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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Dubbels.co.uk is showing a directory listing. If you still see a suspended page, please try clearing your cache. Also, dubbels.co.uk looks like it is on Stevie.
  2. The easiest and recommended way to get to cPanel is to visit www.heliohost.org and log in using the username/password you chose during signup. The log in form is at the bottom of the page. If you haven't signed up yet, you can do that here: www.heliohost.org/home/signup.
  3. You can create a database here: http://rentersguild.com:2082/frontend/x3/sql/wizard1.html Enter a name for the database, click Next Step. On the next page enter a username and password for the database and click "Create User". On the final page, check "All Privileges" at the top of the list, then click "Next Step". Wait for it to say it was created and added successfully. That's all there is to it. Just a note: Your database user and database name will both start with your cpanel username and an underscore, even though you didn't type that part in when you create them. The names will look something like guild83_DBNAME and guild83_USERNAME.
  4. An admin would need to add the extra software for you if you wanted it in softaculous. As for Open Real Estate, you can install it yourself quite easily. The developer's website for Open Real Estate is here: http://monoray.net/products/6-open-real-estate There's a link to an English download and an install guide on that site. It's pretty much a matter of uploading the files, setting permissions, creating a database and DB user for it through cPanel, then visiting it in your browser to configure it.
  5. I see this: http://i39.tinypic.com/bwrxi.png You said you've cleared your cache already...perhaps try another browser or another PC?
  6. Uproo.tk seems to be working. If you still see the queued page, try Clearing your Cache.
  7. Use this to change your main domain: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain
  8. That subdomain is queued. Did you wait 24 hours after creating it? All domains and subdomains take up to 24 hours to start working after you add them.
  9. Totally missed the username here. If you make a DB user called ix-c and your HH account is gagetboy, it will look like "gagetboy_ix-c". The password will be the DB user's password, not your Heliohost password. The hostname...I didn't even pay attention to it since his original error showed "gagetboy@localhost". Oops. Honestly, I can't recommend one since I ended up making my own. I faced a similar issue back when I developed my site. I started with a very basic (as in, so basic it was 3 files, and like 4 functions) system from the net for a framework and coded a bunch of things to fix the major security issues. If you do what Shinryuu suggests and fix host and username, it should work. You can get away with using this one as long as you don't use it to protect anything that's very sensitive.
  10. Assuming that there's a DB called gadgetboy_ix-c and an SQL user added to it called gadgetboy, then yes. I looked at the code for that reg system last night...it's not you I don't think. The registration system isn't the best out there...it took me an hour to get it working, and then I managed to break it easily. I didn't bother testing it, but a quick look reveals a lack of protection against a variety of attacks as well (not sure how secure you need this to be). I'd go find a different registration system rather than try to get this one working...
  11. You need a database user. It sounds like you're confusing database users with the user accounts that people will create through your website. They are entirely different. I can't tell if you did this or not so try this: Visit http://ix-c.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/sql/index.html (log in with your cpanel username and password). Create a user on that screen called gadgetboy if it doesn't already exist. Then add the gadgetboy user to the database using the form at the bottom of that screen. Make sure the password for the user you create there matches the one in the PHP file. If you did this already and are still seeing the error, something might just be wrong with that registration system.
  12. That looks like a user or permission issue. Did you create an SQL user called gadgetboy? Did you add that user to the database you are using for the login system? Is the password correct for that user in the php script?
  13. U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (GMT -7) right now. It'll probably be GMT -8 when DST ends.
  14. Are you able to connect again? Yes I can.
  15. I'll see if I can block myself...I'll try from the IP that I made this post from. If it gets blocked, please unblock when you notice it. I used to have little/no issue getting myself blocked for downloading via FTP, but haven't done anything recently that would cause it. EDIT: Wow that was fast. I got blocked just getting a directory listing of /public_html and all subdirs. FileZilla does that when you select a directory for download. I didn't even start the actual transfer. Here's the log. It now just times out whenever I access it. HTTP and cPanel are blocked too.
  16. You're on Stevie, so go here: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/backup/index.html Click your forum database's name under the "Download a MySQL Database Backup" section and save the backup file. You can restore backups from that screen as well. If you do a "Full backup", the databases are included along with everything else from your account.
  17. I've been seeing a lot of these lately...firewall on Stevie is paranoid nowadays. If I remember right, it used to unblock you automatically after 20 minutes, but it was apparently changed and now seems like overkill. FTP is what seems to always get legitimate users blocked since most clients nowadays can open many connections and mass-transfer files in parallel, and some are set to do so by default. Also, were you downloading via FTP instead of uploading by chance? I used to get blocked for that quite a bit back when it auto-unblocked.
  18. Something must've changed in the past five versions of FF. it worked fine for me on FF 15. As for IE...Surprised there. Usually it's what causes the issue in the first place...
  19. I know what DB courses are like...had to take one myself 2 years ago. Insane amount of homework. On the upside, I use a lot of what I learned all the time when working on various PHP projects. A few of them were actually quite decent looking.
  20. Apparently... I've seen more under construction messages today than I have in a year, and that's if there's anything at all...
  21. OK. :)/&--#62; I've seen a lot of duff sites in the list and suspected something like that was going to be done. I've seen mostly Under Construction pages, although I've also seen two suspended (seoz.heliohost.org, pzbeinghacker.tk), two "Index of /" dir listings and one that's corrupt. Also found more non-existent domains: yashsodha.com, facsnap.com, bryanseahisawesome.com, and fleksan.net (not to be confused with fleksan.com)
  22. I was having similar issues with database errors earlier. The security question worked fine for me, but I got "Too many connections" trying to get past the screen after it. It's working for me now, but it seems to be running slowly. EDIT: Also, since I'm now going through this survey... * seoz.heliohost.org is suspended. * cloverchan.org doesn't exist (DNS claims domain doesn't exist):
  23. It's possible that someone changed the contact email address if they actually hacked your account. If that's the case, an admin or mod can reset your password. They usually send it to the email address you registered with. Also, 1000followers.heliohost.org is showing what appears to be a phishing site for facebook at the moment...
  24. Agreed. What he's using doesn't sound like the best idea out there, especially if he saves a lot and has multiple files open. If his program really uploads every time he saves and downloads every time he opens, it's a bit excessive. It'd be better to do all the development locally and just upload the files once every so often as progress is made on whatever he is doing.
  25. Unfortunately I don't know much about Java programming. I just figured I'd mention the bizarre redirect to localhost. Maybe someone else here who has JSP experience would be able to figure this one out?
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