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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Happens to me as well, usually when performing software upgrades via FTP. It's extremely frustrating, and causes my maintenance downtime, which should be under 20 minutes for most upgrades I do, to turn into an hour or more. When it happens, FTP kicks me, then Stevie just vanishes for 20 minutes. My website, FTP, and cPanel all just time out. I'm using FileZilla for my FTP client. The only thing I haven't tried is using cPanel's file manager instead of FTP for the transfers.
  2. You should not need to create any A records manually to add a subdomain in cPanel. As anush said, changes don't take effect immediately. The queued page is because the server hasn't configured the subdomain yet. Wait 24 hours or so, then check your subdomain again.
  3. Was it attached to another account at one point (e.g. One you deleted or let expire?) Domains are not removed when your account is deleted. Either way, an an admin needs to delete it from the system so you can add it again.
  4. Stevie's PhpPgAdmin has been broken for months. I had link to a standalone installation that worked at one point, but it appears dead now (404)
  5. That website you linked is working fine for me. http://h3xdesigns.co.cc/index2.html does not exist (I get a 404), but I do see "H3x Designs Work in progress Current links..." as the index.html page. If by "my account is being set up again" you mean you're seeing an "Account Queued" page, clear your cache and try again.
  6. exec() and shell_exec() are going to be disabled on free hosts because they are security risks. Also, many hosts ban torrent scripts due to resource usage and a frequent connection to piracy. I'd suspect torrent scripts are banned here but an admin can tell you for sure. As for byethost...I used to use them myself a few years back before I moved here to HH. The extremely crippled configuration they provided back then caused trouble with most programs. Not sure if they've changed since I left. As for Byet's policies, IIRC, they do indeed require you have a functioning site with traffic there, and not just use them as a script farm.
  7. You're welcome I'll be watching to see how it goes
  8. It is HH's problem at this point. HH's nameservers are missing the entries for your site. I think these entries are normally added when you add the domain in cpanel's Addon Domains or Parked Domains. What error is it giving when you try adding it in cpanel (under Addon Domains)? Is it the "You are not allowed to add more than (0)..." error? If so, I think you'll need to ask an admin to create the nameserver entries for you.
  9. This has been a problem on Johnny for quite some time... See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/11475-johnny-addonparked-domain-adding-problem/ for more on it. There's a lot of others in the same situation.
  10. MoBo: ASUS M4N78 PRO CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 940 @ 3.1Ghz, stock cooler RAM: 3GB DDR2 VGA: NVidia GTS 450 HDD: 500GB Hitachi, 7200 RPM OS: Windows XP Power supply: 550w ULTRA brand. Everything else is nothing special...DVD burner, media reader, generic case. Added an extra fan to keep the video card cool since I use it for Folding@Home 24/7.
  11. The "other user" is your old account as you suspected. This is an issue with deleting accounts. The script that deletes an account doesn't remove its associated domains. An admin needs to remove your domain for you. Once they do, you can add it to your new account.
  12. I had to try 3 DNS servers before I found one that gave any useful info. OpenDNS now says Heliohost's nameservers are the problem (No records), which is an improvement over a complete lack of DNS entries. Did you actually add the domain in cpanel?
  13. I think that's a known problem with deleting accounts. I've seen others mention the same thing happening when they delete their account or when it expires from inactivity. The account deletion scripts apparently don't remove domains before deleting the account. An admin needs to delete your domain from the system before you can re-add it to the new account.
  14. The contents of public_html do not go in the database. The errors are because you never imported the database from your old host. You need to export your database on your old host with phpmyadmin. Select the old database in phpmyadmin, then choose the Export tab. Options on that tab differ depending on the version of phpmyadmin, but you want a .sql file that includes both the structure and data (I think these are the default, so you should be able to just hit Go). The file will likely be quite large. Then try importing the .sql file in phpmyadmin here (select the database, then import tab). If it's larger than 50MB, gzip it before importing it.
  15. 'Lousy' is putting it nicely I think. IPB v3.x is by far the worst board software I've ever used. I absolutely despise it. I belong to three other sites running it. One is in the process of going back to 2.x (which was actually decent). The second switched to SMF after the users complained enough. The third hasn't done anything yet. The abuse of AJAX is absurd, it spits server errors or gives me the RSS feed half the time, and doesn't fully work in IE and Chrome (or any browser that's not FF for that matter). When it does work, it's awkard and annoying to use (mainly due to the AJAX) I definitely agree that HH needs to get rid of this garbage board software and use something else. As for HH's hosting services, I've been loving it. Since the uptime issues were fixed, I haven't had a single complaint.
  16. There's something wrong with your domain. You need to talk to your registrar. If I attempt to look up your domain with nslookup, i get an error saying "*** can't find asimpleman.biz: Server failed", which means that as far as DNS is concerned, your domain doesn't exist. The WHOIS data for it is valid though, and the nameservers are correctly showing Heliohost (http://www.networkso.../asimpleman.biz)
  17. I'll agree that the forum software here (IPB v3.x) stinks. Several other sites I belong to downgraded back to v2 or dumped IPB for either phpBB or SMF (both of which I've come to like from their almost daily use). The ajax in IPB doesn't work half the time, and is ridiculously overused. Chrome doesn't work right with it (what I'm using ATM, and yes, quick reply is broken), and neither does IE8 or Opera. Also, half the time, the board spits out an RSS feed instead of a web page. Refreshing usually fixes it, but its annoying having to load pages twice a lot of the time.
  18. I'm assuming Stevie? Pretty much all of the domain management and DNS editor cpanel features on Stevie are broken. You can add domains and they'll work, but they don't appear in the list and can't be removed again. Been that way for almost 2 months now. Not sure when/if it will be fixed.
  19. That's a known issue: http://www.helionet....adding-problem/ I'm not sure if the issue is on both Stevie and Johnny, but it seems that way. No fix yet EDIT: Just realized you already found that topic.
  20. I'm assuming you're on Stevie? If so, it's likely related to the addon/parked domain issues we've been having. I think most/all of us have the same error (I've had it for almost 2 months now).
  21. The PHPPgAdmin has been broken on Stevie since I've been here (not sure about Johnny, don't have an account on it). I tried uploading my own copy a while back (and just tried again), but for some reason it won't accept any user account I throw at it. I probably have the server wrong or something (I tried localhost and stevie.heliohost.org).
  22. It's a known issue. A lot of people have it, but there's no fix for it yet. We have to wait until the root admin gets around to it. See this topic: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/11475-addonparked-domain-adding-problem/
  23. This is a known issue. We've had this problem for some time now. There's nothing we can do until the root admin figures it out and fixes it. See this topic: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/11475-addonparked-domain-adding-problem/
  24. You can't see any of the redirects you've added, so there's no way to remove them again. It's related to the addon/parked domain issues. An admin should be able to clear your redirects for you.
  25. Working fine now, but there was definitely something wrong on Stevie earlier. I took this screenshot earlier as soon as CP came back up, before the status system updated with new information: http://i.imgur.com/yfZxL.png That many exclaimation points is never a good sign. cpsrvd is the cPanel web server, so cPanel did indeed fail at one point.
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