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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. This is his third time for Wordpress load. I'm not unsuspending this in its current state again. Please pick from one of the following options: A. I'll move you to Johnny and unsuspend you. This will keep your load from impacting other Tommy users, and you get to keep your account. B. I'll delete Wordpress and unsuspend you. You must agree to never use Wordpress again. You get to keep a tommy account, but lose your data. C. I let you make a backup. Your site will be down until you back up and remove Wordpress yourself. As with B, you would have to agree to never use Wordpress again. You get to keep your tommy account. D. Same as C, but you delete your account after backing up. E. You buy a VPS. Krydos can help you move your site to the VPS and get it running. You get full control over the VPS and don't have to worry about load suspensions. Downside is there's a monthly fee.
  2. Unblocked. It may take up to 10 minutes to take effect.
  3. It appears you were on Ricky based on your post history. An invite for Ricky has been sent.
  4. Accounts no longer get deleted due to inactivity, they archive instead (it's been this way for about 4 years). Since your account is missing entirely, either you or someone with your password specifically deleted it. You're welcome to to sign up again when registration opens, or if you were previously a donor, please provide the transaction information from that donation and we can get you a new invite for Tommy.
  5. If you would like to provide a proper email address, we can update your account and unsuspend you.
  6. Your account was suspended because Wordpress is causing too much load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. This is really common for Wordpress. It can cause massive amounts of load even if you're hardly getting any traffic to your site. Wordpress is also incredibly insecure and very easy to hack. We see Wordpress accounts get hacked all the time and usually the hacker sets up a phishing site on your domain. We strongly recommend using any software other than Wordpress. Something that might help is this simply static Wordpress plugin. It will speed up your site, reduce the load you cause, and reduce your chance of getting hacked. If you try it let us know how it worked out for you. If you insist on using Wordpress you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access. Wordpress sites load relatively slowly on our shared hosting, but they will be much faster on a VPS.
  7. To move for free, you need to delete your account and try signing up again exactly at midnight UTC (most will do the email part a few minutes early and get to the server select page of the sign up process, then mash F5 at midnight UTC and hope you see the button). Just be aware that Tommy fills in less than 10 seconds every day (I think the lifetime record for Tommy filling is some crazy number <1 second). That's unlike the other two servers that are usually open for an hour or so. For most people, it usually takes several days of trying to get an account for free on Tommy (the majority of users already on Tommy are donors). As of now Tommy is our best server, though we're planning on offering an "auto-scaling" paid hosting product in the near future as well that comes without the risk of load suspensions and slowdowns. In the meantime, if you want to donate, you can do that here: https://heliohost.org/donate/ then post the transaction ID and I'll move you.
  8. Just tested it and can confirm that unchecking that option does fix the password auth on Tommy. Thanks for the fix! Weird though...since Johnny works fine with it checked. Also of note, if you use a certificate to sign into SFTP, you have to remove the cert file from the site entry entirely (blank the key file field) if you want to log into an account with a password in WinSCP (this is unlike other clients, where the client will simply ignore the cert if its not valid for the username provided).
  9. You have to be a donor to request a move to another server. If you're a donor, please post the transaction ID of your donation so we can verify you've donated, and we'll get you moved. Second, if you have donated, what server do you want to be on? You say Ricky, but then ask to be moved to Tommy (if you're not sure, Tommy is the better of the two).
  10. This is intentionally disabled due to a history of abuse (people use it to run botnets and pirated software) and cannot be enabled. You'll need to remove the module that requires it.
  11. Krydos will need to figure out why that failed (I downloaded the cpmove-animecafe.tar.gz and it tested OK, so not a corrupt archive), but the good news is it appears his account was empty anyway aside from a single 5KB postgres DB. There's nothing in public_html, mail, or mysql. I'd think the easy fix here is to send an invite and if he wants that DB, we can just email the .sql to him or leave it in his home folder and he can restore it manually.
  12. VPSes are usually handled by Krydos, so I'll pass this to him. To answer your number 2 and 3 though, a VPS is a bare OS installation by default. It comes with no software beyond the OS, but you get full root access, so you can just install Apache and PHP on it and host a website (which is what most people do with one). Krydos can help with this if you ask He can also move a Tommy account's data to the VPS for you. Your access and administration of a VPS is just what the OS provides (for linux you get a command line via SSH, for Windows you get remote desktop), and whatever you install (I believe some have installed free cPanel alternatives like VestaCP to reduce the amount of command line usage). Also, the Windows ones don't include a license.
  13. IP unblocked (failed IMAP logins, which was probably due to mail clients checking your mail while suspended). As for the load, Krydos would be able to tell you more about that.
  14. Done. You're on Tommy now. Thank you for the donation.
  15. Our system sees no records at all for that domain: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=funkypickle.tk&rec=NS Either they're not set, or the update failed on Freenom's end.
  16. Split from other topic. Please don't bump a post from 9 months ago. Krydos has to set this up.
  17. He changed it while I was in the middle of changing it, so yes
  18. This was another failed main domain change. The .heliohost.us domains really don't like being set by the main domain change script...it was correct in the admin tools, but WHM had the lunars.us still which is why it didn't work.
  19. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/42299-suspendedotuoluuokohiagmailcom/ If you see an inactive page, please clear your cache. It's not suspended, and you can't get your other account back because you already have an account.
  20. .br is infamous for not working well because of their backwards policy that requires hosts to set up first (.br and eu.org are the only providers like this). If you try, it'll fail because our system expects them to set up first, and their systems expects us to set up first... The domain tegmen.com.br has been manually parked on top of wmenezes.heliohost.org. Please set your name servers to the ones you listed and wait a few hours for the domain to start working
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