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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Regular User accounts don't support this feature, only reseller/admin accounts (hence number 3 in your list), so this cannot be supported. Besides, it's also a security issue.
  2. Sorry I never got a chance to do this (was at work and didn't know I'd be spending my whole morning fixing a broken server...). I'll send this in a few minutes...
  3. Change your cPanel password. This happens when the mysql and cpanel passwords are out of sync.
  4. I'll have to send an email to the address on file for the OP later this morning to verify it's him. As for Ricky accounts, if you're in that boat, simply skip the delete and sign up again. You won't be able to delete an account from a server that isn't working.
  5. Unfortunately this is a limitation of cpanel. All databases must start with your username_ on our system. If the software doesn't let you change the database name, you'll need to find different software.
  6. Johnny's tomcat doesn't support SSL connections by default. Krydos can make it work for you, but doing so will remove support for plain HTTP. Do you want him to do that? Alternately, you can move to Tommy where tomcat fully supports both connection types.
  7. Unblocked again. It may take up to 15 minutes to be effective.
  8. I can't unarchive this at the moment since I'm on mobile. Hopefully another admin will see it. Username is farhange.
  9. This one got banned because someone set up a PayPal phishing site on that account. If you didn't put it there, a hacker got into your account and did. Either way you'll need to create a new account.
  10. wolstech


    We intentionally don't provide shell access and do not plan to change this (it's not just for security, but also for load control since our servers are both older and have substantially more accounts on them than those found at a commercial hosting provider...the last thing we need is someone deciding to do something dumb like run a crypto miner and hog the CPU or RAM). If you need shell access, you'd need to buy a VPS instead: https://heliohost.org/vps/ You get full root access with that, so rsync, git, and anything else you could want can be used however you want, but the obvious downside is that it's not free.
  11. Unblocked. It may take a few minutes to be effective.
  12. Long story short, WAR files hate being renamed. The server renames WAR files if the username_ isn't already in front when you deploy it, and the result is exactly what you're describing. The trick to fixing this is to recompile the WAR with the username already included before you deploy it (i.e. when you compile it, call it tadeubas_holdinvest-0.1.war, not holdinvest-0.1.war). The server will see the username_ in front and not rename it, and the application will know to expect the tadeubas_holdinvest-0.1 path because it was built that way.
  13. If I remember right, it's intentionally only available on one version of PHP because of the amount of load that it causes. For Johnny users, it's PHP 7.3. You have to use that version if you want imagick support. Also, imagick is an easy way to get suspended for load or for filling /tmp.
  14. Did you mean Tommy? Or do you actually want to move to Johnny? Tommy is a much better server.
  15. Some email providers have us blacklisted because we very often get abusive users who use our services to send phishing email. Most providers allow our email (though some will put it in spam), however a few will simply refuse the mail entirely when we get blocked. In our experience it usually tends to be GMX and Microsoft that do this. The blocks come and go depending on how much abuse we get in any given period of time.
  16. What are you trying to do exactly? Are you trying to make your domain receive mail, or are you trying to check mail with a mail client? The MX record only allows the domain to receive mail while the domain is pointed elsewhere, that is to say, it makes the mail deliverable. It does not let a mail client access the mailbox, nor does it let a mail client send mail. For that, you need to either use the webmail or change your mail client's settings to use tommy.heliohost.org as the IMAP and SMTP servers.
  17. Yes they are. You need to either change the A record back to, or edit your MX record and set it to tommy.heliohost.org.
  18. Domain added. Give it an hour to start working. Git doesn't really work well on our server because we don't allow SSH access, which is a requirement for many of its features like clone URLs.
  19. The free domains end in .heliohost.us now, we no longer offer the .org version. As for how to get one, an admin has to add it for you. What is your username and what domain do you want?
  20. Krydos has to get them for you. While you wait for him to get logs, I'd suggest making sure your database settings are correct if your app uses a database. One of the most common failures we see is MySQL Access Denied errors due to people forgetting to put in database credentials (e.g. the app is trying to log into the database as root with no password, which is a common configuration on a dev machine but obviously is not going to work on a shared production server).
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