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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Crashed PostgreSQL crashed MySQL and over 11 GB storage used. You crashed the server and caused downtime for 3000+ other websites, and were over quota by nearly double. A 20GB database will not fit even on the largest Tommy account (which has a disk space limit of only 6000MB). You're well into VPS territory with a 20GB database. I'll let Krydos decide if he wants to unsuspend you...
  2. OK, I did some digging and this is weird. I see nothing in any logs about this account (hence the PM response I sent you), but you're right in that the address does work on the ETA page! Usually the accounts will show in the historical logs (I can usually see when it was created, etc.). Maybe the account was old enough to predate the logging for new accounts? Either way, I've sent an invite to the address on your forum profile since that old address looks to no longer be valid. Since there is no account to transfer I'm assuming this was on Johnny (Johnny users are being reinvited since we had to delete them when the server got hacked and they were all turned into phishing sites). The invite will most likely be in your spam folder since you use gmail. If so, please "Not spam" the invite so you receive future email from us.
  3. Added. It'll take up to 2 hours to work. Please make sure you have your name servers pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or that external DNS has an A record pointed to and an AAAA pointed to 2001:470:1:1ee::2002
  4. Uncheck the box for wildcard certificate and try again. We don't support wildcard certificates on our subdomains or on any other domain that uses our name servers (your own domain + external DNS can do it if you manually create the records, but that doesn't apply here since you're trying to use a .helioho.st domain).
  5. Without seeing the errors we can't really help. Also, none of us have any real experience with these two programs which is why you're not getting an answer. The most we can do is look at the errors and troubleshoot based on that. I can say that prestashop specifically has a history of getting people suspended for load though. Can you please post the errors your experiencing and how to reproduce them?
  6. VPSes don't count as a second account, you're fine to have 1 shared hosting account and 1 VPS (in fact, you can have more than 1 VPS too, we have customers with 2 of those). Do you still want your account removed?
  7. Which ones need their docroot moved? We can move them for you, but keep in mind that if your scripts care about the name of a docroot, they're poorly written. Good scripts won't care where they are located. You should be using relative paths to reference files within a website, and if multiple sites are doing something like sharing includes, you'd be best served by moving the shared files outside of the docroot of another website (e.g. instead of a script for one domain needing a shared include referenced as ../../otherdomain.heliohost.us/public_html/includes/something.php, move the folder containing the shared components into your home folder and edit the sites using them to reference it as ../../includes/something.php).
  8. What is your old account's username (or the email address it was under)? The info on your forum profile doesn't match any accounts I can find.
  9. They don't fit in your account, so no. If we removed 2 and added those 4, you'd have 12 domains, which is over the limit of 10. Also, plesk uses httpdocs instead, it is equivalent to public_html. The sgads domain does not work for me, it resolves to a suspended page for a cpanel server. If it's working for you, it's probably something like being in the host file on your computer.
  10. Krydos will need to do this as I don't know how to create the wildcard domain on the DNS side. EDIT: Also, be aware that we do not support wildcard SSL certificates when using our DNS, so the wildcard subdomain will not be able to receive an SSL certificate.
  11. wolstech

    Farewell Ricky

    Surprisingly enough, not everyone is. About 15% of our total active accounts are still on Ricky despite it having had no control panel for 2 years...not as low as most would expect. That said, I suspect many of them are abandoned at this point. Inactivity suspensions on Ricky stopped when cPanel died. If it goes like cPanel Tommy did, the accounts are likely going to be backed up and deleted if not moved by Sunday. All of them have been invited to move and either missed or ignored their invite.
  12. That IP isn't blocked, which is kind of expected since the tommy2 link works for you. Not sure why you were having trouble with the dashboard but glad to see you're able to get into your account Please let us know if you need anything else.
  13. It was because Apache was disabled for that subdomain (there's an option to make a domain nginx only). If Apache is disabled for a domain, the only supported PHP version is 8.2.7. I'm not sure if you can see that option or not, but if you can, for reference you select the domain, then: Hosting & DNS tab->Apache & Nginx->checkbox labeled "Proxy Mode"->Apply. I turned Apache back on for this subdomain and set the PHP version to 8.0 for you. The changes will take up to 2 hours to take effect.
  14. A timeout is usually a firewall block, but I'm not seeing the IP on your post listed in the firewall as blocked. Are you posting from the same IP that has the issue? If not, what IP is impacted (you can check by visiting this page from the computer that doesn't work: https://heliohost.org/ip.php and telling us the IP it shows you)? Also, if you visit tommy directly do you see a Plesk login ( https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ )?
  15. See my response here: https://helionet.org/index/topic/56300-solved-i-think-my-ip-blocked/
  16. The IP you’re posting from as well as the one from the original post is not blocked. Are you getting a timeout error, or are you seeing some other message like an invalid password? If you’re getting a timeout, he said, where is my what IP address are you trying to visit the server from?
  17. Unblocked.
  18. Added. It can take 2 hours to work. Since you're on CF, please be sure to also create the DNS records for the subdomain pointed to the same IPs as above.
  19. Added. It can take up to 2 hours to start working. In the meantime, please make sure the domains are pointed to our name servers (ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org) or if you use external DNS that you created an A record pointed to and a AAAA record to 2001:470:1:1ee::2002
  20. I'll let Krydos decide on this. Escalating.
  21. You could try using external DNS and manually creating the record it asks for. You will have to go through the process of manually editing the record and verifying it every 90 days though, since you cannot get an LE certificate for longer than that and plesk does not support automating external DNS. You are the only person on our entire system that’s had a need for this (wild card domain with SSL), so it’s never been done before and as of now, officially it’s not supported. EDIT: Should probably add that if the wildcard domain is set up on one of our free heliohost.org/helioho.st/heliohost.us subdomains, it's simply not supported. The free subdomains cannot use an external name server. The wildcard subdomain needs to be on an external domain for the above to have any chance of working.
  22. It's labeled as MariaDB, which is a fork of MySQL.
  23. Please check your email for an invite to create a Tommy account. Note that since you use Gmail it will likely be in spam.
  24. We actually can't "move" accounts since that function was never implemented for Plesk. We just delete your account and reinvite you. Do you want me to delete your account and reinvite you to Tommy (doing so will also delete all of your data, so back it up first if needed)?
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