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Found 8 results

  1. Hello! Pls. change my main domain heliohost plesk, username tamsgyurik078 Current domai(office346.eu.org) already not control new domain CyberSaga.biz. Thank u!
  2. hi i accidently chose my domain as saulencijus10.helioho.st can i have brainit.helioho.st?
  3. Hi, I wanted to change my main domain to nonthapatjamjai.tk. My username is deknoinarak. Thanks
  4. I recently changed my domain, and I go through the cpanel port 80, and its domain is still the old domain, is there a way I can change the cpanel domain.
  5. a. zmeth0dz b. Jhonny c. inglesaca.tk Question: Should I wait another 24 hours?. Forgive me in advance if this post is unnecessary but I have doubts since I am not sure if I setup everything properly or If I bugged something changing my Domain name after registration This is what i've done: I went to helionhost.org-&--#62;Signup-&--#62;Joined Jhonny server Created an account on a domain "alejandrochataing.tk". A couple of hours later I decided to change to "inglesaca.tk" I went to helionghost.org-&--#62;Support-&--#62;Script-&--#62;Domain Change-&--#62; "inglesaca.tk" (no quotes) I waited 24 hours. Cleared my Chrome cache from a week. And I got the Queued standard page. I went to Status on helionhost-&--#62;Support-&--#62;Script-&--#62;Status is: "Either we could not find that account in the database, or it has already become active. If you're seeing an "Account Queued" page, please wait an additional 24 hours. If you aren't seeing anything, please refresh your browser's cache." I have no problems signing in CPannel. However Is everything normal?. Thanks in advance for your time to check my account status
  6. hi, i'd like to change my domain from mydomain.heliohost.org to mynewdomain.heliohost.org. i tryied to use the domain change script (http://www.heliohost.../scripts/domain) but it looks like it doesnt work as i did it three days ago, but there is no result so far. can anyone give me a hand? how can i do that? or do i have to create a new account? thank you.
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