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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Account abio has been deleted and an invite for a fresh account has been sent to you.
  2. Krydos has to do this for you.
  3. You have to sign up again first. We didn't automatically create a new account for you. Keep in mind that you will only be able to get an account on Johnny for the time since Tommy is full. Do you want me to send you an invite for a Johnny account?
  4. We don't allow SSH on shared hosting for security reasons. Also, we don't support RoR either at the moment (we did on cPanel but this support was not carried forward to Plesk, it might be added back in the future though). For now, you're going to need a VPS if you want to run that...
  5. Krydos will need to fix this for you, or possibly rebuild it. Keep in mind that if you decide to use Plesk on our VPS, it's not free and you'll need to buy a license.
  6. What domain is it? We have to add the domain to your account for you, then you need to edit your domain's DNS settings to point to Johnny (you can either do that by using NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or by using an A record pointed to
  7. Reason: High load and over quota by 800 MB anyways. Yeah, if you're slamming it with a lot of requests, you'll cause high load, and as you kind of expected you also ran out of disk space. I'll let Krydos handle this since he was the one who suspended you.
  8. Krydos has to create extensions for you.
  9. Deleted. I've also merged the forum accounts so you only have one of those too.
  10. Accoutnt celestatone on Johnny has been removed. You're welcome
  11. Marking solved because the user created a Tommy account himself by donating again...
  12. Yes. All of our servers support Python. Johnny is actually faster than Tommy at the moment too. Do you still want to move?
  13. We actually can't directly transfer accounts as it's not yet implemented for Plesk. Would you like me to delete your Johnny account and invite you to Tommy instead? Also, can you please provide the transaction ID of the donation?
  14. Krydos can rebuild this for you. I'm not sure how quickly this will get done because of the Easter holiday. Also, keep in mind that you only get one free rebuild per month. If you need additional ones in the same month, they're $1 each. As for needing a rebuild, what happened that resulted in the rebuild? We can fix a lot of common issues (like firewalling yourself out of SSH) without reinstalling the OS.
  15. An invite for a replacement account has been sent to you. Please keep in mind that for the time being your new account will be on Johnny because Tommy is full. At some point in the future, Tommy users who were given accounts on Johnny for capacity reasons will be given the option to move back to Tommy for free.
  16. Krydos was able to find your donation by name. Your space has been increased. Thank you for the donation
  17. Krydos can upgrade this for you.
  18. Krydos can do this for you.
  19. The donation gifts for the go fund me are manually processed. If you just donated today, it can take several days before the space is added. Also, if you donated using an email address thats not connected to your account, it's possible that it won't appear at all if we cannot link the donation to an account. What email address did you donate with, and what account is the space supposed to be added to?
  20. You can technically move to Tommy, but it currently requires a donation. There are no free sign ups for Tommy at the moment due to overcrowding on that server, and as said above in that post bailey linked, Johnny is actually a faster and less crowded server right now anyway.
  21. You're suspended for having more than one account (luismmv8278 and luismmv9411). You're only allowed one account. Which one do you want to keep?
  22. Gmail almost always marks email from our IP addresses as spam. Even our service-related emails like invites and inactivity notices often go to spam. If you hit "not spam", future ones will usually stop going to spam for you.
  23. Linux servers actually do not let you turn this off. The reason its possible is because someone made a module for apache that lets Apache locate files without respect to case. The case-sensitivity comes from the fact that the file systems used by linux/unix are inherently case sensitive. As a result, URLs of stuff served by a web server running on such a system is also case sensitive. Windows servers are not case sensitive because Windows file systems (NTFS and FAT) are not case sensitive. The typical way to handle this is to just design your site to use all lower case filenames, or if you insist on caps to use a specific pattern of capitalization like editDataFile.php and move on.
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