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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Yes, we are doing everything we can to get Stevie back online. Worst case scenario it might be until January when we can get an admin to California to fix the server in person.
  2. Nope, if you register matyka.heliohost.org on Tommy when Stevie comes back online traffic will continue to go to Tommy.
  3. You account is located on Stevie which is currently down http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26726-stevie-didnt-boot/ so you won't be able to log in until the server is back online.
  4. Yes, but an admin needs to change the email on your Stevie account first otherwise there will be a conflict.
  5. Done. Done. Let us know if you need help with anything else or if you need your Tommy invite resent.
  6. Yes. We encourage you to. Let us know if you need any help.
  7. That means you have a Stevie account using the same email address that you made the donation with. The system assumes you're trying to validate the existing account, and then fails because Stevie is offline. We can either change the email address on your Stevie account, or resend the invitation to another email address. How would you like to proceed?
  8. Do you have a link to a test script that is throwing that error I can check?
  9. The account creation failed since your domain had not been removed yet. I requeued the account and it looks like it worked this time. Are you able to log in?
  10. Try installing it through cpanel https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/module_installers/search.html?lang=perl&searchtype=1&searchterm=dbd%3A%3Amysql&itemsperpage=32768 Let us know if you still need help.
  11. If you would like to use luisloureiro.heliohost.org I have made it available. If you would like to use the same username we'd have to rename this forum account, or you can just use a different username. Just create a new account https://heliohost.org/signup/ and restore your backup. A donation of any amount will get you a Tommy invite. We appreciate anything you can spare. Just go to https://www.paypal.me/HelioHost and you can use an existing paypal account or type in a credit card in paypal. Keep in mind whatever email address you send us the money from is the address that will receive the Tommy invite.
  12. From the news http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26727-johnnys-rebirth/
  13. No problem. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  14. No one has any access to Stevie's files at the moment. You'll just have to use your most recent backup until we get him functioning again. Sorry.
  15. Your domain has been changed to pit10.heliohost.org
  16. Try adding that domain to your Johnny account now.
  17. You can see they went green for a couple minutes on http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/archive/?2016-12-09 at 00:00 UTC which is currently 16:00 Pacific time.
  18. That domain has been removed from the system.
  19. Wow, signups filled up in just a couple minutes.
  20. That username, and domain should now be available on Johnny. Let us know if you encounter any problems creating your new account.
  21. Sure. Just let us know once you create your Tommy account and we can change the email for you. You can now use that domain on your Tommy account. No one has access to anything on Stevie currently. You'll just have to use your most recent backup until we can find a way to get Stevie working again.
  22. Sure.
  23. Why?
  24. That's it. We can rename the forum account, or you can pick a different username.
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