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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The server times out about 30 seconds after login if you don't do anything. If you're able to see a directory listing, it's working. I'd take a look to see if you got blocked, but I can't currently access our website for some odd reason (timeout). Are you able to log into cPanel?
  2. What is your accounts username? Apis there a certain error you get or does it just say the password is wrong?
  3. Marko's got it. Just be aware it takes 24 hours to change completely.
  4. Good to hear its working now Let us know if you need anything else.
  5. This looks great! Just a few notes: 13 and 14, for nameservers, the IPs are not required. You can leave the IP boxes blank and it should work. In step two, sub-step 3 for "under Domains click Alias"...when using x3 theme, Aliases are called "parked domains" instead.
  6. Not at this time. In fact, using https to access helionet.org gives me our website instead of the forum (after ignoring a security certificate error).
  7. You shouldn't need the old folder. Rename it and test if you want to be sure before deleting.
  8. Definitely. The auto-replies count toward the limit like every other email. Do you have a contact form on your site that sends an email when submitted? I've seen these get botted and cause this as well. If so, consider adding a captcha to deal with the bots.
  9. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  10. That would probably be the redirect you need to change, though if Home.html doesn't exist I'm surprised it even works...try it and see. If you need to redirect site, use Domains -> Redirects in cPanel. It's better solution. It could be done this way as well. I always forget this feature exists.
  11. You can rename it. As long as its name is not index, it'll be ignored.
  12. Nope, nothing in the htaccess doing it. Try removing the index file from public_html. You should get a directory listing with it missing. Escalating for the firewall issue. @Krydos/Byron: I can't find his IP in the blocked IPs...can you check It's acting like it's blocked though I don't see it in the list.
  13. You've got to be blocked in the firewall then. What is your normal IP address? The 75.110.x.x address you're posting from is not being found on the block list.
  14. Try again. I don't see you listed as blocked, and you're not suspended. By the way, I see your old site just fine. The index.php/index.html you need to look for is in the public_html folder itself, not in the Skully or WP folder. It's also possible that your .htaccess is doing it. Check the .htaccess in the public_html folder to see if there's a line for a redirect.
  15. To add to Marko, some will do this for you, some won't. If they won't, let us know and I'll escalate it for you.
  16. I think that's not possible because he is probably not hosting game server. Game hosting companies usually do not change the ports because it can interfiere with other services. You'd actually be surprised. I've seen hosts change the ports on request, though it usually requires the user to explain why to their support. We have a few non-standard ones open specifically for reasons like this. The odds of a game host already having all of the non-standard ones in use is virtually none. I recommend 51990 since I use it myself. If you search the forums you might find another few that were opened for users (though I can't guarantee that any of those are still open). Didn't know that. Thanks for info! Yeah, most game hosts use the different port numbers to separate the various instances of the game server. That way they don't need a bunch of public IP addresses. Ports are free, IPs aren't. Then they tell you to use a SRV record (which is sort of like an A record, but has a port number and a few other differences) so DNS will specify the port for the game to connect to atuomatically, as opposed to the end user typing the number in.
  17. Your attachment is missing. If you think .htaccess is to blame though, rename the .htaccess to something else so it's ignored, and see if it works. Also, what program are you running? All I get is a blank white page, so I can't really diagnose it further unless we can see an error.
  18. There's a bunch of ways this could currently work. Odds are, the document root for skullythepirate.com has an index.php or index.html that contains a redirect. You would just edit that redirect to point into the WP folder instead. Just a heads up though, be cautious about using WordPress (I personally do not recommend it). It is extremely prone to hacking and malware compared to many other CMSes due to its infamously poor security and large quantities of malware targeting it. Many extensions/themes available for it (especially those from dubious sites) are also full of backdoors and malware, so the themes and extensions quite often expose security holes even if the core program is up to date. In fact, it's a leading cause of spam suspensions on our service. Make sure you keep it and all the extensions up to date if you use it, and stay away from themes/extensions found off of random websites (many are backdoors in disguise). Malware and abuse overall seems to be less prevalent for other CMSes like Joomla, though they too can face similar issues if you're not mindful of security.
  19. I think that's not possible because he is probably not hosting game server. Game hosting companies usually do not change the ports because it can interfiere with other services. You'd actually be surprised. I've seen hosts change the ports on request, though it usually requires the user to explain why to their support. We have a few non-standard ones open specifically for reasons like this. The odds of a game host already having all of the non-standard ones in use is virtually none. I recommend 51990 since I use it myself. If you search the forums you might find another few that were opened for users (though I can't guarantee that any of those are still open).
  20. We recommend changing the game servers port to one that's already open. Is there a reason you cannot do this?
  21. I'll escalate this to have your domain removed. Once that happens, just sign up on Stevie.
  22. I believe the system automatically sets this limit when an account sends too many emails. Our normal limit is 50 per day (regardless of origin or destination, so for instance sending to a large mailing list through our service could easily wipe out your quota for the day). Krydos can explain more and restore the normal limit for you. Escalating.
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