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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The servers still aren't ready. We don't have any idea when anything will happen for free users because the plesk migration simply has not gone to plan. None of us really know about Plesk (been in the cP camp forever), so we're learning as we go, and the migration scripts they gave us were unfit for purpose so a solution for that had to be custom developed. It also doesn't help that Krydos is doing most everything himself, including VPS support. Like us he's a volunteer, so there's a real life he has to tend to and only so much time in his life to do this. Since none of us really know much about Linux (I'm a Windows guy, so I'm not much help...), there isn't much for me or the other admins to do except tend to the forums and Discord. We do plan to continue offering the free/donation plans you know from the cP days with the same space/resource limits/etc. as before Only our newer Morty offering with more resources will be marketed as a paid product. HH operates at a loss currently, which is not sustainable long term...we got to keep the lights on somehow.
  2. Escalating to Krydos since the account in question doesn't exist according to the database. It also doesn't exist on any server that I can find. My guess is it was archived or suspended when the licenses were revoked...we deleted all of those from the database (I really wish we hadn't done this, it would make researching things much easier...). Suspended ones can be restored assuming they're eligible to be unsuspended, not sure how archived ones are handled though since they don't actually exist as an account. @Krydos: Would it be possible to update the ETA tool to understand archived/suspended accounts? As it stands the ETA tool doesn't even seem to understand the concept of a nonexistent account let alone a suspended/archived one. If not, can we at least make a list of these accounts visible to admins somewhere?
  3. wolstech

    Plesk ETA

    There is no such account according to the database. Krydos might be able to find it, but I can't escalate the news post. Please make a new topic for this issue.
  4. It's also worth noting that at this point, we also have no idea when Plesk will actually be available. I personally had expected it to take no more than 2-3 months at the outset, but it's been 6 with no end in sight. Krydos is trying to get it working, but apparently the conversion tools Plesk provided for importing the cPanel accounts were severely inadequate and had to be basically rewritten. In the meantime, you can use SFTP to administer your site, or download a backup https://heliohost.org/backup/
  5. You can view existing mail by downloading the mail files from SFTP (they're kept in the mail folder in your home folder). There are folders inside for each domain and mailbox. The files with the really long random looking names are the actual emails. They are RFC 2822 compliant text files, and if you download and rename them to have a .eml extension, apps like Outlook and thunderbird can open them for viewing, sometimes with minor errors (.eml is a subset of RFC2822, the files you download meet 2822 but not necessarily the .eml substandard). As for accessing new mail, the mail server stopped working entirely when the licenses got revoked, so the mailbox shouldn't have any new mail. It's been bouncing since July.
  6. $1 minimum. Anything less and it all ends up going to Paypal as fees. We don't give credit for donations to Paypal's bottom line
  7. Krydos can assign this to your account (the email address on Paypal is different from your hosting account). $15 on October 14, 2020 for the first one, this should count. Second one is either a GoFundMe donation, an invalid transaction ID, or old enough to have fallen out of Paypal (which would mean it's also old enough to be disqualified due to age...Paypal keeps 3 years of records, but we're only counting donations on or after July 14, 2020).
  8. You can donate now and it will count. If your donation comes from an email other than what's on your hosting account though, make sure to let us know. The system goes by email, so Krydos will need to manually assign it to your account if your PayPal email doesn't match your hosting account.
  9. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/50619-krydos-suspended-abhii100/
  10. That account was suspended so long ago (June 7 2021 based on the file date of the suspension redirect) that it's no longer even in our system, so I can't say why it's suspended, nor can I unsuspend it since I don't know the original reason for suspension. This account should have been long deleted by now, but is still returning that page because deletions stopped working properly when the licenses were revoked. Krydos might be able to find the reason for this.
  11. Our system is expecting a credit card on file because the subscriptions are usually a recurring payment (which I think Paypal itself requires a credit card for). I'll send this to Krydos to see if he can manually accept a single payment outside the normal system (the usual advice is to subscribe for a month and immediately cancel so you only pay once, but in this case that won't work since you can't pay at all due to the CC requirement).
  12. That donation is from 2019 and is too old to be counted for this program. We're only counting donations made after July 14, 2020.
  13. Krydos has to install this for you
  14. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/48025-solved-hestia-update-failed/ It was likely just in the middle of updating.
  15. I'm not sure anyone here is going to know how to fix this since Hestia is not our area of expertise. I'd imagine there has to be more detailed logs available though, and those would probably explain the issue if we can find them. Lets see if Krydos can take a look at this for you.
  16. We could. It was left without a message originally for pretty much exactly what you said. There was either an escalation action used on it (or it was being used on something already escalated that me/Byron couldn't fix). Now the large majority of what we get goes directly to you because it's mostly donation issues or expired SSL certificates...
  17. You have to use FTP to access your account: https://wiki.helionet.org/management/uploading-files
  18. Correct. Running database servers don't like file-level backups. If you do this, it's basically luck as to whether the backup of the database server would work when restored (on a good day, it'll work, on a bad one, it'll either refuse to start at all, or it will start with missing data or databases that are marked as crashed). When backing up a running database server, you have to back it up using software that understands it's a database server. Software designed for this will be able to tell the server it's being backed up, so the server can do things like unload a database's files and flush them to disk, or produce a dedicated copy of the database that can be backed up safely. If you don't use such software, your choices for safe backups are generally to either dump the databases (e.g. mysqldump) and back up the .sql file, or stop the database server and make normal backups of the server's files.
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