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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Unblocked. It was for failed imap logins, probably because something was checking mail while you were suspended. If you can't find the cause, let us know and I'll have Krydos take a look for you.
  2. Whatever you're running is either broken or WAY too heavy to run here. Please fix the issue quickly. Unsuspended.
  3. It appears to be jio on Tommy. Unarchiving....
  4. Unblocked. It may take a few minutes to be effective.
  5. What database user will be used to access the database?
  6. It was blocked from before he moved most likely. The fun part here is that the website can lie about being blocked if you move servers while blocked, because the site just checks if your IP is in the master block list in the account system, even though the actual block is server specific. If he had used https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ he probably would've been able to log in while he was blocked, since he was only blocked on Johnny. As for unexplained blocks, it's almost always caused by either FTP or mail clients repeatedly retrying bad passwords when this happens.
  7. He only escalated it, he doesn’t have the ability to unarchive it. I normally would on archive it for you, but I’m on mobile so I can’t do it at the moment. If Krydos or Byron sees it before me they’ll do it, otherwise I’ll take care of it tomorrow morning.
  8. Reset the password here: https://www.heliohost.org/reset/
  9. You're on Tommy now. Thank you for the donation
  10. Donation verified. I'll move it shortly.
  11. Make sure the files have unix line endings. If you made the files on Windows, they won't work unless you use an editor that lets you specify unix style line endings (Notepad++ can do it).
  12. You'd need a VPS for that, and a very large one at that (especially CPU and RAM). https://heliohost.org/vps/ You'd need 4 cores and at least 4 GB of RAM, 8GB or more if you plan to have more than 2 or 3 players at any given time. I've run two myself (1.7.10 and 1.16.1), and they're by far the most resource hungry game servers I've ever hosted.
  13. Start by trying another device on the same network (e.g. your phone while on the same Wifi). If that works, then you probably have a firewall on your computer blocking it. If that doesn't work, your router may be the cause.
  14. Port 2083 is blocked on your computer for some reason, which is very odd for a home computer. Also, please keep in mind that the link you're using won't count for the inactivity timer. You'll need to log into our website to keep the account active, even if you open cpanel itself using that link. (For what it's worth, the "Insecure login" link on the heliohost tools page on our website should be the same exact link as the one that works for you). Krydos has to install postgis. You can't do that yourself.
  15. Does either of these links work for you: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ or http://cpanel.tommy.heliohost.org/ ? It's not showing as blocked in the firewall on our end. If the above links don't work, let me know and I'll have one of our other root admins look at this.
  16. This request was forgotten about. Sorry about that. Unarchived.
  17. Are you logging in from a workplace or school? That's the most common issue, and it's caused by your organization blocking port 2083. Try using the "Insecure Login" button at the bottom of the tools page instead. This logs you in via unencrypted connection on port 80, which should work pretty much anywhere.
  18. Hosting account usernames (the actual cPanel username, not the domain) do require a delete and recreate. Forum usernames can be changed. Since you just wanted a domain change, we could've just changed the domain on the existing account.
  19. I just cleaned out a bunch of garbage from /tmp. Most of the crap was WordPress updates and imagick temps.
  20. The immunity is a single extension from the date of donation. It's NOT a permanent thing (e.g. "must log in every 90 days"). If you donated for 3 months worth in October, it would've expired sometime in January. Once it expires, you have 30 days from the date of expiration to log in. Example: If you donate for 3 months immunity on October 10, immunity would be good until January 10. From that point, you have ~30 days (until February 10) to log in. If you don't log in before February 10, you get suspended for inactivity.
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