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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. I'm not sure on the official timeout setting, but probably within a minute. Most things on our servers are set to time out after a minute or so of inactivity to keep resource use down, so I'd expect the same.
  2. Both of those issues are because you are trying to use CloudFlare. Please remove cloudflare and create the proper NS records at your registrar, pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  3. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  4. Did you assign the user to the database?
  5. Just be extremely careful with "free" for WordPress. Many "free" templates (especially those from dubious websites) are free because they are funded by backdoors or malware built into them. Same goes for extensions and other WP addons. This is in addition to unintentional security holes... If you can, I recommend avoiding WP completely because of this. Hacked/infected WordPress is a leading cause of spam suspensions here at HelioHost, and has also been known to get legitimate sites permanently suspended for phishing.
  6. Accounts that can't be unsuspended generally can't be backed up either, though for certain suspension reasons we allow backups. If we gave you a backup, the only part that'd be usable would be your databases. The files would be useless since you would get suspended again if you restored them (you'd restore the malware). Crypto php is especially nasty since it can get our entire server banned for email spam.
  7. Just % sign, no IP address at all. You don't need to enter the IP if you use %, since it means "any IP".
  8. What's the account's username? I don't see the domain assigned to anything in our system.
  9. You need to delete your existing account, then sign up again on Johnny.
  10. I think krydos and Byron can put the public_html back if it disappears, but otherwise we usually recommend you delete it and start over. I know an account with all its folders deleted will not work completely properly if you just recreate them due to permissions issues. We have no facility to truly reset an account anyway. Anything krydos/Byron would do is done manually.
  11. I assume you're on Stevie. You'll need to move to Johnny for php 5.4, or wait for Tommy's release and move to Tommy.
  12. To answer your question, it's usually nothing you did. The server blocks people with a lot of connections when it detects that it's being attacked. You just happened to have a lot of open connections when an attack occurred, and you got blocked. It happens sometimes.
  13. He's not down, you're blocked by the firewall for DoS. Escalating so you can be unblocked...
  14. Should be fixed. It was a database error on our part that made your account seem like it was gone when it still existed. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/25722-couldnt-find-username-in-database-django/
  15. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  16. The account django does not exist. Either it was deleted by user request, or it was inactive long enough that it expired and deleted itself to make room for other users.
  17. Doh, that's what I get for posting at 5am. It indeed does have uses here as a troubleshooting tool, though the immediate though jumps to SSH since many ask for shell access. Yeah, I've definitely used it with Stevie for SMTP/IMAP testing in the past. Laughably insecure indeed. It's just plain text transmissions and viewing of (raw) responses.
  18. Did you already delete the Johnny account? If so, we don't have anything to give you.
  19. The problem is cPanel not being able to verify that your device is still "your device". To our server, it's a new device every single time it's seen since your cell company gives it a different IP every time it go on the data network. The fix is to use something whose IP doesn't change as often. Finding some free Wi-fi is your best bet. Wi-fi generally gets its internet connection from wireline infrastructure (i.e. cable/fiber), which has a static IP or a dynamic that rarely changes.
  20. Yes. See the various posts about him here: http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/1-news/
  21. Escalating. You can change the main domain sure, but the real question is whether or not Krydos decides to unsuspend you again. This is your second suspension for domain theft...
  22. I assume you're using the right password? Create a new database user, assign it to the database you're trying to use, then try using those credentials instead if your cpanel account to access the database.
  23. You're suspended for having 7 accounts. If I unsuspend this one, csmafut will be suspended.
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