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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Escalating to Krydos (split from email support since he posted directly: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/52463-hh100949-python/#comment-210602)
  2. Krydos can install for you when he gets a moment.
  3. wolstech

    Plesk ETA

    Just 1 (Krydos). He's flying solo on the project. There's too many things we can't help with due to either a lack of knowledge of how it works, or a lack of skills to do the work (e.g. myself, I don't know linux beyond basic administration, I'm a Windows guy, so I'm useless for the development part of this project). Also, @KrydosSorry to hear about your father and your health.
  4. The email on your hosting account has been updated. It appears you've already changed and verified it on your forum profile, so everything should now match.
  5. I just set your PhpMyAdmin to use PHP 7.1 which has mbstring, it works now. You can change the PHP version for a single folder by putting an .htaccess inside with the handler assignment. If you're curious how, check out the .htaccess I created inside your phpMyAdmin folder. This also means you can use a newer version of PMA if you want. The server has up to PHP 7.4 if I remember right.
  6. That domain isn't hosted here. As for your account, it might be archived, but it's not showing in the backup system. Escalating to see if Krydos can find it. Also, as we no longer have a license for cPanel, we are not able to restore archived accounts, and are also currently unable to offer replacement accounts. If we locate your archive, it will be made available for download in the backup system but cannot be restored. At this time, we currently aren't able to offer free hosting to users who have archived or no account, and accounts that do exist are limited to SFTP for access. We're working to implement Plesk as a replacement for cPanel, but that is not ready yet. Please see the News section for more information about that. All of that said, if you need hosting now and don't mind paying for it, you can buy a VPS for $4/month as a solution in the meantime: https://heliohost.org/vps/
  7. Please see the News section. We no longer have a license for cPanel, and the replacement Plesk control panel isn't implemented yet. We are unable to offer new accounts to any users at this time, and existing accounts, if online, have no control panel and have to be administered via SFTP. Accounts that are still online will be moved to Plesk when it becomes available, but I cannot find your account which means its likely archived. If your account was archived prior the licenses being revoked, you need to wait until Plesk becomes available, then ask for an invite to manually create a new account (cPanel archives cannot be migrated onto Plesk automatically, but you can unpack it and use the data inside to restore your site). At this time, we have no idea when free hosting will be available again. It's been 7 months already with basically no visible progress (Krydos is flying solo on the migration project, and he hasn't said much other than that the migration script doesn't work yet). If you need hosting now and don't mind paying for it, VPSes are available (https://heliohost.org/vps/ ) for as little as $4/month, and can run anything you want, including Django and MySQL.
  8. Sparkie has the newest CPU we have (an E5-2660 from Q1 2012). The AVX2 instruction set wasn't even invented until 2013. As a result, AVX2 is not supported on our service. Krydos may have some ideas on what can be done about this. Escalating.
  9. This happens sometimes...if I remember right, it's due to PayPal taking longer than normal to process. Either way, Krydos or yash can get the VPS set up once the transaction clears. Escalating.
  10. Many of the accounts probably aren't going to migrate perfectly anyway. I can almost guarantee there will be things that need changing like paths, host names, or database credentials for many sites even if the data moves over completely. Plesk itself isn't being rewritten, the account migration script is, so I took the options to be "Wait in line for account migration" or "Get an empty account without waiting and restore backups manually". If the other non-migration components like load management were finished, this is exactly what I would be suggesting. Backups are available for download for every account we have. We could have easily gotten everything that isn't migration working, and offered users an empty account instead of moving it for them. The user isn't losing their data either way. An empty account + backup just means they have extra legwork to set things up, which I'm sure many will gladly do if it means they can get a working account sooner. We could have then worked on fixing the migration scripts last, just moving the users who decided not to take the empty account + backup. All self-restore users would already be moved at that point...
  11. What happened here is that Plesk's conversion script didn't perform as advertised. They told us they would be able to easily import cPanel accounts with the provided scripts, but those scripts don't actually import the accounts properly or completely. As provided, those scripts were effectively useless. Krydos was trying to rewrite those scripts and is flying solo on that project. None of us have any insight or input into what's happening. Honestly, my opinion is that we should have scrapped the migration idea the day we found those scripts didn't work and moved on to getting the more important things working (there's a lot of custom stuff we use to manage accounts, load, abuse, java support, etc. as well, and all of that needed to be ported to plesk before we can accept new users). HelioHost is far from out of business, but for now our primary focus has been on that migration and paid VPS services. Those services are open for new customers, but the free offering doesn't look like it'll be available for the foreseeable future unless something changes.
  12. We no longer have a license for cpanel so we can't create any new accounts on the old servers. We haven't been able to create new accounts in 6 months. We're moving to Plesk but that isn't done yet.
  13. It's also worth noting that this user will not be moved to Plesk. He was archived at the time the licenses were revoked, so he will need to sign up again and restore his backup once we actually have working servers. The archive is available for download at https://heliohost.org/backup/
  14. Krydos can add your donation for you. Escalating.
  15. It's hit or miss. We don't officially support it, though it often does work now (we figured out why it never did before a while back). Plain is most compatible though. We have a bunch of users that couldn't use encrypted communications at all. Most often it's due to restrictions on their network (e.g. work or school with a filter), but in some cases it's an entire country (there are several countries where encryption is banned or requires special approvals and/or configurations to use). We don't provide service to the most notable two countries with such laws (Iran and North Korea), but some others we do serve have similar restrictions as well. We have insecure connections available to support these users.
  16. One point about that: If you use plain FTP, it must actually be plain FTP (the important one is "no encryption" as moneybrz shows in his picture). If you use the "quick connect" or similar in Filezilla instead of adding the site and setting it up completely, it will default to FTP over explicit TLS, which is not supported.
  17. It can take time for a security service to rescan and remove the listing on their own. I would check to see if they have an option to submit the site for review or to contest their malicious designation, but that’s about all you can do. Since blocking it is their decision, there isn’t anything we can do on our end to fix it.
  18. I agree. Probably not a popular opinion for many, but I personally think K should never have gone down the path of trying to fix the scripts, and instead just thrown out the idea of a migration and re-invited everyone once we realized it wasn't as easy as claimed. Migrations/imports often come with tons of (sometimes hidden) issues that can manifest weeks, months, or even years later. Look at it like a PC operating system: Do you upgrade Win7 to Win10 and hope you don't find quirks in your files and software due to the running migration, or do you toss Win7 entirely and install fresh Win10? The latter tends to work better, but the former is more convenient.
  19. We aren't accepting new users for the shared hosting at this time because our licenses for cpanel got revoked. We're in the process of moving to a new platform (Plesk) but that isn't done yet. Django was supported on our free accounts when we had cpanel, and I imagine it will be supported once Plesk is working as well since it was a pretty common request.
  20. I just looked and this is not frozen or down. I can see the console just fine, and it is responding enough that I can type in the password box (strange to see a GUI installed on a linux server, but still, it's not down on my end).
  21. As of now, you can't. Krydos or yash has to restart them for you. Odds are unless you shut it down, it's more likely to be frozen from broken software or perhaps misconfigured if you were changing something when it went down (I've seen users firewall themselves out of their VPS for example...).
  22. HTTPS is working fine for me on your site. For malwarebytes, I don't blame them for flagging it malicious. Your website freezes my browser shortly after it's opened due to the size of that table, followed by the tab crashing with a memory error. As for FTP, you're supposed to be using tommy.heliohost.org as the host name for FTP, not your domain. We do not support custom domains nor custom certificates on FTP.
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