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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. That appears to be an error on our part. The cleanup was only supposed to disable domains showing "not hosted by us" in our admin tools, this one shows as being hosted by us via Cloudflare, so I have no idea why it was disabled. Cloudflare domains weren't supposed to be disabled. Domain re-enabled. It might take an hour or two for it to work again since Apache needs to restart before it will work.
  2. We have to change the domain for you. What do you want it to be?
  3. Charityvest is probably not a good option for most...the bulk of our users are non-US and < $20 (though we do get some big donations from time to time, so it might be a nice option to have if a US donor wants to make a large donation). Also, I'm not sure whether how often we receive mail at that address considering none of us actually live in WA. Krydos would know if that's an option or not. Note that anything sent outside of Paypal won't count for anything in terms of a Tommy invite/space upgrade/ETA change/etc. unless you were to post and request it be counted. Our systems depend on the Paypal API for donation tracking, only a normal Paypal donation reports this way (I'm not sure if giving fund donations would report on the API or not, I suspect not based on how GF works).
  4. We pay PayPal fees. Some of the things we use PayPal for (like VPSes and eventually Morty) are effectively commercial offerings, so likely ineligible. Also, giving fund money isn't given to the charity directly if I remember right...it goes to PayPal then it takes months for PayPal to send it to us. Or was that the gofundme? Krydos would know.
  5. Changed. It will take up to 2 hours for the changes to take effect. Please note that due to the way Plesk works, all domains on your account as well as SFTP will not work until your main domain change takes effect. Also, if you have not already, be sure to create an A record for that domain pointed to
  6. Uptime robot is the monitoring service that I use. It's free for basic monitoring and can be set to send an email whenever something it monitors is down. It can monitor websites or ports, so you can point it at your website or at your SSH port. As for hestia not updating anymore, that's a Krydos question...
  7. Kairion pretty much answered it. SSH is a VPS only offering. If you're on the shared hosting, you're limited to Plesk and (S)FTP.
  8. DKIM public keys are stored in normal TXT records. To enable it, in Plesk, you go to: Mail->Mail Settings->(domain)->Use DKIM Spam protection system to sign outgoing messages->Apply. After that, refresh the settings page and click the "How to configure external DNS" next to the option to see the public key and DNS record you need to create.
  9. Java is not available on our free offerings at the moment due to the recent switch from cPanel to Plesk, but it is one of our most requested features and is on our list of things to get re-implemented. We used to offer it on cPanel, but when we were forced to switch to Plesk, we haven't yet gotten it working with the new platform. Our focus recently has been getting the Johnny server working again so we can finish moving all of the users over to the new system. Once that's done we'll be working more on feature enhancements along with a paid offering called Morty. For the moment, if you need Java, you'll need to buy a VPS instead (please note that there's a waitlist for VPSes right now). If you're interested in being added to the waitlist, you can visit https://heliohost.org/vps/ to sign up.
  10. Domain changed. It may take up to 2 hours for the changes to take effect. In the meantime, please make sure you have an A record pointed to set in cloudflare for this domain.
  11. This might be normal since load is up at the moment, but it's the first time I've seen accounts stacking for hours like this with the server actually up. Krydos needs to look at this as you're not the only one showing an account stuck in the queue...I see 3 sitting in there right now. As for refunds, that's also K's decision since I don't know where we stand on donation refunds policy-wise and he handles much of the money side of things. I've seen VPSes refunded, but that's a paid service, not a donation. I'm not sure where we stand on donation refunds since the Paypal fees cause us to lose more than just the donation itself if we refund it. Please keep in mind that if we do refund it, the account created by the donation will be deleted. EDIT: Of course as soon as I post, the server created the account. It was just load I guess...still need to know on the refund though...
  12. Resent to gmail address. Thank you for the donation.
  13. The 2 .org domains on your account are working properly for me. What domain is showing as suspended? I do see bijurs.heliohost.org showing an apache default page, but that's pretty normal when there's no content uploaded for the domain.
  14. The reverse DNS record for tommy is missing according to that error (kind of weird considering mail was working and I can see the record if I query for it but I suppose it's possible it disappeared with the recent IP changes we've been doing on Tommy to help with DDoS). The PTR does seem to exist, so not sure why gmail didn't see it: > set type=ptr > Server: [] Address: Non-authoritative answer: canonical name = 77.subnet72.141.19.65.in-addr.arpa 77.subnet72.141.19.65.in-addr.arpa name = tommy2.heliohost.org >
  15. That's weird...almost looks like your FTP base folder is wrong...escalating to Krydos.
  16. The above post pretty much nailed it. They likely have no idea who we are, but rather are unhappy with some random user's website. They just look up the IP of the server hosting the site and launch the attack at that. Because of the way our servers work and the type of attack they're using, we have no way of knowing which website/user they don't like because the server IP is shared by everyone. We've been hit before, sometimes repeatedly, but this one is getting ridiculous. While this one probably isn't (at least not on our part), a lot of the DDoS attacks we see here are retaliation of some form. I know of at least one case where someone donated for an account, almost immediately got banned without a refund or replacement because they used the account to set up a phishing site, then DDoS'd us when they lost their money.
  17. Not blocked. Odds are the server was just down again. We are experiencing frequent DDoS attacks which are knocking Tommy offline for a few hours at a time.
  18. We don't support wildcard certiticates at the moment. Uncheck the option for wildcard certificate and try again.
  19. The server is down, probably due to a DoS attack considering we've been hit with a few of those lately...
  20. Krydos has to manually change the DNS to fix this. When this happens, it won't fix itself. A lot of our users have been using external DNS like Cloudflare instead of our DNS because it allows them to manage it themselves. I'll escalate this for Krydos to fix, but if you want to fix it yourself, you could switch your DNS to Cloudflare and set up the entries needed. The records you need in your domain's DNS zone for Plesk to work are: A record pointed to MX pointed to tommy2.heliohost.org (if you plan to receive mail at your domain using Plesk) TXT record with the value "v=spf1 a mx ~all" for SPF (if you plan to send mail from the domain using Plesk).
  21. That documentation is for the old cPanel servers and is obsolete. That said, the script itself should work if you make the script using the below shebang line (we updated Python) in Plesk's file manager. #!/usr/bin/python3.10
  22. This is normal. Users are subject to being pushed back for a combination of reasons, notably if the invites don't go out one day for some reason, or if users donate to skip the queue. This is why we give an estimated time, not an exact one. If a user who was in line behind you donates enough, they immediately move them to the front of the line.
  23. Normally I'd fix this for you, but I can't get into the paypal account for some reason. Escalating to Krydos... @Krydos See my post in the admin section as well.
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