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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. My bet is they're related to the outage we had around 0100 UTC. That was a DOS attack or similar network congestion from what I can tell (stuff got really slow and/or unresponsive but the servers stayed up). All of our stuff saw it: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ As long as you're not still getting them, I wouldn't worry about it.
  2. @Krydos I think the forum does that when I apply the [Krydos] action without replying to the message. I bulk-used that on several topics at once the other day. Not sure how they got marked read initially, but normally me responding would make it unread again... I'll make sure to reply going forward even if it's just the usual "Krydos has to do this"...
  3. You don't. If you don't keep your account active now, you'll lose your account when the old server goes away and have to sign up again once free registrations for Plesk is available. The backup that's currently available from https://heliohost.org/backup/ will still be available for download even if your account doesn't transfer. Would you rather keep the account active instead?
  4. We are unable to delete hosting accounts at this time due to the licensing issue. However, we can suspend your site to take it offline. I've gone ahead and done that for you. If you want it back at any point, let us know and we can restore it. Please note that by being suspended, your account will NOT transfer to Plesk when it becomes available.
  5. No. I've used HA before, it has to be locally run on your home network to be useful (it has to share a network with the devices it controls/interacts with). It can be run on a spare PC though. Python will as well.
  6. We only count donations made after July 14, 2020 (well after the Sparkie fundraiser was over), so likely not unless you somehow donated to the dead fundraiser recently. Do you have the transaction number and the date for us to confirm?
  7. Hestia would need PMA in order to link into it, as well as for it to successfully update it as part of the package. There may be a linux version of shadow copies (I don't know enough about linux, I manage windows for a living), but they aren't really supported for things like running MySQL instances. It will appear to work, but the files will be left in an unknown state because part of the data is in memory and not committed to disk (the in-memory part will not be captured). You would need to stop the database server before making the snapshot to ensure the database is flushed to disk and not in use if you wanted to go this route. Alternately, just dump the databases to .sql files with mysqldump and back up your home folder every now and then. That's the data primarily needed to restore the site if the VPS crashes.
  8. What is the transaction ID of the donation?
  9. 1. I'll let Krydos or yash answer this one. I'm not sure how that works between the fact you're not using a recurring monthly payment and the fact there was an offer that has since expired (not sure if this applied to you or not). 2. You can have both a VPS and a shared hosting account. They're two separate services. VPSes will not be moved to shared hosting automatically. The VPS will exist as long as you pay for it. The old cPanel Tommy account will transfer to Plesk when it's your turn, and eventually archive if you don't use it. If you ever want the Tommy account after that, just ask for it to be unarchived and start using it again. As for broken VPSes...Krydos and yash can help you out with issues on a VPS if it breaks.
  10. No. You need to actually complete the wizard and download the certificate it gives you. There should be a certificate and a key file. We need both (I think they come together as a zip file, but if they're separate make sure you grab both parts). When you upload them, please put it in your home folder, do NOT put the files in public_html. Doing so will compromise your certificates.
  11. We've never herd of that payment service, and the receipt number shown is invalid for some reason (probably because it's issued by that other service). Since it does go through Paypal though, I was able to find the payment based on your name. The actual transaction number is 0L591825RY1760358. Krydos should be able to apply it using that.
  12. 1. No. You might want to pick a nonstandard port number, but no need to change it regularly. Our servers have had public-facing SSH open for 16 years and no issues. If you do this, make sure you open that port in the VPS's firewall before you change it. I've seen others change it and lock themselves out by getting blocked by their own firewall. 2. Renaming the folder would work but could break Hestia if it expects the files to be there. If you're using Apache, another option is an .htaccess file to restrict the folder to certain IPs. 3. If it's possible to back it up while running, possibly, though there's data integrity issues that can result from this when you live capture things like in-use database files. If you need a full image taken while offline, no.
  13. We no longer have cPanel since our licenses were revoked. We're moving to Plesk instead, but there is no expected time when that will be available. Please see the news section for details. In the meantime, you can administer your site via SFTP. You can also download a backup of your account's contents via https://heliohost.org/backup/
  14. Krydos can fix it. Please post the donation’s transaction number and the username of the account it should be credited towards.
  15. You can do it in the php code or with htaccess. I can't post examples at the moment though since I'm on an iPhone. That said, considering there's no way to install ssl certificates here at the moment (except for having Krydos install them manually), most people using our hosting are doing the exact opposite right now and removing these redirects.
  16. That domain doesn't resolve due to having no name servers (was it cancelled?) and there is also no account in our system with that domain. Please note that due to the cpanel license issue, we are unable to add new domains at this time.
  17. Krydos can fix these. Please note that the third one is too old to be counted though. We are only counting donations made on or after July 14 2020.
  18. It's tx # is 5A494394NJ928001P. Looks like it doesn't qualify anyway due to age, but then...K also since said conflicting things regarding this recently in another topic (though I suspect he just typo'd the date): That date makes it two years, not one. Was it supposed to be 2020-07-14? Licenses died in 2021 😕
  19. Krydos said in another topic: K can confirm, but if their 2017 topic dates are anything to go by, those are going to be too old to be counted.
  20. The solution we've been recommending for this is to just upload phpmyadmin into your account via FTP then manage the databases using that. You won't be able to create new ones, but you can edit the content of existing ones.
  21. Renewed. http://capnjohn.heliohost.org/ Freenom did cancel your .gq domain though, which is a known issue with them. They do this so they can demand payment for your previously-free domain. You'll have to take that up with them.
  22. Krydos or Yash will need to reinstall the OS if you want to completely reset the VPS. You can't do that yourself. Moving to escalated support so one of them will see it.
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