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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We don't even offer paid accounts. Everybody here has a free account, so yes. WordPress seems to have quite an issue with being hacked. What you said is a good start: Frequent backups, avoid random plugins, use long passwords. Also, keeping it updated is essential. WP's website has a few anti-hack plugins listed, but I'm not sure how well (or even if) they work. If you're not on search engines yet, the WHOIS database is a good possibility. Since you have your own domain, you're probably listed in there. I know that WHOIS is often scoured by bots that harvest emails and URLs for hackers, spammers, etc. to abuse. An admin will have to advise on this one, but I don't believe HH offers access to these.
  2. Shinryuu's suggestions are a good first step: Use a clean backup if you have one, inspect things like htaccess, and change your password. Also, since WordPress tends to be prone to hacking, make sure it and anything (plugins, mods, etc.) you've added to it are up to date. The actual "rebon test" message that replaces your page is caused by the below JS, which the hacker's code inserts into your page's body: document.documentElement.innerHTML = unescape('%72%65%62%6f%6e%20%74%65%73%74'); That code above just sets the contents of the javascript "document" element (which represents the entire page) to "rebon test".
  3. Correct. If you're on Stevie, you'll need to switch servers. Also, you have to request Java for your account in the Java Requests forum before it will work.
  4. An admin hasn't responded to your Java request yet. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/13987-request-for-java-jindal89/ Usually, an admin replies to your Java request when they add you to the queue. It takes up to 24 hours from the time they reply for Java to work.
  5. I've wondered the same thing. It would make more sense to put them on Stevie since it has better up time. I often have to refresh topics to get them to load, and it's annoying when IPB's AJAX-based posting times out, losing my posts (has HH considered a better forum product like XenForo? IPB seems to be going down the tubes now...I belong to 3 other forums, and 2 of them just dumped IPB). Johhny likely needs more resources than Stevie because of the extras, but being a VM, I imagine it probably has less than Stevie since it must share with Cody. Much of the forum downtime is likely due to Johnny accounts causing high load...
  6. DNS changes can take a while. Usually it takes 24 hours or so, but I've seen it several days. When it finally does take effect, you'll see either whatever content you uploaded or the queued page (depending on if HH's server has set up the domain already)
  7. It looks fine for me as well. If it still looks down for you, perhaps try clearing your cache.
  8. Also working here. I see a generic joomla install: http://i49.tinypic.com/2w4jv3c.png Try what Shinryuu said. If you still get 504s, it could be your ISP. I've seen ISPs sometimes give 504 when overloaded.
  9. Ditto. http://ultimatesmsapi.tk/ is fine for me as well. Also, @rahul758: That website gives me a facebook "Like us or wait" nag. I'm sure that I'm not alone in finding it very annoying. Consider removing it.
  10. You're only allowed one account. You should delete one. If you don't, they'll both get suspended. If you're really on Stevie, you need to move your account: http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account When deleting your account, be sure to do it twice, once for each of your two accounts. Register for Johnny here: http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup/johnny
  11. Are you receiving/responding to a lot of mail through the inquiries email address? Is the address forwarded or sent to a mail account on HH? Does the contact form send an email when it is submitted? Do you receive a lot of junk through the form? Sometimes heavy mail volume can be caused by software functions people forgot about (e.g. forum software that auto-mails people when replies are made). If you haven't already, you should check if anything on your account has such a feature and turn it off if so. I only see a wordpress install though.
  12. Good to know. Won't worry about the directory then... As for the sub, if I have trouble adding one in the future, I'll check for/trash the subdomain and wait a while before I try again.
  13. I didn't do anything the second time, Just tried adding again with the same settings. I wasnt aware of the sub at the time, nor did i know it created the folder in my home dir. Third time I deleted the sub and tried again. The second try was about 5 minutes after the first, the third was an hour or so later.
  14. Weird...I tried 3 different times. At least it's created now, so I can move on to actually setting it up. Thanks anyway.
  15. I tried adding a new addon domain to my existing account today, and it seems to have failed. I went into Addon Domains and tried adding it as normal...after I hit the Add button, cPanel just sat there with the page half-loaded for several minutes, then it timed out. The domain now appears to be in some "partially added" state. It does not show up in my addon domains list, so I can't remove it. If I try to add the domain again, it says it is owned by another user. However, the root folder for the new domain appears to have been created in my home folder (/win8survey), and I can see a subdomain for it under subdomains (win8survey.rax.heliohost.org). As for the cause of this issue: Something is wrong with .TK's system: the DNS for the domain appears to have never propagated and the listed nameservers on whois are inaccurate despite my repeated attempts to change them. Can an admin please remove the half-added domain from my account? My account is rax on Stevie. The affected domain is win8survey.tk.
  16. Your forum account and your hosting account are completely separate from each other. You have "Hahli" as a forum account, and "Silent" as a hosting account.
  17. I had an issue changing NS's once as well on an old tk domain. If it's the issue I'm thinking of, it's a bug that's been there for a while. I canceled my domain (it was up for renewal anyway), then waited for it to become available again (some week or two) and re-registered it. As for support, yeah, they have none for free users. However, there does appear to be some contact info scattered around: * I found this contact for paid users: http://wiki.tk/how-do-i-contact-dot-tk * And the WHOIS lists some info: http://www.networkso...s-search/dot.tk * Many sites also have a "webmaster@" or "admin@" address as well, often not listed anywhere. You can try these if need be. I'd suggest sending an email to the paid user address asking why it won't allow changes, and where website bug reports should be sent.
  18. Your username is not the problem, but the fact it was parked already is. The "other user" is your Johnny account. Did you ask that your Johnny account be deleted? If so, it wasn't fully deleted. An admin needs to remove the domain from the system.
  19. No. It can take up to 24 hours for a domain to start working. The queued message is shown until your parked domain actually takes effect.
  20. That's one of the more common errors when creating an account. In your case, you're seeing it because your old account has not been fully deleted. An admin needs to fix it. Hopefully they'll see this, but since the topic is marked [solved] already, maybe not. If you don't get a response from an admin by tomorrow, I'd post a new topic for that error.
  21. "Moving" is not really moving. It's actually deleting your account and making a new one on the other server. Krydos deleted your Johnny account, but it sounds like you never created the Stevie account. You need to do that to finish moving. Go to http://www.heliohost...e/signup/stevie and sign up again when the registrations are open (the limit resets everyday at midnight pacific). You should be able to use the same domain if you want. Once the new account is created (you'll have to wait 24-48 hours), you need to set up your website again. Your files and databases should be in the backup Krydos sent you. Files need to be uploaded, and the databases need to be created. You'll also need to set up your FTP accounts again in cpanel.
  22. It's probably still in the database as being owned by your now-deleted abhi923 account. An admin probably needs to remove the domain so your new account can add it again.
  23. That's Johnny. You'll need to wait until Johnny is fixed, or if you do not need Java, ASP.NET, or Ruby, you can move to Stevie. Be sure to ask an admin to delete the Johnny account if you decide to move.
  24. Your domain points to Johnny's IP...was the account on Johnny? If your account was on Johnny, your site is down because Johnny had a severe crash several days ago. You can move to Stevie if you want. Users with sites on Johnny can ask for a backup of the site's data in Customer Service, and can also request their Johnny account be deleted if they want to move to Stevie. If you are on Stevie, a mod or admin will need to take a look at your account.
  25. It's working for me as well. Since you cleared the cache already, perhaps try different browser or another computer? Also: Wordpress logins do not count as activity. You should log into cpanel at least once every 30 days, even if you don't need to do anything. Just log into cpanel, wait for it to load fully, then log out again.
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