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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. I'm getting a 404 when I visit http://purnama.heliohost.org/mywebsite/ I took a look at your .htaccess and noticed your path to dispatch.wsgi doesn't exist. It's looking for /home/ipurnama/public_html/mywebsite/mywebsite/dispatch.wsgi which doesn't exist. Try changing the last line to this: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ mywebsite/dispatch.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L]
  2. And here's your module https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py Thanks for deleting your other account without a fuss. After dealing with this guy https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/39892-hh578990-mcrypt-extension-request-and-subdomain-creating-problem/ it's much appreciated that you didn't lie to us and deny you had multiple accounts.
  3. How long was your account suspended?
  4. You were suspended for high memory usage, and it looks like most of your load is coming from the node app /home/xtras/maijo.
  5. You were #3 on memory and #7 on cpu for 2020-05-26.
  6. The reason you're seeing that error is because you're not closing your mysql database connections. If you already have too many connections open, and you try to open another it will fail and give that error.
  7. Your forum username has been changed to match your new hosting username.
  8. Yes, of course. You can have as many as you want.
  9. The only way to change your hosting username is to delete your account and recreate it. The first step is to backup all your data if you're ready to proceed. Let us know once your account is deleted. Edit: Do you mean your main domain name instead?
  10. Here's a more detailed breakdown: root@tommy [/home/studius/tmp]# du -h --max-depth=1 33M ./analog 7.7M ./awstats 4.0K ./cpbandwidth 88K ./horde 44M ./webalizer 0 ./webalizerftp 1008K ./pma_template_compiles_studius 86M .
  11. The request could not be completely because it appears you are in violation of our terms of service. https://wiki.helionet.org/hosting/terms Each user is allowed to have 1 account. Please delete any accounts in excess of 1 and let us know when you're done.
  12. Internal cron are limited to 2 per day. So one cron job every 12 hours or two different cron jobs every 24 hours. External cron can be run as often as every 5 minutes. To set up an external python cron, just put your cgi python script in cgi-bin and let us know the url and how often you want it to run.
  13. Yes, your load for the last 7-8 hours looks much better than yesterday's load. Thanks. You can see some of our users websites that they have chosen to share on this post https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/58-websites/page-11 or by just searching the public posts on the forums.
  14. All accounts have access to python and django by default. You don't have to request access. To do python cgi just put your script in cgi-bin and access it with a browser. To get started with django follow this guide https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/django
  15. Unblocked. You got blocked for using the wrong username or password to try to login to cpanel. This won't happen again if you login at https://www.heliohost.org/login/
  16. The extension iconv has been installed on Johnny's php 5.6. https://krydos2.heliohost.org/56/phpinfo.php
  17. To give you a little more information, the #1 traffic account on Tommy transferred 22 GB, and is #79 on cpu usage and #34 on memory usage. Your account transferred 1.1 GB and is #1 on cpu usage and #1 on memory usage. He had 22 times as much traffic to his websites but you caused 6578% more load and 918% more memory usage. Wordpress really is that bad. The only real solution to the problem of wordpress is to not use wordpress.
  18. We can set up an external cron to run every hour. Just provide us with the url that needs to be accessed by the external cron. For instance, mateekk.heliohost.org/cron.php or something like that.
  19. Also for the record, when the load on a server spikes high the system automatically suspends the highest load account to return the server to an acceptable performance level. This is why your account was suspended. There are two reasons for this: 1) Suspended accounts cause a lot less load and therefore the overall load of the server is reduced. 2) When an account is suspended it is an alert to the user to come to the forums and find out what the problem is. Obviously reason #2 was not necessary in this case because I had already told you that your load was way too high. As I was getting ready for bed last night my phone alert went off that Tommy had suspended a high load account. Since I had just looked at your load and you were #1 on cpu and #1 on memory I knew exactly whose account was going to be suspended next. I manually unsuspended you because you were already on the forum trying to fix your problem. As of the time of this post you're currently #1 cpu usage with 152% more load than the #2 account, and #1 memory usage with 143% more memory than #2. Expect to get suspended again soon if you don't fix the problem. As long as you appear to be trying to fix the problem we can give you another chance, but generally we only give people 3 chances before their account is permanently suspended.
  20. Oh, sorry. It was late last night when I posted that. I reset your VPS and it appears to have booted up properly. SSH is responding.
  21. There you go https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  22. Why is it always the people causing the downtime that complain the most about the downtime? I'm not sure if you donated for your Tommy account, but if you did I'd be willing to put your donation towards the first month on a VPS https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ to get your account back off Tommy. You're causing a lot of downtime for thousands of our other users.
  23. To restart your vps you can run the command sudo reboot from SSH.
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