure...), but as I've already seen, this domain hosted content that is completely inappropriate. Regardless of who posted that content on the site, as I said above, HelioHost does not condone racism or other hateful content and it is the account owner's responsibility to make sure this content is not hosted here and that it's removed promptly when it is. At least one of the claims presented to me says the owner was himself engaging in the posting of this sort of content, which if true will result in a permanent ban. It may be a day or two before i can get to dig through this, however, in the meantime, this account is staying suspended.
  20. I tested on 5.17.9 (latest). I'd have to download an old version when I get a moment to try that.
  21. @Joeyseph: Content such as that posted in the screenshot (which I've hidden due to its content) is not welcome here, nor are insults. HelioHost does not tolerate use of our services to host racist, hateful, inflammatory, or unlawful content (including content that does things such as incite or promote violence). While we understand that people do run social media services on our service and it's quite possible that you were not the one who posted this content to your website, it is still your responsibility to moderate your own website and make sure it remains in compliance with our terms of service. That includes deleting racism, hate speech, and similar content immediately when its discovered, having an effective means for users to report such content for removal if they discover it, and being willing and able to ban users who post it to keep that content from coming back. Would you be able to effectively remove and prevent this sort of content from being hosted on your site again? Please keep in mind that if we agree to unsuspend you, you will only be given one chance to clean this up and keep it from happening again. If we discover or receive reports of this sort of content being hosted on your account again, you will be permanently banned.
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