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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. They will get banned when they get reported. Back when cPanel worked, phishing and malware was typically very easily spotted and banned within hours of being uploaded (we had developed custom anti-phishing software that caught the vast majority of these within hours) but that hasn't really been working since cPanel died, so for now we have to rely on abuse reports.
  2. I saw this last night as well on another subdomain, it's the parent domain heliohost.us that's being flagged by MBAM (flagging the parent also flags all of the subdomains, which makes sense because in most cases the content would all be controlled by one company/person, though it's not the case here...). It happens on occasion since users often host scams, phishing, malware, and related content here. All you need is some random user getting hacked and a phishing page going up...and all of a sudden our entire domain gets blocked. Easiest fix is to use your own domain with our service. Also, it's for similar reasons that people often have issues with the email on our shared hosting (when it worked...). Someone sends spam and the whole server gets blocked (though the fix for spam blocks is a dedicated IP instead of a different domain, since mail blacklists are IP based, not domain based).
  3. You literally just download it here, unpack it, and upload the files. https://www.phpmyadmin.net/downloads/ You may need to edit the configuration file (specifically the authentication options and the hostname, which should be localhost) as well.
  4. wolstech

    Johnny Move

    You can access your files via FTP right now if you wish, and if you need to edit databases you can upload Phpmyadmin and use that to administer them.
  5. It won't work on your computer. You have to upload it to your account (in a folder that's inside public html), then access it through your domain like any other script.
  6. There is no file you can download via FTP. If you need the database as a file, you can use PhpMyAdmin to export it, which will produce a .sql file that you download in your browser.
  7. The account igorkr does not exist.
  8. Email doesn't really work, and won't until the migration is done. You may want to use a different mail provider until then. You can retrieve mail in your mailbox by looking in your ~/mail folder. There should be folders for each mailbox, with your mail being in "cur" inside them. The files with the really long random filenames are the actual emails in raw form (text with headers, etc.) You can download those and give them a .eml extension and they'll open in mail clients like Outlook or similar as a normal (rendered) email. They may not be perfect because they aren't true .eml files though (to be exact, these files are in RFC5322 format, which is a superset of .eml).
  9. wolstech

    Johnny Move

    We haven't been able to create new accounts on any of our servers since July when our cPanel license was revoked. We're migrating to plesk, but until that's done, we cannot offer any new accounts. There is no ETA for when that will be finished at this time.
  10. @Jenova Last I heard we're not even on step 2. He did number 1 and "Does the transfer process work?" is "No" because the import script Plesk provided was woefully incomplete and from what I've read barely worked at all let alone completely or correctly. K was apparently working on rewriting much of it so it actually does what's advertised. Has this changed?
  11. @flazepe We can still unsuspend inactive accounts even though cPanel doesn't work anymore. As long as the account exists and is not archived it can be at least made to serve a working website. @ienergia Unsuspended. You'll need to use FTP to administer your site until the migration Flazepe mentioned is completed, and I would also recommend either providing us a new certificate or removing your SSL redirect since your certificate is expired.
  12. If they're expired, you can manually update them if you want. Generate a replacement cert with a service like zerossl, upload to your home folder via FTP (do not place in public_html), and create topic for a certificate install. Krydos can install it manually for you.
  13. Did you ask to have SSL removed or updated by chance? The sites on the broken Tommy never actually went down when CP broke, though many have since broken due to expired certs.
  14. Assuming you're referring to your Tommy account, yes you did use a certificate (SSL cannot function without one), and it is indeed expired: https://imgur.com/a/J35INMS
  15. If you used the force HTTPS option in cPanel to do it, I believe it adds it in the Apache config for your domain. Krydos would need to remove it manually... Escalating.
  16. There aren’t many of us that are still around. Me and Krydos have both been here 10+. We have a single normal user who has been here since 2007 (Lana), though she doesn’t really post on the forums.
  17. Every organization using Google Workspace will have include:_spf.google.com in their SPF. That's the standard SPF record recommended by Google for Google Workspace setup. GArena is a legitimate gaming platform. They own that domain, and they probably use Google Workspace internally. GArena doesn't offer public email service, so the odds they're actually sending these emails is low. What doesn't make sense is why the DKIM passed... One of the downsides to using Google (or any major cloud email provider) for email on your own domain is what you're seeing here. A spammer can use Google to send spam with a fake From header for any other domain using Google email, and the spam will pass an SPF check. SPF lost a lot of its effectiveness when massive cloud email services became common...it's more effective when domains have their own mail server.
  18. Unsuspended. With cPanel no longer functional though, you'll need to maintain your site using FTP until our migration to Plesk is complete. For more information, please see the News section.
  19. Email is not available during the migration. If you need access to past messages, they can be retrieved via FTP, they're found in your ~/mail folder. There should be folders in there for each mailbox, with the "cur" folder representing your inbox and "new" folder containing unread mail. The files with the really long random names are individual messages. Download them and rename so they have an .eml extension. They're not perfectly compliant .eml files, but a program like Outlook should open them properly as emails.
  20. That htaccess has nothing to do with ssl, that code sets the PHP version. There can be more than one .htaccess though, check the one in public html, whatever folder your domain points to, as well as in your home folder. If you generate new certificates with a free service like zerossl and upload them to your home folder (not public_html), Krydos can manually install them instead. I didn't mention this earlier because I didn't think K would want the extra hassle, but he ended up offering this himself for another user.
  21. @balloons We actually can still suspend/unsuspend an account. Unsuspended.
  22. It is indeed the date. The certificate is expired because autossl no longer works without cpanel. There is no way for a user to install a new cert at this time, so the best solution would be to remove any forced SSL redirect you may have and allow plain HTTP until plesk is up and running. If you have such a redirect in your .htaccess file, you can edit the file via SFTP to remove it.
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