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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Pretty much. Once I removed the expired one it went out and got the new one when I ran it. It won't replace a third party certificate (even if it's expired or otherwise invalid), so it kept ignoring your main domain until I removed the expired cert.
  2. It was refusing because the expired certificate was not from AutoSSL. AutoSSL automatically ignores any domain that has a certificate from an outside source. I deleted that expired cert and manually ran it for you: 1:58:45 PM AutoSSL’s configured provider is “cPanel (powered by Sectigo)”. This AutoSSL provider does not poll for certificate availability immediately after a certificate request submission. Instead, it submits certificate requests then periodically polls the cPanel Store for each requested certificate and installs it after a successful retrieval. The system will record all requests, retrievals, and installations for the current AutoSSL run in this log. Analyzing “trenten”’s domains … 1:58:45 PM Analyzing “chy.trenten.heliohost.org” … 1:58:45 PM SUCCESS TLS Status: OK Certificate expiry: 3/29/21, 12:00 AM UTC (82.21 days from now) 1:58:45 PM Analyzing “destiny.trenten.heliohost.org” … 1:58:45 PM SUCCESS TLS Status: OK Certificate expiry: 1/26/21, 12:00 AM UTC (20.21 days from now) 1:58:45 PM Analyzing “trenten.heliohost.org” … 1:58:45 PM ERROR TLS Status: Defective ERROR Defect: NO_SSL: No SSL certificate is installed. 1:58:45 PM Attempting to ensure the existence of necessary CAA records … 1:59:25 PM No CAA records were created. 1:59:25 PM Verifying “cPanel (powered by Sectigo)”’s authorization on domains via DNS CAA records … 1:59:27 PM “cPanel (powered by Sectigo)” is authorized to issue certificates for all domains. 1:59:27 PM Performing HTTP DCV (Domain Control Validation) on 6 domains … 1:59:27 PM Local HTTP DCV OK: trenten.heliohost.org Local HTTP DCV OK: www.trenten.heliohost.org (via trenten.heliohost.org) Local HTTP DCV OK: mail.trenten.heliohost.org (via trenten.heliohost.org) Local HTTP DCV OK: cpanel.trenten.heliohost.org (via trenten.heliohost.org) Local HTTP DCV OK: webdisk.trenten.heliohost.org (via trenten.heliohost.org) Local HTTP DCV OK: webmail.trenten.heliohost.org (via trenten.heliohost.org) 1:59:27 PM No local DNS DCV is necessary. 1:59:27 PM Processing “trenten”’s local DCV results … 1:59:27 PM Analyzing “trenten.heliohost.org”’s DCV results … 1:59:27 PM AutoSSL will request a new certificate. 1:59:27 PM The system will attempt to renew the SSL certificate for the website (trenten.heliohost.org: trenten.heliohost.org www.trenten.heliohost.org mail.trenten.heliohost.org webmail.trenten.heliohost.org cpanel.trenten.heliohost.org webdisk.trenten.heliohost.org). 1:59:30 PM The cPanel Store received “trenten.heliohost.org”’s certificate order. (Order Item ID: 1089874177) The system will periodically poll the cPanel Store for the issued certificate and then install it after a successful retrieval. The system has completed “trenten”’s AutoSSL check. Give it a few hours and it should work.
  3. Krydos will need to answer that. I don't know Django. I looked at your .py files and don't see any other than manage.py that have a shebang line, but then, Django works differently too so it may not even have one like a normal .py script that I'd use in cgi-bin...
  4. I updated my previous post for some common issues, but you may need to wait for Krydos to figure this out. EDIT: Looking at manage.py, you're using /usr/bin/env, which does not work here since it points to the wrong version of Python (2.7, which doesn't support Django). You need to specifically use /usr/bin/python3.7
  5. Krydos is the only one who knows anything about Django. Very few people here use it. Normally I'd suggest trying to get the example on this page to work, but I'm not sure if it's still relevant since it was for an old version of Django: https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/django 500 error is usually something simple though, .htaccess syntax errors or a bad shebang line are fairly common. Note that you have to use this path to python in your shebang line in order for Django to work on Johnny: /usr/bin/python3.7 Plain /usr/bin/python won't work, nor will the env tool (points to wrong version of Python)
  6. Let's see if Krydos can fix this for you. I'm not sure how quickly it will get done though, it sometimes take him a day or so to respond.
  7. It's for failed IMAP logins. Your mail client is configured incorrectly. Unblocked. It may take a few minutes to be effective.
  8. We are unable to correct this issue because you are currently in violation of our terms of service: The provider you're using, cloud-mail.top, is considered disposable. Please provide us with a legitimate email address by changing your contact information on this page: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/contact/index.html HelioHost does not share or sell email addresses. The only "marketing" you may receive is a donation request a few times a year, and you can unsubscribe from these emails if you wish. We will not fix the Java issue until your account is in compliance.
  9. We've debated banning WP entirely several times. It is the only software that causes a lot of trouble, and it's not us, it's WP. The software is poorly written, insecure, unoptimizable garbage. As for why you never had issues before: traffic and luck. The more traffic you get to your site, the easier it is for you to get you suspended from WP's stupidly high load.
  10. Ricky is overdue for a rebuild. He is extremely outdated on just about everything. Until that server gets rebuilt, you'll need to consider moving to tommy or Johnny. Both have much more recent software installed.
  11. High Wordpress load again. This is your last chance, please delete Wordpress immediately and find different software to use. If this happens again after this, you might not be unsuspended. Every time your site causes load like this, it's causing downtime for thousands of other websites. Unsuspended.
  12. He’s using his cPanel account, so it should be auto granted. The cPanel account has full access to all databases it owns. The first thing to try when this happens is to change your password.
  13. Your account was suspended because Wordpress is causing too much load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. This is really common for Wordpress. It can cause massive amounts of load even if you're hardly getting any traffic to your site. Wordpress is also incredibly insecure and very easy to hack. We see Wordpress accounts get hacked all the time and usually the hacker sets up a phishing site on your domain. We strongly recommend using any software other than Wordpress. Something that might help is this simply static Wordpress plugin. It will speed up your site, reduce the load you cause, and reduce your chance of getting hacked. If you try it let us know how it worked out for you. If you insist on using Wordpress you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access. Wordpress sites load relatively slowly on our shared hosting, but they will be much faster on a VPS.
  14. Some email addresses can't receive mail from our servers, that provider is probably one of them if you didn't get the backup or sign up emails. I did find an old tommy account called nemo14 for that email address though, that has backups available. Do you have a different email address I can send an invite to so you can make a new account?
  15. It was for failed IMAP logins. Please check your mail client settings. Unblocked.
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