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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Hestia has been installed on VPS74, and your Johnny backup has been restored into Hestia. I have sent you an email with detailed instructions on how to login. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  2. Krydos

    Great SSL News

    We just heard back from Let's Encrypt regarding our rate limit increase request. They have increased our limit even more than we asked for. That means that everyone will be able to get free SSL automatically and easily through Plesk, and when we start offering new accounts they will all come with SSL too. We asked for a rate limit increase a few years ago and Let's Encrypt never even responded to us, so this is amazing news.
  3. Well, it's not the same problem as tycoon, because your account was not inactive. I emailed you a reset link that should allow you to pick a new password. Let us know if you're still having trouble logging in.
  4. If you login to Plesk and go to Websites & Domains > File Manager > public_html and then scroll down you can see the file named .htaccess. There is a dropdown box and you can click rename.
  5. You can't login through the website yet. If you read the second email gives you the link to login. The 500 errors are probably unsupported .htaccess syntax. A quick way to check is to rename them to .htaccess-old and if the 500 error goes away you know there is something in there that Plesk doesn't like. If you read the error log it will say exactly what the 500 error is for.
  6. @robevHow's the transfer from the VPS to Plesk going? Need any help?
  7. Your account was hacked so we took it offline. Normally our policy for hacked accounts is to suspend them permanently and give you a brand new account to start over, but we haven't implemented new account creation yet on Plesk so we have to wait for that to be done before we can give you a new shared hosting account. You're currently #368 in line to get a new account. I see you signed up for a VPS so that should keep you online in the meantime. You can download your backup of your Johnny account from https://www.heliohost.org/backup/ Your VPS just comes with root ssh access so you can install anything you want, but if you're not too familiar with ssh we can install the free control panel Hestia for you, and even restore your backup file into the control panel for you. I see your capnjohn.gq domain has expired so you'll need to register it again, and then create an A record pointing to your VPS ipv6, and optionally an AAAA record pointed at your IPv6. If you want to set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org on Freenom's website we can create the DNS records for you. You can also use any DNS provider you want. A common choice is Cloudflare. Let us know if you have any questions or need help with anything.
  8. Yes, your invite was sent 5 days ago. I'll resend it in a few minutes. Make sure you check spam and promotions tab. EDIT: I figured out why you didn't receive your invite. You unsubscribed from our emails so we can't send emails to you. That includes invitation links. I'll resubscribe you.
  9. Thank you for the donation. Here is your ETA now https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=graffix You're now #390 in line to create a new account. Keep in mind that like we said in and Johnny accounts will not be transferred, but instead we will be giving you a new empty account and you can download your backup from https://www.heliohost.org/backup/ and once your Plesk account is created you can restore the backup into your new account.
  10. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=mgunlock You're currently #2 in line to be moved to Plesk. You should receive your invite in a few minutes when I send out the invites for the day.
  11. You have a typo in your .htaccess RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^groovetunez\.ga$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.groovetunez\.ga$ RewriteRule ^/?$ "http\:\/\/groovetunez\,tk\/" [R=301,L] See how it redirects to a comma instead of a period? I changed that comma and it's working now.
  12. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=unisan1 You are now #1 in line to be moved. I usually send the invites about 12 hours from now. Be sure to keep an eye on your email address.
  13. I DM'd you a temporary password. Once you get logged in change it. Let us know if you're still having trouble logging in.
  14. No problem. Glad you got it all working.
  15. It looks like you're using Cloudflare. Have you updated the A record within Cloudflare to point to If you can't get Cloudflare to work you could contact their support or switch to our nameservers ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org temporarily. If your domain works after using our nameservers you could then have Cloudflare copy our correct settings over and go back to using Cloudflare DNS.
  16. No, definitely not. I deleted them.
  17. It says you're #5 right now in line to be moved to Plesk https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=irlhaiku so you shouldn't have received an email yet. You will receive your invite in a few minutes when I send out the 10 invites for the day.
  18. I noticed that your account was inactive on cPanel so it was in a suspended state, and when it was transferred Plesk suspended it too because that was how it was before. I unsuspended your account and upgraded the transfer script so it won't do that to future accounts when they're transferred. Can you login now that your account is active? If not I can reset the password for you.
  19. The subdomains have been created. Put your files in /retrope/boleros.fmlima.com/ etc. Note that the default location for subdomains is no longer inside public_html like it was with cPanel. If you wish to have the webroot pointed somewhere else let us know and it can be edited.
  20. Yeah, you're fine. I was suspending and unsuspending your account a few times to test stuff. Since the server is so new I hadn't implemented the spam protection we had on cPanel yet. Plesk uses completely different software so I had to rewrite the spam script pretty much from scratch to make it work on the new server. There are a million things to do still, but the spam protection has been ported over now. You getting hacked was the motivation to move that to the top of the priority list.
  21. If you want it to be hosted on Plesk, yes. cPanel will eventually be shut down so you can't host it on forever.
  22. I found your account and since you have $10 worth of donations that count towards the Plesk ETA that means you're next in line to be moved to Plesk. Check your email and click the link to indicate that you're ready to be moved. Once you're on Plesk we can get your domains and subdomains all figured out.
  23. Yeah, your skully@thepiratestore.com password was hacked, and your account has been sending thousands of spam messages. I changed the password for that email address and the spam stopped immediately. No wonder people have been reporting Tommy is unable to deliver emails. Your account caused the brand new server IP to be blacklisted by every spam email list in the world. That didn't take long.
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