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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Try this Discord invite : https://discord.gg/T9vxTkU
  2. Tommy is down due to an ongoing DDoS attack.
  3. I would assume K will eventually change the IP being used for Plesk so you can sign in and get the IP to update your DNS. Alternately, you can probably just ask our name servers to get the IP once it’s changed. On windows it would look like: NSlookup (domain) ns1.heliohost.org Domains generally have a zone on our name servers even if you don’t use them.
  4. Tommy is down due to an ongoing DDoS attack. Your VPS should be up and available right now. Is it still down? There was a brief downtime for all servers including VPSes when the attack first hit, but once Tommy was null routed everything else including VPSes should've recovered. This was the announcement that Krydos posted on Discord:
  5. Is that a yes you want me to delete your account? Also, Tommy is down due to an ongoing DDoS attack, so we can't move you until the attack subsides anyway...
  6. It should assuming that capacity isn't available now (Krydos is the one who can answer if this capacity is available, I don't really support the VPS side of the service).
  7. Tommy is down due to an ongoing DDoS attack.
  8. Tommy is temporarily offline due to an ongoing DDoS attack.
  9. Krydos can set this up for you.
  10. What is the name of the database that needs the access?
  11. Krydos can set this up for you.
  12. 1. You don't. We have to make all DNS changes for you if you use our name servers. Alternately, you can use external DNS like Cloudflare which will let you administer it yourself. 2. No idea at the moment as we haven't even started implementing them. Morty is the current focus. It's possible that we may end up developing/testing this implementation on that server before it opens publicly. 3. Varies depending on what type of backup it is. If it's a cpmove file, see this response I wrote earlier today: https://helionet.org/index/topic/56220-hh418669-backup-file-cannot-locate-username-wal/?do=findComment&comment=248337
  13. Added. it may take up to 2 hours to start working. Make sure the DNS is pointed to our name servers or if you use external DNS, that an A record is pointed to
  14. Krydos can upgrade this for you. There may be a wait though as that message usually means we're sold out and may not actually have the capacity at the moment.
  15. Krydos has to do this.
  16. Krydos needs to install this.
  17. Please post the transaction ID of your donation.
  18. You didn't receive an invite because you already have an account. If you want to receive an invite for that donation, the existing account needs to be deleted first. Do you want me to delete your account and send the invite?
  19. wolstech

    Mailing lists

    For your domain, select the Mail tab, then Mailing Lists. Be aware though that using this function to send large quantities of email will result in your email service being disabled for sending too many emails. There is a strict limit of 50 recipients per day (how you use that is up to you, it can be 1 email sent to 50 people, 2 emails to 25 people each, 50 emails to 1 person each, etc.) Also, as a reminder unsolicited email is prohibited by our terms of service (users must expressly agree to receive mail from you), and if we receive a spam complaint about the mail you send for any reason, your entire account will be suspended for spam. Repeated spam complaints will result in a permanent ban.
  20. That sounds like the program's either making bad assumptions about the server environment, or is not compatible with the server...common issues with this would be wrong PHP version or the app expecting certain settings we don't have (that open_basedir restriction for example is often incompatible with Laravel-based applications since that framework assumes you have control over the server its running on). We can't really help with troubleshooting code beyond simple issues like the one above, so you'd need to figure this out yourself or reach out to the developer for help.
  21. Glad to hear its working for you. Let us know if you need anything else.
  22. I don't see anything wrong on our end, so I've sent you another link to reset your password. Please be aware that you should use only normal english characters and symbols in your password. Plesk does not support non-ASCII characters, accented characters, or spaces in passwords. It'll accept them when you change a password, but then the new password won't work.
  23. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  24. Open basedir restrictions prevent your code from accessing files outside your home folder. That script is trying to import /autoload.php, which starting with a / means it wants to look in the root of the server where you aren't allowed to go. Deleting that leading / off of the file path to autoload.php on line 69 of the file shown will probably fix it assuming the file autoload.php exists in the same folder.
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