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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Replying to this because the user just reported his own post... We cannot provide database backups because it was suspended for phishing.
  2. You were suspended for running 3 cron jobs. The limit is 2 executions per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  3. Your account has been unsuspended. Please clean it up quickly.
  4. It is, and as far as I know, there's no estimated time as to when it'll be fixed. The most I know is that the repair work is quite time-consuming, so I'd expect it to take a few days at least. In the mean time, tables using the MyISAM engine work fine assuming the DB server is up (there's been a lot of #2002 "Can't connect" errors too). MyISAM also tolerates abuse from issues like crashes much better than InnoDB. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18447-mysql-issues/
  5. Mysql has been broken on Stevie since the server crashed on Monday. Error 2002 (can't connect to database) and error 1036 (got -1 from storage engine) are the two common errors everybody is seeing. All tables using InnoDB are read-only. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18427-stevie-mysql-issues/
  6. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  7. This is normal. Using cpanel opens several processes on your account. We limit the number of processes per user. With the cPanel processes, you can easily hit the limit with light web traffic. 500s result when apache can't start php processes in your account to run your scripts.
  8. It indeed did. Now all the InnoDB tables are giving that one instead when you try to do any sort of insert/update/delete. I suppose it's an improvement though, since we can read the data now. There's a topic on that error over here: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18437-1030-got-error-1-from-storage-engine/
  9. Changes not saving are probably InnoDB issues since all of my systems that use InnoDB are doing the exact same thing at the moment. I can see all my data, but editing any of it is gives -1 from storage engine and won't save the edits. For me, my issue that my systems are seeing 100s of calls/day at least (one of them might see 1000s, I don't track it), and I keep having to delete error_logs that pile up from database errors. Stevie is also having an abnormal amount of 500 errors today. I normally hear from my monitoring service once a week at best (when I log into cpanel)...I've gotten 37 (!) emails today alone.
  10. My applications are doing it too. I can read data, but editing it gives me "Got error -1 from storage engine." The issue seems to specifically affect InnoDB tables, so it's likely related to the InnoDB problem that's been affecting Stevie since Monday. On the bright side, at least we can read the data with this error...
  11. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  12. Your domain should work with just ns1.heliohost.org. Try adding ns2.heliohost.org again later. If it still won't work after several attempts at different times, see if you can get your registrar to set it for you. NS2 is often impacted by Johnny's load. In the past 24 hours, it was down more than it was up, so odds are it actually was down when you tried.
  13. This issue has indeed returned. It was working for me around 1PM today, but has since broken again.
  14. Same issue here. All of my PHP scripts on Stevie are giving Mysql errors for InnoDB ever since it came back up from the crash last night. This happened once before IIRC, but it might have been on Johnny. EDIT: Also, this is probably better off in Customer Service...moving.
  15. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  16. Someone resuspended it since you weren't ready to clean it. Are you ready to clean it up now? If so, I'll unsuspend it again.
  17. That tends to happen every few weeks when the cpanel license renews. An admin usually takes care of it pretty quickly. I can access Stevie cPanel now, so it appears to be fixed.
  18. Re-opened due to PM. That domain is working fine for me and is showing the same content as livuniq.heliohost.org. If it is supposed to show the same content, then there is nothing wrong on our end. Try clearing your cache if you can't see it. If it needs to show different content, it needs to be an add-on domain, not a parked domain, and it should be pointed at a separate folder inside public_html. You then need to place content for that domain in that separate folder.
  19. Php 5.5 is something I don't think we'll see for a long time, if only because it breaks a large number of scripts due to function deprecation. For instance, every single script on my account is incompatible with 5.5 in some way, mostly due to legacy MySQL functions. As for MySQL, I've come across a few packages like anchorcms that list newer versions as requirements, so I can see a reason to upgrade it.
  20. As someone who has tried it, I found it to be rather buggy. I wouldn't recommend it in production. If you insist on jsonapi and Krydos won't open the ports, the game server needs to move to somewhere that lets you use ports we have open. At this point, I'd say it's best to wait and see what Krydos says...
  21. Rather unsurprisingly, it's suspended for sending too many emails. The limit is 50/day unless and until that other request gets approved by an admin (probably Krydos). Your account has been unsuspended.
  22. Both of your accounts have been suspended twice now for high load. Every time I unsuspend you, your account starts using too many resources and bogging down the entire server, hence it getting resuspended. Your account is causing 1000s of other users' sites to slow down. I can unsuspend one of your accounts for the third time, however you need to delete whatever is causing the heavy load immediately. If it gets suspended again, I won't give you a fourth chance. Let me know when you're ready to actually fix the problem with your account, and I'll unsuspend it.
  23. There are plenty of minecraft server plugins out there that can monitor and admin a server over the web, and most only require one port. As a minecraft server owner myself, you are using one of the only plugins with such an excessive port requirement. Your best bet is to do away with JSONAPI and find a plugin that only needs 1 port (which is more likely to be granted).
  24. Those ports are blocked outbound on heliohost, so his application here would never reach the minecraft server regardless of the port number it selects. I had this issue myself with a different minecraft API, and the only thing that fixed it was opening a port (in my case 51990) for me...
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