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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. First, I'm not sure if this is the best section for a suggestion, putting it here because there's another suggestion in here that was answered without being moved... Anyway, I figured I'd make this suggestion because it's come up a few times on here. The suggestion is for an "Ignore Incorrect Nameservers" option in cPanel when adding addon/parked domains. I suspect there's a reason for this not existing, but I can't figure out what it is beyond helping users realize they need to change their NS (which IMO is good for the novice, frustrating for the experienced). While not exactly common, there are cases where users aren't able or do not want to change their nameservers. Currently, there's no way to associate these domains with your account unless you set them as your "main domain", which means you're limited to 1 such domain (or 2 if you ask for a second account). A good example: I had to ask for a Johnny account last week (and consequently put up with the load) because my main domain was in use on Stevie. With this suggestion, I'd be using an addon domain on Stevie instead. It'd also benefit users of those registrars with those backward policies that require HH's end be set up first before the NS can be changed. I understand the support issues that might arise, but this could always be labeled as an advanced feature that has no support if you use it. Comments or explanations?
  2. Whenever I visit that URL, it attempts to redirect me to http://127.­0.­0.­1:­8080/­infopar_cateches­i/­main.­do;jsessionid=9A­E444DCE931F616B8­7B3137D317B49E I suspect you forgot to change a reference to localhost somewhere...
  3. Your site is working fine (I see an "Index of /" listing, with a functioning website in the /resume/ folder). Normally I'd suggest the DNS flush and cache, but you've already tried those, along with other computers. Are you able to access any other sites hosted on stevie? It is possible that your IP is blocked by the server. An admin can check that and unblock you if needed.
  4. Did this correct itself when the account was unsuspended? I'm pretty sure that code is what used when you use the Password Reset. If you are unable to log in because cP is asking for a confirmation code, try resetting your password. If that does not work, please post in Customer Service so a mod or admin can take a look at it.
  5. Changes to domains do not take effect immediately. You will need to wait up to 24 hours after you park the domain in cPanel. If after that time you still see the Queued page, try Clearing your Cache.
  6. Your account was likely suspended for inactivity for not logging into cPanel for 30 days. In the future, you can renew an inactive account yourself using this script: http://www.heliohost...t/scripts/renew If you see the suspended page, try clearing your cache. As for login going screwy, I'm assuming you meant that it keeps failing. This is normal when an account is suspended. If for some reason you are still having trouble logging in, try logging in through the form at http://www.heliohost.org/ If that gives you difficulty, try logging in via http://incognito-ink.com:2082/
  7. The DNS in that picture looks fine. As for the page displaying its code...your source is messed up. I've seen this happen when someone uses certain HTML editor tools... Your page's source is: <p><!DOCTYPE html><br /> <br /><br /> <!--<br /> Polyglot markup document.<br /> http://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot/<br /> --><br /> <br /><br /> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><br /> <br /> <head><br /> <meta charset="UTF-8" /><br /> <br /> <title>Synchring</title><br /> <br /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon/synchring.ico" /><br /> <link rel="copyright" href="./" /><br /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./presentation/css/desktop/main.css" /><br /> <br /> <script src="./script/client/javascript/main.js"></script><br /> </head><br /> <br /> <body><br /> <br /> <p><br /> Menu<br /> </p><br /> <br /> </body><br /> <br /></html><br /> <br /></p> It should look like: <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Polyglot markup document. http://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot/ --> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Synchring</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon/synchring.ico" /> <link rel="copyright" href="./" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./presentation/css/desktop/main.css" /> <script src="./script/client/javascript/main.js"></script> </head> <body> <p> Menu </p> </body> </html> Try copying the above fixed code into a file and see if it works.
  8. Your account was likely suspended for inactivity for not logging into cPanel for 30 days. In the future, you can renew an inactive account yourself using this script: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew Your site is now working for me. If you still see the suspended page, try clearing your cache.
