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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The following worked for me, no guarantees it will work for you. You need to use the domain with the A record as your account's main domain. If you already are using your main domain, you can't host a domain with an A record. First, log into cPanel and look on the left hand side to find your shared IP address (it's in the column with the space meter, towards the bottom). Create an A record on your domain that points to that IP address. Then, use the change domain script to set your account's main domain to the domain that you put the A record on. Wait 24 hours for the queued page to go away. Funny you'd mention that. I was using CNAMEs and this happened to me this past week. Dot.tk pulled a domain out of under me for some reason and everything pointed to it started serving a fake firefox update (malware). Don't do this!
  2. You can host a domain that way, but it's unsupported. I'm currently doing it on Johnny. If you still want help with this, I can post some basic instructions.
  3. I'm assuming you want this just so you can use Cloudflare? If you just want to set cloudflare up, you don't need those whitelisted. These instructions were posted by Krydos a while back:
  4. We don't use IIS, so we don't offer IIS manager. Heliohost only offers Linux hosting.
  5. A normal mail client like Outlook or Thunderbird might work, but the webmail won't. I'm not sure of the exact settings for a mail program, but the below settings have been posted in the past by an admin. Email address: [your email address] Incoming server username: [your email address] Incoming server: stevie.heliohost.org Incoming server protocol: IMAPS (SSL) Incoming server port: 993 Incoming authentication type: Password (some programs like Thunderbird may call it "Normal Password") Outgoing server username: [your email address] Outgoing server: stevie.heliohost.org Outgoing server protocol: SMTPS (SSL) Outgoing server port: 465 Outgoing authentication type: Password (some programs like Thunderbird may call it "Normal Password")
  6. The licenses tend to get messed up once every few weeks. It happens to both servers, and might as well be considered normal. FTP should work if you need to get to your files while it is down. An admin will hopefully fix it shortly.
  7. Use an Add-on Domain or a Parked Domain in cPanel to add the domain to your account. After that, wait at least 24 hours for it to take effect. If you're on Johnny, it can sometimes take longer than 24 hours depending on load.
  8. They are the same, ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. The error you're seeing when you park the domain is because the name servers aren't set. They must be set to heliohost's name servers before you can park the domain. Also, when adding your domain in cpanel, do not include the "www." in it. That will be handled by the server automatically.
  9. I see an empty directory listing at nickscode.com If you're still seeing the Queued page, please clear your cache.
  10. You used CNAME and A records as seen here. You need to use NS records. Since it's a subdomain, you likely can't set NS records on it. If that is the case and you can't or don't wish to change the name servers for the parent domain (ro.it), I'm not sure what the best approach on this is. An A record on your subdomain with the value set to the shared IP listed in cPanel, along with setting your account's main domain to the subdomain might work, but I'm not sure. An admin or mod would be able to tell you the best way to do this.
  11. isalvador22.heliohost.org is showing Queued, not suspended. If you created the account in the past day or so, you may just need to wait a bit longer for the domain to be configured. cPanel usually starts working before the domain does on new accounts. Also, Johnny domains sometimes stay Queued for more than 24 hours due to server load.
  12. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/16384-out-of-tmp-space-joomla-error/ You're not the only one... I believe /var and /usr normally have warnings on them. I've never seem them run out.
  13. One of my apps is having issues with uploads due to this. This has happened before. If I remember right, last time around it was caused by a user running poorly written software that didn't clean up after itself. An admin will need to empty it.
  14. columbusaltnewsradio.info is showing a Wordpress error (wp-config.php is missing). Try clearing your cache again or perhaps use a different browser or computer. If you still a queued page after that, see if you can try from a different internet connection (e.g. 3G on a smartphone).
  15. Whatever they use is far from 100% effective. Looking in the suspended forum shows that multiple accounts is quite common as a reason for suspension. I've personally always wondered how they flag the multiple accounts that get suspended, but as is the case with such things, posting it publicly would probably reduce or eliminate its effectiveness.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if Stevie's firewall accidentally blocked your home network's IP address...it happens sometimes. An admin can tell you for sure and unblock if needed.
  17. I'm not a moderator, just another user, so I don't really know either way. It is quite common though for people to not realize they need permission for two accounts, so I usually mention it when I see it.
  18. Do you have permission for two accounts? You're limited to one account unless you have permission, and it's usually one account per server when you have permission. If you don't have permission, those are going to be suspended if they aren't already... Johnny is not fixed yet. Still showing the cPanel license message as of this post.
  19. This is a known ongoing issue with Johnny. Please see this topic full of other people with the same issue.
  20. It's an ongoing issue. Please see the other topic over here for more information. That topic is marked as solved, but it is in fact still broken. I tried 3 PCs, and another ISP (even though my ISP doesn't cache sites, I tried my 3G service as well).
  21. It was a national holiday yesterday; I'd imagine this is part of the reason it isn't fixed yet. Also, we only really have 1 active administrator (Krydos) who can fix this particular problem. The other admins haven't been around in quite a while. It should also be mentioned that everyone who provides support does so for free.
  22. Your account is not suspended, but the cPanel license is expired again. It is not caused by anything you've done, but rather is a server issue. Everyone on Johnny is affected. An admin will fix it shortly. Two others with the same issue: http://www.helionet....rvers-are-down/ and http://www.helionet....se-site-cpanel/
  23. The license error is because the cP license is just expired again. It happens on both servers, once every few weeks and might as well be considered normal. Not sure why it happens, but it does. The websites on the server are still up. You just can't use cPanel (and apparently webdisk) until the license is updated. An admin will likely fix it shortly. As for webdisk, the license error may be the reason webdisk failed. You didn't cause the error. Everyone on Johnny is seeing it right now.
  24. First, please don't shout. Second, it's not down, the cP license is just expired again. It happens on both servers, once every few weeks and might as well be considered normal. Not sure why it happens, but it does. The websites on the server are still up. You just can't use cPanel until the license is updated. An admin will likely fix it shortly.
  25. An admin typically won't reset an account for you. More than likely, they will give you the exact same instructions you stated yourself, delete it and make a new one. Everyone has to do it this way unfortunately, and that includes waiting for things like registration and configuring of a domain. I wouldn't worry about someone taking your username, the odds of that are ridiculously small. Even if it's a common word or something it's very unlikely to happen.
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