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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The folder had the wrong owner (was owned by nobody for some reason). Your domain is working now, and I can see the files in file manager now as well http://dopplerdave.info/
  2. The domain tommygun.heliohost.org has been cleaned up. Invite sent. Please check your email for the invite to complete creation of the account. If it fails again, please let me know and I'll have Krydos manually scrub the domain. The killdns script has had issues clearing out domains on a few accounts...
  3. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  4. I'll assume he deleted it because no account with that domain exists.
  5. That’s weird... Let’s see what Krydos says. Changing an IP should not cause that error. If it weren’t configured for remote access, it’d be an access denied error, so it’s not that...
  6. I’ll set this up when I’m at a computer later today. You’ll receive a PM with information once set up.
  7. This is usually caused by badly-written code that doesn’t close its connections when it’s done with them. I assume you wrote the program yourself? If so, be sure your code is closing the database connections when you’re finished with them. Many times I find code that opens a new connection for every query, never closes them, and fails when it hits the connection limit. You should either open, query, close every time, or open at the start of the script, reuse the single connection for every query, and close it at the end.
  8. A Whois response and an actual dns response are two separate things. They can say whatever they want on the Whois, but unless dns actually answers with the NS records, it won’t work. Your registrar is probably leaving themselves as authoritative and improperly delegating the domain. Contact them and ask that our NS be made authoritative for the domain and their NS be removed entirely. If they say they can’t, then you’ll need to find a new registrar.
  9. That account is working. http://ubitech.heliohost.org/ Please sign in here: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ instead of using our website. The account record is just missing from one of our systems, so our website won't work for you for the time being. I'll fix that when I'm near a computer.
  10. For number 1, if you mean change the whatever.heliohost.org after you signup, then yes. You can use the main domain change script to do that. As for number 2, no, at least not in your own, A normal account can only have one heliohost.org subdomain, and it always points to public_html. That said, an admin can create additional ones pointed to other folders if you request them, there's just no user interface for doing it yourself. If you mean you want to create sub.whatever.heliohost.org, use the subdomains page to do that.
  11. This is a common issue around here, and it's always fixed in the Java code. 99% of the issues are related to not naming the war file with the username_ on it before you deploy it. Other than that, I know people have had issues with the context path before (the way our system works causes it to guess wrong on what this is). I would start by rebuilding your war, naming the output file tujiorg_tujiorg.war. Then upload and deploy that file. That fixes most people's issues with this. If that doesn't help, you'll need to check your code to ensure you're using relative links. You don't want the code to include the domain name when generating links (because it can and will get the domain name wrong, resulting in links to localhost...). If I remember right there's also a way to force the context path by setting an attribute in one of the XML files, but I don't know Java much at all and might be mistaken.
  12. You misconfigured a mail client and got yourself blocked. Tommy 2019-11-29 11:28:13 20 in the last 3600 secs lfd: Failed IMAP login UA/Ukraine/nat-24.brok-x.ks.uaMake sure the credentials in your mail clients are correct or you'll end up blocked again. Unblocked
  13. Looking at that site a bit further makes me wonder if this should even be approved. I suspect that site may be distributing or linking to pirated movies/TV, which is against our Terms of Service.
  14. That's likely the issue. We don't allow outbound connections on port 25461... Krydos might be willing to open this for you. Let's see what he says.
  15. So a few things...first, be aware that the folder name tujiorg_tujiorg is the correct name. Our server adds username_ to all war filenames if it's missing before deploying them. Many war files don't like being renamed, so when building your war, be sure to build the war file with the username_ already added to the name. As for redirecting to localhost, does the war try to assume the domain from the request? Apache acts as a proxy here, and connects to your app on port 8080 to get content. You can also see what happens when your app is accessed directly by using http://tommy.heliohost.org:8080/tujiorg_tujiorg/ to get to it.
  16. Can you post the full URL of the file being downloaded? Connection refused usually means either the remote server is broken/blocking us (not our problem, you'd need to contact that server's owner) or the port you're connecting on is blocked (outbound connections are supported on all standard ports)
  17. There’s no good reason to do so since they’re already working and you want to keep the old domain anyway. The main domain and an alias are functionally identical on every respect except for what cPanel says is the primary domain. If you’re really insistent on doing so anyway, you need to remove the second domain from aliases, wait for it to be completely clear out, then change it as linked above. Note that this will result in downtime for the domain, and quite often fails.
  18. Both of those domains are working.
  19. The accounts actually have different email addresses, and since one of the two is archived, you're not violating our TOS either. As for the domains being queued, please set the name servers for both of those domains to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, then add weconnect.us.to to cPanel as an addon domain. After that, give everything a few minutes and they should work.
  20. That account could not be unarchived due to a server error. Failed to create the account: A database owner with the name “watersch” already exists. Krydos can usually restore these, but your username will change when he does this.
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