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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Please keep your issue in your original topic.
  2. ASP.NET is only available on our Windows server Lily, which does not have a control panel. I have to configure IIS manually for each user, and you get FTP access to upload your code. Lily does not have Postgres, but you can use the one on the Plesk server (you'll need to request remote access from if you want to do that). Do you want me to set an account up for you? Please keep in mind also that Lily will likely be rebuilt with Plesk at some point in the future so it can have a control panel, but there is currently no ETA on when this will happen. Krydos can do the remote Postgres.
  3. Restored. It may take up to 2 hours to work.
  4. Krydos is the Python expert here. That said, I looked at the code, and based on the last few lines of code (which are supposed to make it listen on port 5000), it looks like this is a custom daemon (standalone server that listens on its own port and doesn't serve through Apache/Nginx), which is not supported on the shared hosting. If that's how this is supposed to work, you'd need to buy a VPS.
  5. Bookmarked PhpMyAdmin links are not supported. Plesk's mysql security works differently, and by design, your username no longer has access to every database on your account. You're supposed to access them individually through Plesk. For applications to access databases, you need to create and assign users just like you did back on cPanel, then give the application the username and password you created.
  6. Lets see if Krydos has any input on these issues.
  7. Should be fixed, might take 2 hours again. We disabled a bunch of domains a while back that weren't hosted here any longer to improve server performance. It's kind of weird it didn't re-enable when I changed it though. I guess it's a rename instead of delete and create new, so it kept the disabled status?
  8. Ack. I completely missed the fact phradham was an old Johnny account because he said it was moved to Plesk and didn't bother to go looking for it (I guess he meant he finally got reinvited...).
  9. Domain changed. It can take up to 2 hours to take effect. You'll need to either set your name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or create an A record pointed to the IP address shown in Plesk (click your domain in Plesk, the IPs are shown at the bottom below all of the options).
  10. Krydos may want to look at the password issue for the unarchived account, so I'll escalate this to him as well.
  11. You can log in at https://heliohost.org/login/ You may be able to get a backup of the cpanel account here: https://heliohost.org/backup/ however it’ll be from July 2021. If you need something newer or the backup isn’t found, Krydos would need to generate it for you.
  12. It's working for me. When I visit either of those links I see a WordPress login. If you just had the domain created right before installing it, I wonder if you hadn't waited for it to finish setting up...
  13. Plesk's mysql security works differently, so this is normal. Your username is no longer a master account with full access to all of your databases like it was in cpanel. You have to create the DB users and assign them to the DBs they need access to. For best security, you should access PMA through Plesk and just delete that installation you have on your website as it's no longer necessary with a working control panel. As for the not found errors, if the files exist, those are likely related to your htaccess file. If you renamed it to disable it (or if it needs things Plesk doesn't support), the site could break. For example if the site used rewrite rules to generate URLs, those rewritten URLs won't be valid with the htaccess missing.
  14. First thing's first, which one do you want to keep? You're only allowed to have one account, so the other needs to be deleted. If you want to keep phradham, you should use the password you used for cpanel (we can reset it if you forgot it). If you want dhammadh, Krydos needs to look at it (considering it worked until archived then not after it was unarchived, it makes me think the password didn't restore correctly).
  15. All 4 of those links show the same thing as the picture I posted above...the site works. Since clearing your cache didn't help, it sounds like your ISP (or perhaps the local network if you're at work or university or the like) is caching the site or otherwise doing something weird. Can you try it on a cell phone using the data plan (Wifi turned off) to rule out your ISP?
  16. Please clear your cache. I see this website for the domain Pansani listed above, which appears to be hosted on Johnny:
  17. Krydos can delete your account and send you an invite for a new one
  18. Correct. It'll renew when it gets close to its expiration as long as the site is online. The only reason it would not renew on its own would be if the domain validation fails (it needs to be able to check for a file in the .well-known folder before issuing a cert, so it can fail for things like misconfigured DNS or .htaccess files blocking the verification).
  19. You're on Johnny at the moment, so you should be at The .77 IP is the main IP address for Tommy, but not everyone on Tommy uses that IP for their website. Tommy actually has multiple IPs, so users over there need to look in Plesk to determine which IP is assigned to their website.
  20. There is an .htaccess in there...I edited it through the admin side of Plesk, so it's definitely there. Is there an option for hidden or dot files you need to turn on in the file manager perhaps? It is considered a hidden file since it's name starts with . As for UC browser, odds are its engine does something different than other browsers if you see things there that others don't show. I've never even heard of it until now. If your concern is seeing warning messages on your website, you can disable the error reporting for PHP to suppress them. If you're seeing error messages in Plesk, it's likely not a supported browser.
  21. No. It's not offered for the same reasons we don't allow SSH on the linux boxes (security). That said I've been able to configure just about everyone's apps to work on Lily if they ask. Down the road we plan to offer plesk on Lily do you can do it yourself, but no timeline for that right now.
  22. Yes it should be possible to move mehdar.heliohost.org to the calaxit account and delete calax2. I'll let Krydos do it only because I don't know what needs to be done to fully delete an account at the moment (I need to delete calax2 to free it up before adding the domain to calaxit). As for the Ricky account, I don't think that's yours. Sure the domain is similar, but aside from that I don't see any similarities. The account is also empty anyway...
  23. Fixed. It was because your .htaccess in public_html had Options lines in it. Plesk does not support the Options command in .htaccess at this time.
  24. The IP for Plesk Johnny is the same as for old Johnny: You listed a different one above, so check that your DNS is correct.
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