  9. Johnny account created using the subdomain as my main domain, #144 in the queue for creation. I'll see how that goes.
  10. I can't change the main domain on my current account since it is in use (it was the first thing I considered doing when cP didn't allow me to add the domain). rax.heliohost.org is linked on a lot of other websites, so doing away with it for a (likely) temporary website isn't feasible. Is it possible to either: * Get permission for a Johnny account alongside my Stevie one, and use this domain as the main domain on that (it'd probably be better anyway, the site is going to be an image generator program for sigbars for two forums, and while I'm not sure, it may cause a bit more load than Stevie will tolerate if it gets a lot of traffic). * Have an admin force-add the domain as an addon. If neither is possible, I can look into hosting the subdomain elsewhere.
  11. According to http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/15387-johnny-nearly-100/ , the InnoDB issue is being looked into:
  12. It has been fixed: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/15387-johnny-nearly-100/
  13. Apache on Johnny is down because of a configuration problem with the server. They're working on it: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/15380-apache-configuration-error/page__pid__90265#entry90265 cPanel and FTP should still be working, but you won't be able to access your site until the problem is fixed.
  14. cP doesn't let me :-\ If I go to the DNS Zone Editor, it won't let me create a CNAME for it. If I try to put swokaikran.skxawng.lu as the "Name", it appends ".raxsoft.tk" to the end, which I don't think I want. Or am I in fact supposed to add "swokaikran.skxawng.lu.raxsoft.tk" as a CNAME to raxdev.raxsoft.tk to fix this? The remote domain's owner CNAME'd swokaikran.skxawng.lu on his end to point to the raxdev.raxsoft.tk subdomain here. Doing this is what got me the queued page, so that end is working.
  15. Account: rax (on Stevie) Domains: rax.heliohost.org & raxsoft.tk I'm wondering if the following is possible: I have a subdomain (swokaikran.skxawng.lu) that I want to point to HH. I only have the rights to that single subdomain. I do NOT own the root domain skxawng.lu, nor do I have rights to any other subdomains. I have no access to change DNS. The owner has added a CNAME for me that points swokaikran.skxawng.lu to raxdev.raxsoft.tk, a subdomain hosted here on HH. I expected this to simply show the contents of raxdev.raxsoft.tk, but instead it shows as Queued, and cPanel won't allow me to park it since I can't change the NS. The goal is to get swokaikran.skxawng.lu to show the same contents as raxdev.raxsoft.tk (should be a directory listing). Can this be manually added to the system so the queued page goes away?
  16. All domains can take up to 24 hours to start working after you add them in cPanel. Until then, that queued page is shown. If you still see it after 24 hours, try clearing your cache.
  17. You can't. If you ask in customer service though, an admin could probably tell you the load and maybe what file caused it. I've seen others ask when they were working on fixes for load issues.
  18. Was wondering the same thing. A correct direct link for Stevie cPanel is: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082 It sounds like you're already trying to use cPanel, but if by chance you are using FTP to download them, try making a full backup from cPanel and downloading that instead.
  19. v2.5's install manual is here: http://resources.eyeos.org/documentation/installation_manual.pdf Parts of it are basic stuff like installing PHP, but it does list the modules that need installing as well as the PHP.ini settings it requires.
  20. Indeed he does. The script itself is a frame-breaker and location redirector, one that apparently doesn't work all that well. The end destination for me was one of those dubious search sites: "searchtermresults.com". That site makes lots of references to auto-im.com in its links. Whatever this is, it must be new since not much on google about either of these...
  21. vaidyacare.cu.cc is working, as seen in the attached picture. vaidyacare.tk is also working normally. If you're still seeing the suspended page when you visit the site, please try clearing your cache.
  22. That domain is working fine for me. If you still see the queued page, please clear your cache.
  23. Your account was likely suspended for inactivity because you hadn't logged in to cPanel for 30 days. Your website seems to be working. If this occurs in the future, you can reactivate the account yourself using this script: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew
  24. That's a bug that sometimes happens to accounts when the server botches the configuration for the account. It happens for the same reason you had 0 addon domains. HH only gives 500mb, and most people will never use all of it. If you need more, try moving big things like photos or software downloads to a service like Dropbox and linking to them there.
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