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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Krydos can create a link for you to submit payment for an existing VPS.
  2. Feb 28, 2020...donation is too old. Donations only count if made after July 14, 2020 (that date is 1 year prior to us losing cPanel).
  3. You'll need a VPS for that. We don't offer SSH access on the shared hosting. That said, Krydos can likely install components if they're needed. As for node red, as someone who has used it, I don't think that'd work terribly well even if you get it installed. It's one of those apps that's really meant to be on its own server.
  4. Well that’s not standard at all. In 15 years doing this I’ve never heard of a DB server getting host info this way. My guess is either they’re returning IPs that are still blocked (and possibly a different one every time) or the python libs we have installed doesn’t have support for that connection method. It’s be nice to get their IP ranges so we can whitelist that, but in the meantime I wonder if opening the port outbound to * would work…
  5. Nope, it's because the server itself needs to be told what account the subdomains belong to. Apache has what are known as virtual hosts, basically a config for each domain that tells Apache to use specific settings for that domain (the most important of those settings being the document root). The problem here is that Apache has no idea what these subdomains you set up in WP Multisite are, so it shows the default page. In the cPanel days this default page would've been the queued page, but Plesk has its own server default page instead (I'm sure it could be replaced with the old queued page if we wanted, might just be something we didn't bother to do). The wildcard *.tcgserver.cf (I'm assuming this is the domain in question, that site is running WP, if it's not, please correct me) needs to be added as a domain in Plesk so Apache knows what to serve when it receives a request for anything.tcgserver.cf.
  6. It's because the wildcard domain likely needs to be created in Plesk so it knows what account the subdomains belong to. Since you can't add domains at the moment, Krydos needs to add it for you.
  7. The domain sssnet.tk is currently pointed to the old cPanel Tommy for some reason. Since you're using our DNS, Krydos will need to fix this.
  8. Domain changed. Since the DNS isn't hosted here, please edit the A records for your domain and point it to It's currently pointed to the obsolete cPanel Tommy so it's not going to work unless you update your DNS records. Note that it may also take up to 2 hours for the domain to come out of queue on the server once the DNS is updated.
  9. Our servers are in California. I'm across the country in PA, and you're across the ocean in Europe That said, the increase in latency shouldn't really be that noticeable for a website (usually the difference in latency for US vs. Europe to the same server is measured in milliseconds, for a website that's effectively 0, but for gaming, video, and other real-time applications it can potentially cause lag). This issue is mostly going to be a combination of heavy software and server load...I just tried it again and it took almost 20 seconds this time around. The solutions are mainly going to be using different software, buying a VPS, or accepting slow loading times.
  10. (Deleted previous post because I just noticed in the picture that you typo'd the domain in your post. it's 900m, not 900.) Moodle is pretty heavy software, so I'm not surprised it's lagging. 900m did open for me in about 10 seconds initially, and clicking the few links available on that page take about 5 seconds per page, but yeah, it's slow. Your blog comes up in about 2-3 seconds for me in comparison. Tommy's load at time of testing was 4.8. Krydos may have some input as well, but you may want to consider different software.
  11. Tommy2 is What we don't understand is how this is working for you without an A record present, unless it's doing something weird like only responding for requests in a certain part of the world (Krydos and I are both in the USA, as is Tommy), or perhaps it's using a SRV record instead?
  12. It doesn't resolve for me either against any DNS server I've tried, same result as Krydos (it has no A record). You keep insisting that URL works locally, but it doesn't work for me (locally) or on Tommy. so I'm wondering if you defined it in the hosts file or something? A normal lookup (A) returns no value, and doing an ALL lookup returned a single TXT record: > set type=all > radtech.p4cyn.mongodb.net Server: [] Address: Non-authoritative answer: radtech.p4cyn.mongodb.net text = "authSource=admin&replicaSet=atlas-4rclg7-shard-0" > You need to either: Use an IP address directly, use a URL whose DNS zone actually has an A record in it, or contact the database host and ask them to fix their DNS zone.
  13. You can't change the docroot of a domain at the moment since domain management is turned off due to the DNS integration not being finished. What domain needs its docroot changed, and what should be the doc root for that domain? As for the other questions: 1. Sqlite databases are just a file, there's no server component, so you should be able to use it assuming your node app contains/has access to a sqlite library for working with those files. If there's something that needs to be installed server side for it, Krydos may be able to install it. 2. No. You need a VPS for that.
  14. They should still be valid for moving to Plesk (as long as you made them after July 14 2020), but you've already moved to Plesk, so its a moot point. Inactivity immunity if you had that would've expired for most since we gave everyone ~15 months of it for free while we rebuilt. If you had more, we can probably fix that (we'd need the donation information, Krydos will need to do it as I don't know if this is even being offered or how to calculate it due to the migration). You can always donate to us here: https://heliohost.org/donate/ I'm guessing the "closed" you're seeing is probably the $1 donor button on the sign up page...
  15. Krydos has to add it for you. What domain needs it added, and what record name/data needs to be added?
  16. I think this happened to a few other people with Postgres as well. Krydos can fix it...
  17. Did you remember to uncheck the option for wildcard certificate? We don't support that option specifically because there is no way to edit the DNS records at the moment (it'll be implemented eventually, but it's not at the top of the list...) Plesk should be able to validate the domains individually via file as long as you don't select the wildcard option.
  18. It’s not yet implemented. What domains do you need created? Krydos can create them for you.
  19. It sounds like either broken software, or software that's incompatible with our server, especially if 3 separate install attempts all led to the same bad result. Unfortunately we can't really assist with troubleshooting the actual software as none of us are familiar with it. Have you asked on their forum about why you'd get this error when there's no prior installation and the system requirements are met? Specify when you start that you've already reinstalled 3 times and every installation had this error. It may be a bug they need to fix, or they may be able to tell you how to add the missing data.
  20. You're the first to report one of these failing. Krydos will be the done to troubleshoot the internals of the registration system, but I do see that your invite was filled out in the system. As you'd imagine, the account never created, and oddly I don't see an entry in the account log either (normally there'd be an error that explains why it failed, it's as if the server never attempted it, or at least never got far enough that it could log the failure if it did). When did this error occur? Was it at the progress bar screen? Or perhaps immediately after you agreed to the terms of service?
  21. Krydos has to change this. We don't allow users to change PHP settings using .htaccess for security reasons, which is why you're getting the 500 error. What version of PHP are you using?
  22. We can take crypto for the wait list...BTC, LTC, ETH, ZEC, and BAT are all accepted. You'll need to post the transaction ID of the payment and Krydos can link it. XMR or Aeon can be accepted as well if you prefer privacy coins, though it will take several days to verify if you choose those since I have to boot up an old server and run a wallet sync to verify that (those wallets live on a turned-off VM that dates back to when we offered a donate-by-mining app called HelioMine 4 years ago, that program has since been discontinued due to lack of uptake). The 5 up top go directly to an exchange and convert to cash when donated, but the privacy coins do not. Please do not donate using Loki or TRTL. They're obsolete and need to be removed.
  23. Unblocked. It was for failed IMAP logins...you have a mail client configured incorrectly somewhere.
  24. Someone posted spam in here. I flagged the spam, but it apparently didn't unmark it as new... Since it's unlikely he still needs help after 7 months, locking.
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