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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Please keep in mind that the only account that works on SFTP is your cpanel username (not your email address!) and password. The "extra" accounts you can create are only valid when used over plain FTP on port 21. Unblocked.
  2. Sadly we do not have a choice at the moment. Not only is it federally illegal to provide service to Iran, cPanel's terms of service also prohibit using the software to host Iranian users. Hosting an Iranian user can result in cPanel revoking our licenses or the federal government suing us, both of which would cause us to go out of business. As a result, we are legally required to issue Iranian users a permanent ban when they are found using our services.
  3. Flazepe pretty much has it. It's illegal for us to serve users located in (or affiliated with) Iran since we're in the USA. You'll need to find another web host unfortunately
  4. You need to set the domain's name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org at your registrar, then you just add the domain in cPanel under either Aliases (shows same content as your main domain), or addon domains (different content from your main domain).
  5. wolstech

    IP Blocked

    What IP address is blocked? (The one you posted from is not).
  6. Paypal isn't available in his country (Turkey according to his IP). He'll need to donate using Skrill or crypto: https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ then post the transaction ID.
  7. The system doesn't log this info. The connections are tracked by originating IP, not the domain they hit. The log just says "Failed IMAP logins". You'll need to check every mail client that's present at that IP, including things like phones.
  8. Unsolved so he looks at it again.
  9. lfd: Failed POP3 login Your mail client is configured incorrectly. Unblocked (it may take a few minutes to unblock).
  10. Processes for none1632 have been terminated. This tutorial on building a Discord bot talks about starting/stopping long-running Python scripts: https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/discord-bot#how-to-get-started-with-a-discord-bot You should be able to adapt the start.py and stop.py from that to your application
  11. Try signing in here: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/ I will say that load and performance issues are normal for Johnny though. That server is meant for experimenting and testing, not actually hosting a stable website, so it sacrifices stability and uptime to let more users have an account and the flexibility to run what they want. If you're to the point where you need to host a production website that works like you'd expect (i.e. is reliable and up all the time), you should move to Tommy. That server is intended for production use, and we much more tightly control load on Tommy to ensure it has good uptime. To give an idea, for the past few days, uptime for each server: Tommy: 100%Ricky: 99.27% (but really slow)Johnny: 96.2%
  12. That account is not suspended. It's working fine when I open it.
  13. Weird. cPanel is supposed to make sure the domain has an NS record = NS1.heliohost.org and NS2.heliohost.org before allowing an addon or alias domain. By design, this is not supposed to work. The fact it did is kind of odd. I thought maybe someone had turned on the allow remote domain option, but nope. I have no idea why this worked...
  14. @Bailey: He can't. His attempt to add that will fail with a nameserver error because we don't support CNAME/A records for alias/addon domains. The only ways to make that domain work here is to use it as the main domain.
  15. It is indeed a weird behavior. In the past we've tried setting up a specific page that's supposed to be shown for this, but it has never really proved reliable due to how cpanel works...
  16. The weird page is because you're forcing SSL on a domain that doesn't have a certificate installed. When you do that, the server will serve the content of a random domain that has SSL installed (typically it'll be a random user's website, your domain just got lucky and the user's website looks like it could be from us). It fixes itself once AutoSSL runs and a certificate gets set up. I just manually ran AutoSSL for you so you can skip the 24 hour wait. Give it another few hours for the certs to install and Apache to restart again and it will work properly. You may need to clear your cache once its working in order to see it. 8:28:15 PM This system has AutoSSL set to use “cPanel (powered by Comodo)”. 8:28:15 PM Checking websites for “esn024” … 8:28:17 PM The website “thebrooksreflections.thebrooksreflections.heliohost.org”, owned by “esn024”, has no SSL certificate. AutoSSL will attempt to obtain a new certificate and install it. 8:28:19 PM The system will attempt to renew SSL certificates for the following websites: 8:28:19 PM thebrooksreflections.thebrooksreflections.heliohost.org (thebrooksreflections.com www.thebrooksreflections.com mail.thebrooksreflections.com webmail.thebrooksreflections.com cpanel.thebrooksreflections.com webdisk.thebrooksreflections.com thebrooksreflections.thebrooksreflections.heliohost.org www.thebrooksreflections.thebrooksreflections.heliohost.org) 8:28:42 PM The system has completed the AutoSSL check for “esn024”.
  17. Changes can take several hours to take effect (Apache needs to restart).
  18. Unpinning and locking due to being obsolete. Bailey, can you make a replacement post? I'll pin the replacement.
  19. It appears to be an issue with WinSCP. Specifically, accounts that use password-based authentication don't seem to work in WinSCP: I could not get any of the Tommy accounts I have passwords for to log in successfully using a password on WinSCP (even root failed with the password, but it worked fine when I used my SSH key...). Those same accounts that failed in WinSCP work just fine with a password if I use Filezilla's SFTP.
  20. I changed it to the .heliohost.us one already, you're fine (it takes like 30 seconds to change it in WHM).
  21. Changed. It may take an hour or two start working, and SSL may take up to 24 hours. The main domain change tool does not work reliably for the .us subdomains which is why you're having trouble. It's a known issue.
  22. wolstech

    Blocked IP

    If you had users who maintained a specific portion of a website for instance and needed access to only some portion of your account. They're not used very often.
  23. wolstech

    Blocked IP

    For SFTP, you can only use the cPanel username and password. The "extra FTP accounts" options only work for plain unencrypted FTP on port 21.
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