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    Toulouse, France

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  1. Hello ! Me too, Tommy hosts my WordPress website juliengarrigue.com Thanks
  2. Hi @Krydos, I'm willing to use the all in one WP Migration plugin but I need you to increase the Maximum upload file size: to 600Mb please I'm using PHP 7.4.33 Thank you
  3. I've tried again to restore the website but unfortunately, it doesn't work....
  4. Dear Krydos, Thank you for your advice and I totally agree with you. But I have no clue on transferring a WP website without tools for noobs like me. I also do not have access to the ftp server neither to the database, I took the backup from a host that gives WP admin access only. However, if you have a better tool than Updraft to advice, please let me know. Thank you
  5. Now I've tried a third time, still the same issue
  6. I tried with firewall and without firewall : it happens everytime And everytime the website become unavailable, I loose wp-admin access, because the website is locked in kind of maintenance mode without possibility to login at all, so I rebuild a fresh WP
  7. Hello ! I'm trying to restaure a website coming from another host but I'm facing the following error : UpdraftPlus Restore error: 504 I've deactivate the firewall but the problem seems to come from a proxy according what I've found on internet. What can I do ? Thank you
  8. You can close this request, website is now online. Thanks
  9. Hello, I've just install a fresh WP on https://wp.900m.heliohost.us/ Problem : I reach the default plesk page and I can't reach the https://wp.900m.heliohost.us/wp-login I can't see what is wrong. You can reset the whole wp.900m.heliohost.us domain if needed Thank you
  10. garrigue

    Tommy back online

    Yes, thanks for the clue. It's resolved now. You see, actually it's a website I deleted files and database and I forgot the cron task, that's why I askedon my last ticket if it would be possible to reset a subdomain to start from scratch like when you create a new one for us. Anyway, I've found a new issue with SEO Toolkit. I don't use it for now but maybe other people do.
  11. garrigue

    Tommy back online

    Yes but now I'm receiving this email every minute PHP Warning: require(/home/juliengarrigue.com/900m/admin/cli/../../config.php😞 failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/juliengarrigue.com/900m/admin/cli/cron.php on line 33PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home/juliengarrigue.com/900m/admin/cli/../../config.php' (include_path='.:/opt/plesk/php/7.4/share/pear') in /home/juliengarrigue.com/900m/admin/cli/cron.php on line 33
  12. garrigue

    Tommy back online

    Hello, when I use the scan option in WP-toolkit, I got this error:
  13. OK, you can just ignore my request and close it. Thank you
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