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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. If you didn't already know, wordpress causes massive server load even with barely any traffic. Best bet is to switch to anything that isn't wordpress.
  2. There you go https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  3. Thanks for reporting it. Fixed.
  4. It could be because Johnny's bihourly script was locked up. The website renew sometimes fails, so there is a double check in the bihourly that unsuspends them again if the website renewal fails. Since bihourly wasn't running there wasn't that fallback double check in place. It should all be working again now.
  5. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  6. Which version of python are you using 2.7 or 3.7?
  7. CentOS 7, mod_wsgi-4.6.7. You install mod_wsgi by downloading the source, running ./configure, make, make install. Python 3.7.4. Flask 1.1.1. Let us know if you need more help.
  8. You just open the page in your browser. /home/tycoon59/public_html/cgi-bin/script.py = tycoon.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/script.py
  9. Restarted.
  10. You may not know this already, but wordpress causes massive load on the server. High load from wordpress is the most common reason for people to get suspended. Switching to anything other than wordpress would help immensely.
  11. Pycocotools is not compatible with our free hosting, and torch is 750MB. While I was trying to install torch pip almost crashed the whole server because it was using so much memory. I think you need a vps https://www.heliohost.org/vps/
  12. The login page, and the new website in general, accept username or email. The old website, and the account deletion page only accept username. If you were using your email address as your username in this form that would explain why it didn't work.
  13. I did a little more research and it turns out to start a php script with popen you need to set shell=True, but that isn't required with python scripts. I've never started a php script using cgi like this so I didn't know that off the top of my head. I edited your start.py and tested it and now it works. The other issue I found was your stop.py script has to search for ea-php72 instead of websocket_server.php because php is the executable and the script is an argument passed to the executable. Once again I made the change to your script and tested it and it's working. I don't know how to test your socket though. I left the script not running, so open the start script in your browser, and then test out the socket to see if it's working. Let us know if you need any additional assistance.
  14. This happens sometimes when someone installs a broken ssl certificate instead of using autossl. Usually it's a cloudflare certificate, but this time it was a sectigo. Once that certificate is deleted apache will restart on it's own again. This only ever happens on Ricky though, so there must be some error checking in newer versions of cpanel that prevent the whole system from crashing from one screwed up certificate. Anyways, it's been unstuck. Thanks for noticing.
  15. Your account was archived not suspended. Suspended implies you violated our terms of service. Archived just means you didn't log in for a long time. Unarchived.
  16. The country >>>IS<<< the problem. The governments in the countries that see this kind of rampant illegal activity do nothing to prosecute the criminals, and in some cases go to great lengths to protect their criminals. Correct. All countries have good and bad citizens, but the reason you don't see this kind of abuse from US, Canada, UK, Australia, etc. is because their governments are willing to prevent these kinds of crimes. If Nigeria and Indonesia would actually throw these people in jail it would scare the rest of the criminals into behaving like reasonable humans.
  17. Are you using python2.7 or python3.6?
  18. The next issue I see is that file isn't executable on its own. You need to make it like you did in the cron subprocess.Popen("/usr/local/bin/ea-php72 /home/roguitar/public_html/chat/server/websocket_server.php")
  19. Remote access enabled.
  20. Krydos

    Power Outage

    The power outage was 43 days ago. I don't see how that could have anything to do with your site today.
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