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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Are you on a cell phone data plan of some form? If so, it's completely normal. The phone has a chance of changing IPs every time it connects to the tower. Solution is to find wifi. My phone does this too. Verizon in the USA for me.
  2. That button will work after you buy the IP I believe... Also, for what its worth, on tommy when he comes out, the SSL won't require the dedicated IP.
  3. No. There is no shell access of any kind.
  4. Did you enable remote mysql in cPanel? You need to add the IP you're connecting from in there, or it will refuse the connection. You can add % to allow any IP if you wish.
  5. It's being refused because we don't permit SSH access. The icon was added as part of a cPanel upgrade, however it has no function on our servers for security reasons.
  6. Give it another 24 hours, then clear your cache. You just signed up.
  7. Yep, 3 cron jobs. For a single job, it can't be set to run more than twice a day. If you have two jobs, each can only run once a day, etc. Unsuspended.
  8. Isn't NodeJS its own standalone server (as opposed to a CGI component that runs through Apache like PHP/Perl/Mono)?
  9. Your account is inactive. You need to log into cpanel once every 30 days to prevent this from happening. Unsuspended.
  10. Adobe's official software does PDF->Doc. Not cheap, but it's the industry standard. Foxit Phantom PDF (another PDF tool) might be able to make docs from PDFs, but I've never used it (they have a trial version though). If you want to make a PDF, Office 2010 and up can save the DOC as a PDF with no extra software required. The big issue is that depending on the file you're converting, PDF->DOC conversions (especially those that are "pictures of text") might be made through OCR...the conversion is bound to be less than perfect in many cases simply because the computer effectively "reads" and guesses at what the image says.
  11. You don't need any of this since we support the normal PHP mail() function: // Define os dados do servidor e tipo de conexão // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= $mail->IsSMTP(); // Define que a mensagem será SMTP $mail->Host = 'mail.heliohost.org'; $mail->Port = 587; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Usar autenticação SMTP (obrigatório para smtp.seudomínio.com.br) $mail->Username = $emaildestinatario; // Usuário do servidor SMTP (endereço de email) $mail->Password = "password"; // Senha do servidor SMTP (senha do email usado) $mail->SMTPSecure = "tls"; You don't need SMTP.
  12. Krydos or Byron need to deploy it for you (provided Java has been activated). What is your account's username?
  13. Escalating. @Krydos/Byron: He already tried and failed to clean this once...and we all know the story with WP. What do you think?
  14. Glad to see you figured it out Let us know if you need anything else.
  15. That's because it's suspended for high server load...again. You need to reinstall everything using clean, up to date versions (and then keep them updated), or not use WordPress. Almost every hacked site we see is hacked WordPress, so not using it will probably significantly lower your odds of getting hacked. If I unsuspend you, do you agree to immediately delete everything in the public_html folder (except the cgi-bin folder, which should be empty)?
  16. A variety of reasons. The big one here is that the database already exists and it was damaged by a crash. cPanel doesn't like a lot of things, especially dealing with corrupt databases. They break a lot of things, and also have a bad habit of not fully dropping when you tell them to, even if cP says that it did. If you had used a different database name, it may have worked (provided the new name wasn't previously damaged in some way). In my experience though, you're always better off just making a new empty database then going into PhpMyAdmin and importing your file to populate it.
  17. I can email a new password to the email address on your account. Is this OK (it's a GMX address)?
  18. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  19. This topic is old and marked solved already. I would recommend opening a new topic.
  20. Did you park it in cPanel? If so, it takes 24-48 hours to start working. The DNS looks fine, I see the two NS records on the domain and the A that our server returns for Johnny. Also, that activation email must be old...your account is from 2013-01-19 according to the system.
  21. They probably used a backdoor or known vulnerability in WP to do it. When the malware in a theme or extension is used by the attacker, it's not generally accessed through any of the "normal" admin interfaces, so changing passwords won't fix it (and in fact, depending on the malware, it could just get the new password stolen). Very often, such malware is accessed through some hidden URL arguments or by doing something on a C&C server and waiting for the malware to receive the instructions (in both scenarios, the initial malware that accepts these arguments or talks to said server was unknowingly installed by you as part of an infected free addon). The malware's capabilities generally allow attackers to create/alter/delete files and in some cases read/edit your database as well. The reason I recommend against WordPress is because it is difficult-to-impossible to fully secure (especially if you use themes or extensions/plugins), and it needs a lot of maintenance to keep secure. As a result, it is often vulnerable and (based on my experiences dealing with abuse reports and suspensions) is a leading cause of hacked websites here at Heliohost.
  22. Do you want me to manually email a new password to the gmail address attached to the account?
  23. Have you changed your cPanel password? If not, change it now, then log out and in again. Try accessing it through PhpMyAdmin again after changing the cPanel password. If still no luck, you will need to create a new database and restore a backup into it. We lost all the data stored in InnoDB tables in a second crash back in June, so if the database used InnoDB, this is likely the issue, and the contents are likely gone. After you get that working, delete all the database users again, recreate them, and reassign them to their databases.
  24. Wordpress is notorious for its terrible security and for being hacked...in fact, it's one of the leading cause of hacked sites on our service. Usually, the issue is caused by the use of "free" themes and extensions from dubious websites (they're "free" because the criminals distributing them make money using the malware/backdoor built into them to abuse websites for spam or phishing). It's also common for people to forget to install the security updates for WP and the extensions.
  25. Resetting your account wouldn't help (we can't reset it anyway, you just delete it and sign up again). The issue is that something in the code you wrote to implement the API is incompatible with our service, or is broken. The API works fine when we use it, so the server is working fine, and the API is working fine. Your code is broken. Also, have you tried implementing this API by itself in a test file on Stevie (on its own, not as part of WordPress, which I recommend staying away from anyway for security reasons)? Does it work?
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