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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/42094-suspended/ You're only allowed one account, so this can't be unsuspended.
  2. That account cannot be unsuspended because lighttec is already active. Users are only allowed to have one active account at a time. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/42021-suspended-lighttec/ Do you want me to suspend lighttec and unsuspend this one instead?
  3. Invite sent. If you need the data, you can request the backup from https://heliohost.org/backup/
  4. Ricky is well overdue for a rebuild, so a lot of his software is outdated. If you mean why do we offer Django on 2.7 on Ricky, it's intentional because some users still need to run old apps on that version. If you need it on 3.x, Johnny or Tommy both have it on Python 3.
  5. Assign an ID to the <select> element (e.g. <select id="carDD"> ) and reference it as: document.getElementById('carDD').value;
  6. There's only one person who can do this (Krydos), so you'll need to wait for him to respond.
  7. The way you get into such a position is to work your way up. We don't seek staff for such positions directly. All of 3 our current root admins (including myself) got where we are by first being moderators then support admins then being promoted to root admin. It took me just over 4 years to get there (late 2013 to early 2018. The best way to get involved around here is to start helping out on the forums Eventually you'll get noticed and considered for moderator, then you work your way up from there. If you have things that might be of interest to us (scripts, etc.), feel free to post them here and we'd be glad to take a look Krydos is the expert on our Linux and VPS stuff. I'm a Windows guy, so I mostly deal with Lily (our ASP.NET server), and the rest of my time is spent on either customer service or abuse prevention and removal.
  8. What account needs changing and what is the new domain?
  9. Gmail often considers mail from our servers to be spam, so it’s probably in the spam folder... Also, if you use IMAP to sync instead, the messages should stay on our server until you delete them.
  10. Throttling him to some tiny portion of the server should give it room to breathe...VMware does a pretty good job at constraining vms when you throttle them. You can also lower a VM's priority I believe, which would let him have flexibility when the server is quiet but make him wait when others have things to do. The fact he's managing to produce more load than the entirety of Johnny is just flat out absurd. There isn't even anywhere to really go in terms of a better plan for him either...unless we decide to start offering dedicated servers...
  11. Lets see what Krydos says about this. He's the one who would need to fix this.
  12. That number is correct. You went from 1000MB to 2000MB on the first donation, then the second donation increased it to 5000MB, or 4.88GB.
  13. It's 5000MB, not 2TB. See here: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/41193-solved-gofundme-donation/ If it did show 2TB at any point, this would have been a configuration error or server malfunction. We do not offer more than 5000MB to any shared hosting plan user, and 0.5TB is the largest space option we offer on a VPS. 4.88GB is 5000MB, so it's correct. The server measures in 1024MB = 1GB, but we sell by the 1000MB block, or 0.976GB block. The space you purchased is 0.976 * 5 = 4.88GB.
  14. You can't. You're on a shared server, which means the Apache installation is used for thousands of websites, not just yours. If we allowed users access to it, your changes would affect everybody, and quite likely break other users. That said, we might be able to make the needed changes for you if they won't break anything (if they break something, you would need to buy a VPS so you have an entire server to yourself). What software are you trying to use, and what isn't working?
  15. Unsolved again. I wonder if this is the same VPS over and over...
  16. Krydos will probably be able to answer when it was suspended, but it's worth noting that WP will cause load even if not public, simply because bots will pound on the login page. Also, if there's a backdoor due to malicious extensions or the like, those will often work with the site disabled. I would suggest fully blocking WP if you don't use it and don't want to delete it (putting a deny from all at the bottom of the .htaccess for WP will usually suffice).
  17. The one you posted from isn't blocked. What IP address is blocked?
  18. Unsolved so Krydos looks at this again.
  19. You're suspended for having more than one account. Users are only allowed one account. Which account do you want to keep?
  20. The 7 hours off is likely to do with how the server handles time. The server clock is UTC and I think the time zone is +0 as well. root@tommy [/home/daskunk]# date Wed Dec 16 15:10:59 UTC 2020 root@tommy [/home/daskunk]# Krydos could probably find a way to set the timestamps if you really need them. If I upload zip files, they're usually also off by ~7 hours when unpacked (I'm just west of Philly, so also Eastern ...not looking forward to 6+" of snow...I have to work tonight in the middle of the storm...)
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