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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The account failed to restore due to a server error. Krydos can restore these though. Please keep in mind that the username will change when he restores it.
  2. Looks at domain Sometimes you have to wonder why they even ask...
  3. What are the domains that need to be released?
  4. You're looking for what's basically paid hosting. We're actually considering something like this for 2021 (in fact, watch your email, there's going to be a survey on this to gauge interest in the coming days!), but the details haven't been worked out yet. In the meantime, Krydos will often be willing to move a site to VPS for you if you ask. A VPS isn't the most straight-forward thing in the world, but you can run something like VestaCP on it if you want a pretty web interface vs. a command line to manage the day to day stuff. Start by signing up for a VPS here: https://heliohost.org/vps/ You'll get an email with details and instructions, and you can simply reply directly to the email for assistance
  5. Your account was suspended because our systems detected that you might have more than one account. We understand that no one ever reads our terms, but as a reminder, our Terms of Service state that each user is allowed to have only one account. The reason we have to enforce this rule is because our servers are already overloaded the way it is, and it wouldn't be fair to everyone that is turned away each day for you to have more than one when so many others have none. One common reason people create more than one account is to get around our storage limit of 1000 MB. Did you know that we will give you another 1000 MB of storage for each $5 USD donation you make up to 5000 MB total? If you'd like to increase the storage of your account just make a donation and then let us know your transaction ID and username. Another common reason people create more than one account is to host more than one website. Did you know that you can host as many websites on your one account as you want? Unlike a lot of free hosts we offer unlimited alias domains, unlimited addon domains, and unlimited subdomains. If you need any help adding another website to your account just let us know. Another common reason people create more than one account is to try out several servers at once, or to transfer a website between accounts on different servers. Did you know that an admin can move your account for you for as little as a $1 USD donation? This will save you the trouble of signing up again, and deleting your account, etc. Sometimes our systems flags you as possibly having more than one account when you share a computer with family, friends, coworkers, other students, etc. If this is your situation we apologize for the suspension, and we'll be happy to unsuspend all of the involved accounts after you provide proof that each of the accounts belong to a different person.
  6. High WP load again. Please delete Wordpress as soon as possible. Unsuspended.
  7. I’m not buying your “little brother” story, especially since the email address used on the account was one that belongs to your previous banned accounts, and the domain is in line with your others. Because of your repeated violations of the terms of service, we’ve chosen not to serve you any longer. You can take your domain to a different hosting company by changing your name servers at your registrar.
  8. It has to be unarchived before you can log in...I can't do it at the moment due to being on mobile. I'll do it shortly when I'm at a PC.
  9. It was suspended because the system thinks you have more than one account. You're only allowed one account. Which account do you want to keep?
  10. I can't open the picture, it gives me a hotlinking error.
  11. He tried those already from his post...the admin tools failed as well. I forced it to change in WHM. Please check the email account associated with the account for an email containing your new password.
  12. It was changed in one system but not the other. Even more interestingly, when I changed your main domain to something else and back to force it to try again, it changed to the other thing I entered, but then failed to change to the .us like it should. I manually changed it in WHM since the script and admin tools couldn't set it for some reason. Your account is now actually assigned the domain blueyeskeleton.heliohost.us... It should start working shortly.
  13. Ack, I somehow missed that, yeah he need to delete it still. He keeps wanting to use the wp backup functions but those are well known for load, and there’s nothing you can do there that can’t be done in cPanel with a file archive and database dump...
  14. Not sure why Krydos hasn't looked at this yet.
  15. The shared hosting only allows one WAR file per account. You would need to purchase a VPS to do this.
  16. Gmail is especially sensitive to that. If an email is sent to a gmail box, the sender must have at least SPF enabled, or the mail simply gets deleted. The sender usually gets an email saying it was refused because of lack of spf/dkim, but with mail() it's quite possible that's going to a noreply address....
  17. Also, a lot of people use WP because "WP is popular so it must be good". Remember: Popularity is not an indication of quality... In fact, the opposite tends to be true more often than not (the more popular it is, the more buggy/bloated/etc. it is)...insomuch that I'd be willing to say that the popularity of the product is a direct cause of its poor code quality: As the product becomes popular, the developer is pressured into cramming more crap into it and rushing it out the door faster to keep the user base growing, leading to things like Wordpress that suffer from horrendous code quality, a substantial amount of feature bloat, and the performance issues that go with.
  18. This one was a mistake on my part (was accidentally included when I was manually processing a bunch of likely-phishing sites from Nigeria as Suspicious the other day...your account does not fit the profile used to suspend them and shouldn't have been included). Unsuspended.
  19. It sounds like you're looking for the clone URL so you can clone your repo on to your PC...that function isn't available here because it requires shell access, which we don't offer on our shared hosting. It's a known limitation of cPanel
  20. It's actually on ricky. Unarchiving...
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