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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. We have two states. Your account was inactive which means that you haven't logged in for 30 days. Inactive accounts have their domains replaced with an inactivity message, but the domain still works. Then if you don't renew your account for another 30 days, so 60 days from the last login, your account becomes archived which means that your website is taken offline entirely and if anyone tries to go to your domain it will just time out. Archived accounts are compressed into a single backup file to save space and stored in case you come back. Wordpress causes a lot of load which leads to a lot of high load suspensions, but it doesn't affect your account becoming inactive or archived. That's only affected by failing to log in to the control panel.
  2. Yep, once we're to the point where we can create new Plesk accounts you will get an invite sent to you via email. You can download your backup from https://www.heliohost.org/backup/ which is an older backup from July last year. We can't provide a newer full backup because your account was hacked and phishing content and other illegal stuff was uploaded to your account. We just took Johnny offline entirely rather than try to sort through all of it. If there a just a couple files you need from Johnny I can check those files by hand to look for tampering by the hacker and get them to you, but I'm not going to read through 10,000 files. You can check your current ETA or improve your position with this link https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=ethansua Let us know if you have any trouble downloading your backup, or have any other questions.
  3. There you go https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=ceomega
  4. Just a small status update for everyone. This doesn't need a full news post of its own. The transfer process is going reasonably well, and while we have had a lot of unexpected issues, we're working through them and improving the system each day. We are now raising the number of accounts that are transferred each day to five. Keep an eye on your ETA at https://www.heliohost.org/eta/ and keep your other eye on your inbox because when it's your turn you'll receive an email with instructions on how to get moved immediately or wait longer. If you have any questions let us know.
  5. Donations from 2020-07-14 through today count towards the Plesk ETA. We figured that people who donated 10 years ago or whatever probably aren't interested in free hosting anymore, so we had to draw the line somewhere. One year before we lost our licenses seemed like a reasonable compromise. Thanks for your donation though. Gifts like yours are what kept us alive for over 17 years now. Edit to add your ETA link: https://www.heliohost.org/eta/?u=mrj
  6. Counted. Thanks for voting.
  7. Yes, once you move to Plesk we will begin monitoring inactivity, and if you don't use your account it will be taken offline to make space for active users. If you stay on cPanel to avoid inactivity we will eventually take the server offline though so your website will go offline that way too.
  8. You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=n747mm.heliohost.org
  10. It looks like there are some reverse DNS issues for sending emails. Fixing that now. EDIT: It looks like I might have to contact Hurricane Electric to fix it.
  11. Counted. Originally I was just planning on moving everyone all at once, but now that we're moving some people and letting some people stay on cPanel longer I'm using your account to test the website where you choose whether you move or not.
  12. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=helium.hiker.rocks and https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=hiker.rocks
  13. Yes, eventually there will be scripts for both of those. In the beginning though we'll just have an admin change the main domain or delete it for you manually.
  14. Counted. Yes to both. You can create as many username@yourdomain.com type email addresses as you want, and mailing lists are supported as well.
  15. I need the private key. If you look at the contents of the file it should start with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  16. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=luan.eng.br
  17. Counted. Thanks for the feedback.
  18. Your database has been backed up and you can download it from https://www.heliohost.org/backup/
  19. Unfortunately we can't turn on SFTP, nor can we do an automatic full backup because many files on accounts have been altered and phishing pages uploaded. If we were to provide full backups of hacked accounts we could very well be providing stolen credit card numbers, passwords, and other phished data to you which is just as illegal as doing the phishing ourselves. However, if you just need a couple files I can check them manually for illegal data, and if they're clean I can add it to the backup system for you. I'm not going to check 10,000 files by hand, but if it's just a few files it won't be a problem.
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