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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. This has been moved to Tommy. Thank you for the donation
  2. This has been moved to Tommy. Thank you for the donation
  3. The archive for that account is missing. I have hendro but not hendro79. Would you like an invite instead?
  4. This has been moved to Tommy. Thank you for the donation.
  5. Nope. He's just the only one that's been doing them because I've been at my second job where I can't work on this stuff. He's not the only one capable of doing them. The only time he must do it is when the donation was through the GFM.
  6. I can do these as well. The account abdarum has been moved to Tommy and you should now be able to log into it. For some reason NS2 is currently missing the DNS zones for the domain, but otherwise it's working. Hopefully it'll sync up on its own.
  7. I think we had this on Tommy before the rebuild. Lets see if Krydos can install it for you...
  8. Quota increased. Thank you for the donation.
  9. He's been known to take a few days to respond at times, so that's not entirely unexpected. For what it's worth, everyone who runs HelioHost is volunteer. We don't get paid to do this, and all of us have a real life outside of HelioHost. When things get busy, we sometimes just don't have the time to respond right away.
  10. Krydos is the one who will ultimately need to see it, so your best bet is to send him a PM with the example email and post a message here that you've done so.
  11. If you don’t mind, please post an example of the email that you would be sending.
  12. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  13. That account does not exist. EDIT: Actually, it got deleted by the tommy rebuild. I am currently unable to send an invite though because the status and invites section of admin tools is down. Lets have Krydos take a look since the admin tools need fixing anyway...
  14. Krydos has to do this since it was through the GFM. I'll move this so he remembers to take care of it.
  15. Email limit is 50 recipients per day, regardless of how they're sent. Disk space 1000MB, but you can get 2000MB if you donate $5 or more. Cpu and ram are limited as well, but the amount you can use varies based on how much others are using at the time. If your account is the heaviest user of resources when the server needs to suspend someone due to load, you get suspended. There's a load monitor in cpanel that let's you see how much you're using. Running Wordpress is probably the easiest way to get suspended for this because it's extremely inefficient and poorly written. Our terms of service linked above flazepe specifies what types of content are banned. No limits on file size, concurrent connections, or bandwidth.
  16. Usernames are not reusable unless re-registered using the same email address it was originally registered with. You should pick a different username. Most people just put a 1 or 2 on the end. Alternately, I can resend the invite to the email associated with the username.
  17. Weird...mine never came and isn't in spam either, not that I needed it to know about that upgrade anyway Figured I'd just point it out.
  18. @Krydos: Are you sure about that? I definitely did not receive the email that should've gone with rax3...
  19. Johnny accounts are unavailable at the moment because the server is currently down for upgrades. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/37562-johnny-to-be-upgraded/ And more recently: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/37648-upgrade-starts-tomorrow/ You can donate for a move while it's down, or you can wait until the rebuild is done and it will be restored on Johnny automatically.
  20. You can do this with URL rewriting instead. To be honest though, Google will follow a redirect and index the final destination, so your content would end up indexed either way. The URL shown is the only difference.
  21. The system can't tell the accounts apart because they both have the same email address (which is supposed to be impossible). Not that it matters because you're violating our terms of service by having two accounts anyway. Delete the Ricky account here: http://heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete After that, log in using this link instead: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ , username th and your password. Use the forgot password option on that cpanel screen if you need to reset the password.
  22. If it's just cpanel, odds are it's the network you're using to access it blocking traffic on port 2083 (pretty common for work/school/public networks). You're not blocked on our end. Try a different internet connection like a cell phone data plan and I'd bet it'll work fine.
  23. He cheated to make it work. He never actually got the socket to work directly, but rather he made Apache accept and pass the websocket data back to the servlet (Apache can talk to the servlet websocket via localhost even if it's otherwise firewalled in since they run on the same server). That works if the data flowing through the web socket can be handled by Apache...not everything can be. Sockets are supposed to be HTTP compatible during initial connection, so Apache should be able to pass WS data back (effectively making Apache into a proxy). I do know that WSS (secure websocket) never worked. I'd give the method shown there a shot assuming your client can support Apache being in the middle (that's going to depend on what the client is...), but that particular user is no longer on our service so I can't really ask him if he ever got it to fully work. As for VPSes, that's the best practice when building things like this. You have root access on a VPS and can just open the required ports vs. trying to work around the limitations of the shared hosting. Any firewall you'd run into would be one you installed yourself, so you can just add exceptions to make it work.
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