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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yep. Tommy is over capacity, all accounts are being created on johnny for the time being.
  2. We didn't extend the shut down time as we had nowhere to put the cPanel Tommy (the server that now houses Plesk Tommy couldn't fit both). The few days it was up after that ransomware attack, it was left on the infected Eddie box and actually kept us from reinstalling ESX to complete the cleanup. Our original plans were to just discard the accounts on it, so the fact we were able to get it working long enough to make backups was actually an improvement over the goal. An invite for a Johnny account has been sent to you. All migrated (and now replacement) Tommy accounts are being put to Johnny for capacity reasons at this time, though we plan to offer moves back to Tommy in the future at no cost.
  3. We've had users with an even bigger gap between leaving and returning.
  4. We also just bulk-unblocked the France CF data center (it was blocked in the firewall automatically due to bots sweeping sites for WP installs to hack) That was probably the actual issue.
  5. Cloudflare is supported and should work just fine. What is it doing when you try using CF? As for gcore, I've never even heard of that, and there's no official support for it here.
  6. If you're seeing that, you need to switch to an old version of PHP (5.6 or older). Both of those extensions are long obsolete and are not available on anything newer than 5.6. If you're on 5.6 or older and are still seeing this, please let us know which version of PHP it is and they can be added to that version.
  7. This got missed somehow. Escalating to Krydos to make the backup…
  8. It looks like Krydos fixed this based on a discussion on discord. I also see the account is created now. Try logging in and see if it works.
  9. What was your old account's username? I'll send you an invite for a new account.
  10. This was a migration issue (script did not update records for the alias). I've escalated it to Krydos so he can fix the DNS. Please follow your other topic linked below, he'll fix it when he sees it. https://helionet.org/index/topic/55152-krydos-issue-with-ssl/
  11. Yeah, the issue is that http://xn--plised-pxa.ee/ needs DNS updated since it is currently pointed to the retired cPanel Tommy. Krydos needs to make this change for you. Once the DNS issue is corrected, your SSL will issue properly.
  12. Please post the exact domain you're having issues with. It's a DNS issue based on the error (it mentions which is the old cPanel Tommy that retired), but we can't fix it without knowing what site is broken.
  13. Account jamairi has been deleted. Would you like the forum account deleted as well?
  14. We removed support for those extra FTP accounts a few weeks back due to a security issue in Plesk. The extra FTP account was deleted when that happened.
  15. The server for legacy cpanel accounts was permanently decommissioned yesterday. This was announced well over a week ago in the News section, and invites were sent even longer ago to move to plesk. Yours likely went to spam and got missed if you didn't get it. At this point transfers are no longer possible, so you'll need to download a backup of the content from here: https://heliohost.org/backup/ then create a new account and manually restore your website instead. We can send you an invite if you would like to set up a new account (and we'll probably need to set your domain manually after you sign up too, you have an old heliohost.org subdomain so the website won't let you use it without assistance) Also, keep in mind that due to capacity limits, accounts are being put on Johnny for the time being. Would you like me to send you an invite?
  16. This was resolved on discord it looks like. He had run out of disk space. (Disk space suspensions are weird, because of how Plesk handles them they do not show up in the admin tools, the account just stops working and ends up in a weird half suspended state, which is what causes that overuse is not allowed message.)
  17. You are blocked in the firewall for too many failed SFTP logins. Unblocked.
  18. Well that's interesting...Krydos will need to troubleshoot this. Several others signed up yesterday with no issue.
  19. That's an issue with your SSH client, not the server. The key for the SSH server changed, probably when Krydos fixed the firewall issue. Assuming you're connecting to the right server, you need to either change the key in the known_hosts file it lists, or delete what looks to be line 2 from the file so it will let you approve the server again. Your client may also have an option to disable strict SSH key checking, which would also remove this warning.
  20. You just upload it. There's no UI or anything for python. Make sure you give the files execute permission, and the shebang line is correct. If you need modules installed, please post the list and we can get them installed for you. Python is located in the following places on Johnny depending on which version you need. /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3.6m /usr/bin/python3.10
  21. Krydos can do this for you...not sure whether they've gotten the automatic build system fixed after that ransomware two weeks ago though, so it may take a little longer than normal if not.
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